Me: Yeah…kind of a long story that’s probably better to tell you in person. Are you in Chicago?”

Easton: We’re on our way back. M and I went on a hunting trip to Michigan.

I know hunting trip means they tracked or followed demons up there.

Me: Can you meet for lunch tomorrow?

Easton: Sure. Tell me a time and place.

Me: I’ll find a place where I can make a reservation and will text you info. Also, do you guys want to come here for Thanksgiving dinner?

Easton starts typing and stops three times. It’s weird, I know, given our past history, but we’ve come a long way since then. And he came to my wedding, for goodness sake. Thanksgiving dinner isn’t any weirder than that.

Easton: Yeah, Melinda would like that. Thanks.

I smile. Sure, Melinda will like it, but I know he would too.

Me: Great. I’ll give you details tomorrow. Thanks, Easton.

He responds with that stupid thumbs-up. I set the phone down and put a handful of chips on the table, trying to limit myself because I know I could easily sit here and eat half this bag. Needing to keep busy, I go into the basement after I’m done eating and am able to put together two full bags of stuff to donate. I’m not a pack rat by any means, but I hold sentimental value to a surprising amount of stuff down here, as well as suffer from the “what if I get rid of it and then need it” mentally that Lucas doesn’t understand at all, which probably comes from his ability to just go out and buy something brand-new. I got by just fine before but obviously didn’t have money to burn the way Lucas does.

I spend another hour going through boxes and bins, and then go back upstairs to take down the minimal Halloween decor I put up before we left for Florida. Lucas helps me put everything away, and we get the bins of holiday decor all neatly organized for easy moving.

“Are you hungry?” I ask Lucas once we’re back in the kitchen. I fill a pot with water, put it on the stove, and turn on the burner. I wait a minute for the pot to heat up and then hold my hands over it, magically bringing it to a boil. I dump in a box of noodles to make mac and cheese.

“I ate last night,” he reminds me. “I’m fine.”

I nod and get the butter and milk out of the fridge. My phone rings, and I know by my ringtone it’s Evander.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Hey, sis. Your text seemed urgent. Is everything all right?”

Things are so far from it, and I have to go over a mental checklist of the things I haven’t told Evander yet. Fuck, I hate this.

“Not for the woman who had her heart ripped out.”

“Ah, you found out about that already.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You were on vacation, Callie,” he says slowly. “We both know that would have ruined your trip.”

“Well, yeah!”

“And then what?” Evander goes on. “You’d rush back?”

“I don’t know.” I let out a sigh and lean against the counter. “Other than that, how have things been here?”

“Quite good. Mother spoke to the Newport packmaster and it seems things have been smoothed over with the wolves…for now.”

“That’s a relief.” I rub my forehead, remembering how angry I felt that night the wolf walked through our yard.

“Yes,” Evander agrees. “Things are good, Callie. Don’t go looking for trouble.”

I can feel Lucas’s eyes on me, silently telling me the same exact thing. As far as my friends are concerned, everything is peachy.

But they don’t know Lucifer is here on earth, and every day I get closer and closer to being discovered by the rest of my family.

“You know me.”

“Hah, that I do. Enjoy the time off while you can. You’ll be wishing for quiet days once that baby is born, you know.”

“Oh, for sure. Is anyone looking into the demon, though?” I ask, watching the water boil. “Three deer were found dead without hearts too.”

“Ruby’s on it. I believe she’s already narrowed down the type of demon who may be behind it.”

“Great, I’ll get the info from her. I, uh, asked Easton to help me handle it.”

Evander pauses for a second. “That’s a good idea, actually. Might as well use the brute for the only thing he’s good for.”

“Be nice,” I warn.

“I don’t like him,” Evander reminds me.

“Neither do I,” Lucas grumbles, though he knows how much Easton helped me after Abby was shot. I say my goodbyes to Evander and then finish making my food. The sun has set by the time I’m done eating, and Lucas and I go out to see the house.

“We can walk,” I tell him. “Scarlet needs some exercise.” I put on my winter coat and gloves and call for Scarlet to come to the front door. The human crew might still be wrapping up at the house, so I grab her leash to clip onto her collar once we get on property. “And I could too. I’ve been really slacking with working out and now is not the time to let myself go.”