I wait several minutes before retreating back to the truck. My stomach hurts, and that sick feeling is back. Where else would Rory go? I have no fucking idea, but I’ll wait here until she gets back.

Then I can tell her I love her and she’s the only one for me. I do want a relationship with her. When I think of my future, she’s in it.

My phone rings, and I scramble to answer it. But it’s Weston and not Rory.

“Hello?” I say, blowing out a slow breath.

“Hey. You’ll never guess who I pulled over.”


“Yeah,” Weston says. “So I take it you’ve seen her?”

“Yep. She showed up at my house early this morning. And was still there when Rory came over after work.”


“Yeah.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “And now Rory left, and I have no idea where she is.”

“Whoa, what?”

Squeezing my eyes closed, I tell Weston what happened. “Rory will come home eventually. I’ll stay here until she does.”

“Don’t sit outside the apartments like a creep,” Weston says. “Go home.”

“I have to talk to her.”

“She’ll talk to you when she’s ready. Getting the cops called on you for looking like a stalker isn’t going to help your case. Go home and call her again in a few hours.”

He’s right, but it’s still hard to pull out of the parking lot, and even harder to go home and do nothing.

Rory is everything. The one person in this big fucking world I don’t want to live without. I’ll do anything to prove it to her…if only she’ll give me the chance.“Hey, Rory, I’m getting worried. Just let me know you’re all right please. We can talk whenever you’re ready, but let me know you’re safe.”

I end the message and put my phone down, head in my hands. I’m back home and have been sitting at the kitchen island for over two hours now, just waiting.

Time is crawling, but every passing minute makes me feel like Rory is slipping farther away. I want her back in my arms. I want to kiss her and hold her and tell her I love her.

After I apologize for being an idiot, of course.

Another twenty minutes go by, and finally, she sends me a text.

Rory: I’m okay.

Me: Can we talk? Please?

Rory: Later. My old boss called and offered me a job as the manager of my old unit. I’m on my way there for an interview.

I blink, glad I’m sitting down or else I’d fall over from the sense of dizziness. She’s leaving Eastwood? Taking a job back in Silver Ridge? No. She was so happy to get out of the town that harbored memories of her being teased and bullied.

Eastwood is her home now.

Me: Rory, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.

I stare at the screen, waiting for her to text me back. She doesn’t. I put my head in my hands again, chest tightening. My phone rings and I jerk up, thinking it’s Rory.

It’s Quinn, FaceTiming me. I answer the call and see the top of Emma’s head.

“Hey, Emma.”

“Uncle Dean!” she exclaims and brings the phone right under her nose. “What you doing?”

“Just hanging out,” I tell her. “Does your mom know you have her phone?”

“I dunno.”

“You should probably go find her and give the phone back.”

“Okay.” Emma walks through the house, telling me about some Barbie TV show she was watching. “Mommy, I found your phone.”

“Found it?” Quinn grumbles. “You took it. Emma! You called someone?”

“It’s just me,” I say, and Quinn takes the phone from Emma. “You don’t look too good, sis.”

“Right back at ya, but at least I have an excuse. What’s yours?”

“I think I broke up with Rory.”

“What?” Quinn sits up. “Why the hell would you do that?”

“Kara showed up.”

“Oh, hell no. I might have spent the day puking, but I will come over and cut a bitch.”

“Aren’t your children around you and within earshot?”

Quinn purses her lips. “They’ll learn from a young age that you always have your family’s back.”

I half-smile. “Thanks. And she’s gone.”

“So Kara showed up and you broke up with Rory? What is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know.” I close my eyes, chest hurting again. “She wants more, and I’m scared I can’t give that to her,” I admit. “What if things go to shit again?”

“What if they don’t?” Quinn’s expression softens. “You like her, don’t you?”

“I do. A lot…I think I’m in love with her.”

“Then go make things right, you idiot!” Quinn orders, narrowing her eyes again.

“She got offered her old job in Silver Ridge back along with a promotion. She’s on her way there. She wants to leave Eastwood.” The words hurt, making me feel sick at the same time.

“Then go! Stop her. Tell her you’re a dumbass and want her back.”

“I don’t know where she’ll be.”

“I’m assuming the interview isn’t until tomorrow since it’ll be late by the time she gets to Silver Ridge. So she’ll stay with either her one brother that lives there or more likely, her parents.”