“This is another thing I’d love to ask you,” I say through gritted teeth as I move into downward dog position. I slowly blow out my breath and hold the stretch, inhaling deeply and letting my breath out again as I move into a different pose.

I feel good when I’m done, and Lucas calls right as I’m going upstairs to shower.

“Hello, my love. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“I wouldn’t have answered if I was asleep,” I laugh. “Okay, I would have. And no, you didn’t. I couldn’t sleep after you left, so I got up and went for a run.”

After going a tad crazy trying to figure out how to summon an angel, that is.

“Are you back in the house now?”

“I am. How are things in Chicago?”

“They’re being handled,” he says, leading me to believe the situation is a hot fucking mess. “The Vampire Council is aware of the situation and has taken over. They take threats to assimilation seriously.”

“So you’ll have to stay in Chicago overnight?”

“No. I’m coming home to you.”

I smile. “I missed you the moment you left our bed, but you do know I’m okay here on my own. If you have to stay and follow the laws to keep a low profile, you can. I’ll line my windows and doors with salt and will keep the sage burning all day and night.”

“Fuck the VC. You are more important to me, Callie. And you know I’ve never been a proponent of rules.”

“True. Where are you now?”

“At the bar. We need to sort out this mess if we want to open tonight. I’ll leave as soon as the sun sets.”

“I’ll miss you until then. Abby, Phil, and Penny will be here for dinner,” I remind him. “They’re getting here around five.”

“I’ll get a driver and will be home sooner, then.”

“Do what you have to do,” I press, knowing he’s tempted to rush home right now. “I’d rather you take care of everything now and not have to go back later this week. Call me selfish, but I want you to myself.”

“I will be back to you as soon as I can be.”

“I love you.”

“And I love you. Be careful, Callie.”

“I’m always careful,” I spit back with a smile before ending the call. I forgot to charge my phone last night, and listening to music while I ran zapped up most of my battery. I plug it into the charger and get in the shower, wistfully thinking about the new house and having a brand-new hot water tank that not only will warm up faster but will enable me to take longer hot showers.

The sun is warm and bright today, and it’s supposed to be a perfect seventy-six degrees this afternoon. Second summer might be right around the corner after all.

I open all the windows in the house and really do light a sage smudge stick, more for the smell than to rid the house of negative energy. Sage isn’t the most pleasant smell, but it reminds me of my childhood—the good one, not the shitty one where my so-called father sold me off to the highest bidder.

Then I spend the next two hours cleaning the house, getting it ready for my sister to come over tonight. I don’t have any toys, but I do my best baby-proofing the living room. It’s already puppy-proof, and I think Scarlet is far more destructive than any one-year-old.

I’m not tired but want to nap, so I choke down chamomile and valerian root tea and strip down to my bra and panties and climb into bed. A soft breeze blows through the open window, and the pillows smell like Lucas. I hug one against my body, close my eyes, and fall asleep.

I wake up an hour later not knowing what day it is or where I am. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up and curse myself for taking a nap. Then I check the time—it’s only one thirty—and flop back down, ready to fall back to sleep only to have my eyes fly open. I should be up by four, and I highly doubt I’m going to sleep for that long. Nevertheless, I set an alarm for three thirty and fall back asleep, waking again half an hour later.

I have a few missed texts from Kristy, and I instantly feel bad for not texting her last night.

Kristy: Everything okay? I didn’t hear from you at all last night.

Me: For the most part. And sorry. I was a little overwhelmed last night.

Kristy: I bet. Are you doing okay though? For real?

Me: I’m sad I can’t go back to the Covenstead. No point in denying it. But…I’ll be fine.

Kristy: You will be. And you will have me. I’m rather hard to get rid of ;-)

Me: I prefer you that way. Are you busy tonight? Abby is coming over for a belated bday dinner. You should come!