“Ugh,” I say and take the glass of wine from her. “And we still don’t know what Dina wanted to use me for.”

Kristy holds up her glass. “One problem at a time. And tonight, we’re celebrating you turning another year older.”

“Right.” We gently clink our glasses together. “Do you want to go to Disneyland with me?”

“Yeah, I’d love to go someday.”

“Someday soon?”

Kristy slowly takes another drink. “How soon?”

“If all goes well, maybe in a few days? Lucas is buying property in Anaheim and suggested going to Disneyland.”

“Aren’t you going to Disney World in a few weeks?”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “But…let’s be honest here. Who knows what will happen in a few weeks? Hell, I don’t know what’s going to happen in a few hours.”

“That is true, even for people who don’t deal with the shit we do on a regular basis. Oh, and speaking of that shit we deal with, Evander wanted me to tell you Felix is going back to Salem tomorrow. He has a class to teach and can’t be away for a long time but might come back over the weekend.”

“That buys me a little more time. Did he say anything else?”

Kristy makes a face. “He didn’t accuse you of Satanism, so there’s that.” She takes a big drink of wine and looks out the window over the kitchen sink.

“Out with it.”

“He knows something else went on, and whatever you did goes beyond the realm of regular witchcraft. He thinks you were channeling something elemental.”

“I can live with that. Do you think he’s going to rat me out?”

“You mean go to the Grand Coven and say he saw you do something weird while you all were preforming an illegal ritual in order to save a vampire’s afterlife?” Her lips curve into a half-smile. “No. He’s not going to say anything to the Grand Coven or even our High Priestess. Evander said he was mostly excited that his years of work and research paid off.”

“I guess turning me in would turn him in as well. And Evander. And Naomi and Nicole.”

“Out of all your ex-boyfriends, he’s my favorite,” she teases.

“He never tried to kill me, at least.” I let out a sigh and set my wine on the counter. My head is already spinning. I’m going to lose track of all these lies and forget who knows what. I need to write them all down. And make a flow chart or two so I can keep everything straight. “Speaking of ex-boyfriends,” I start.

Kristy shakes her head. “I’m not getting back together with Daniel.”

“Didn’t you say that the last time you broke up?”

“Yes, but I mean it this time.”

“I remember you saying that last time, too.”

“For real,” she laughs. “He’s a good guy, just not the one for me.” She wrinkles her nose. “I wish he was. He’s kind and caring and sort of smothering, but not in a good way like Lucas is to you.”

“You think Lucas is smothering?” I try to sound offended but end up laughing.

“Almost. He’s very protective of you,” she starts. “But he doesn’t get in your way or stop you from doing your own thing. You guys have a good relationship. It’s goals for me, for sure, just with a warlock, not a vampire.”

“You know who is protective but not overbearing—and just happens to be single?”

“If you say Easton, I swear to the goddess I’ll curse you myself.”

“No way!” I laugh and playfully swat Kristy’s arm. “I’m not setting you up with a hunter. The guy I have in mind is a warlock. A highly esteemed warlock and someone I consider family.”

Kristy narrows her eyes. “Evander?”

“Yes! It would be so perfect, actually. You’re already like my sister, and he’s like my brother. And he’s very easy on the eyes, if I do say so myself. Plus, I know you two have been spending a lot of time together.”

“Not any more than usual,” she counters.

“Didn’t you talk this morning?”

“Yes,” she says, pursing her lips. “But he called me. On the phone.”

“He didn’t call me.” I shrug. “I’m just saying…you have my blessing.”

“Oh, then by all means, start planning the wedding,” she jokes. We talk and laugh as we set the dining room table, and Abby arrives just a few minutes after five.

“Sorry we’re late,” my sister says, pulling me in for a hug. “Penny had a bit of a meltdown on the way out the door, and then we realized we left the diaper bag in the foyer and had to turn around and get it.”

“It’s quarter after five. That’s not late in my book.” I hug my sister back and step aside, letting her into the house. Phil is right behind her, holding Penny, who’s still fast asleep.

Abby takes her purse from her shoulder and sets it on the chair in my small entryway. “I’ll go grab the food. I need to reheat a few things.”