Dean tighten’s his hold on my hand and we cross the street, falling in step with another large group.

“Do you need to get anything from your room?” Dean asks when we get back to the hotel lobby.

“I already grabbed what I need.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Really?”

“I like to be prepared.”

He just pulls me close, fingers dancing along the curve of my hip. There’s no way I’m going to resist him tonight. I don’t want to, and caving into my physical desires sounds so fucking good.

“It’s late. You should get to bed. You got up at what, seven yesterday?”

“Yeah, and I barely made it down for breakfast. Whoever thought starting at eight was a good idea must love cruel and unusual punishment.”

Dean laughs and pushes the button to the elevator. It’s late, and there aren’t too many people in the lobby at this hour. We’re the only ones in the elevator, and I’m all too aware of, well, everything about Dean right now.

He smells good and already has a light tan from just one day out in the sun, which is totally unfair but looks good on him. He makes me laugh. I can carry on a deep conversation with him. He’s close with his siblings and seems to really value family. And I can see myself becoming good friends with his sister.

If only he wanted something more serious, I’d be at risk for falling. Though who am I kidding? I’m already walking a dangerous path.

I drop my purse and take off my shoes as soon as we’re in the room, and turn toward Dean.

“Want to look out at the ocean with me?” I ask. “It looks even bigger at night, which sounds silly, I know.”

“I know what you mean. It does.” Dean takes my hand again and we walk to the balcony. “Like it’s holding back secrets.”

I rest my hands on the balcony railing and Dean steps up behind me, hand landing on my waist. A breeze comes in from over the water, blowing my hair back. Inhaling, I turn, coming face to face with Dean. Our eyes lock and my heart is about ready to jump out of my chest.

Everything in me wants him, and this time, I don’t hesitate. I stand on my toes and kiss him. Dean wraps his arms around me, crushing me to his chest, and kisses me back with fervor. His tongue pushes into my mouth and we stumble back into the hotel room, clumsily moving to the bedroom.

As soon as we get to the threshold, Dean breaks away. His eyes are wide, and I can tell it’s taking everything he has to stop kissing me.

“What are you doing?” I pant.

“I said I wanted a chance to prove you’re more than just a hookup.” He grabs the door and starts to close it. “Good night, Rory.”Chapter 27RoryMom: I haven’t heard from you in over a day. Did you get kidnapped? I saw on Dateline human trafficking is bad in Miami.

Mason: Leave the crime stats to me. (But it is bad.)

Jacob: Rory can take care of herself. Calm down.

Sam: I knew I should have gone to that convention. It’s cold as tits up here.

Mason: What kind of cold tits have you been feeling?

Mom: UGH. But Rory, please let us know you’re okay.

I laugh, reading through the conversation I missed while sitting through the last panel. Dean is waiting for me in the hotel lobby, and we’re going to dinner again tonight.

We spent yesterday evening at the zoo and Dean cut me off mid makeout session again. I slept alone on that kingsized bed, and this morning I brought my suitcase into his room. JoAnn teased me the whole time, laughing hysterically at me still insisting Dean was a friend.

I’m starting to trust his intentions more and more, but I still need to be careful. Because I’m fairly certain I’m starting to fall for him

“Can you pick me up and act like you’re kidnapping me?” I ask Dean. We’re walking along a wooden path in the sand. “And I’ll find someone to take our picture.”

He raises an eyebrow. “What are you planning on doing with that picture?”

“Send it to my mom because she’s been convinced I’m going to get sold into human trafficking.”

Dean’s blank stare makes me laugh.

“As a joke, of course.”

Dean shrugs. “Sure.” He dives forward and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder with ease. I laugh and push my hair out of my face.

“I didn’t find anyone to take my picture yet.”

He turns fast, spinning me around. “Excuse me sir,” he calls, going up to an older man. “Could you take our photo?” He turns around so I’m facing the old man.

I’m laughing to hard I can hardly get the words out. But the guy takes the phone, giving us a weird look as he snaps photos. I really ham it up, reaching and doing my best to look terrified.