“You want to change a diaper?” Archer asks. “It’s been a while.”

“And I intend to keep it that way.” I look down at my watch. “I need to get going. I have a client meeting.”

“I’m glad we ran into you,” Quinn says, standing and giving me a hug. “See you Sunday?”

“Yeah. I’ll be at Mom and Dad’s.”

“Great. See ya then.”

I say bye to my nieces and nephew, leave money to cover my food at the table, and hurry out the door. I have a few hours before the client meeting, and if Quinn and Archer hadn’t busted Rory’s cover, I wonder what we’d be doing right now.

Fucking back at her place? Maybe she’d make us lunch and we’d sit on the couch together, watching TV and talking about random things again. Whatever it would have been, it doesn’t matter. Because it’s not going to happen.

Even though I know I want it to.Chapter 16Rory“You didn’t answer.” Mason’s voice comes through the speaker of my Jeep. I just left the bar and should have let the engine heat up longer before taking off. I’m shivering, gripping my heated steering wheel tight to warm up my frozen hands.

“Arrest me.”

“I could arrange that, you know.”

“I do,” I sigh. “And sorry if I made you worry. I’m heading home now and am fine.”

“Good. Everything work out?” he asks.

“Well, not exactly.” I slow to a stop at a red light and let my head flop back against the headrest. “I’m never lying about who I am ever again, though. Rest assured.”

“I don’t know if asking for details is a good idea, but I’m too damn curious.”

“Let me start from the beginning,” I grumble. “Hilary, a nurse I work with, was set up on a blind date by our boss, Dr. Jones. The guy was Dr. Jones’s friend. Long story short, Hilary got back together with her ex and convinced me to go out on said date instead. She made the guy sound like a total loser, so I canceled at the last minute and then went out.”

“That’s going to be relevant later, isn’t it?”

“Unfortunately.” I feel the heat of my embarrassment burn on my cheeks all over again. “Well, the guy I went home with last night was the guy I was supposed to go on a date with.”

“No fucking way,” Mason laughs, and I can imagine the smug smile on his face.

“Way,” I say through gritted teeth. “And I found that out when Dr. Jones and his wife ran into us at breakfast. Like I said, I’m never pretending to be someone else again unless I’m on vacation, far, far away.”

“Sorry, sis, but that’s fucking hilarious.”

“To you. It’s not to me.”

Though, if it were anyone else, I’d be laughing too. It’s not funny because of the regret I’m feeling for fucking this up.

Because I really liked Dean.

“Give it time and you’ll be laughing.”

“Yeah,” I agree, though I don’t believe it. “I’m sure I will. Thanks for checking on me.”

“Take care.”

“I always do. Love you, Mason!”

“You too.”

I end the call and turn on my music, singing along to the Frozen 2 soundtrack until I get to my apartment. Figaro is sitting in the small entryway, swishing his tail back and forth.

“We’ve talked about this,” I say, leaning against the door as I take my shoes off. “No judging.” Leaving my heels in the middle of the floor, I cross through the little living room into the kitchen, getting out a can of food for Figaro. “You didn’t even touch your kibble.” I motion to the full bowl. “So don’t act like you’re starving. We both know you’d eat that if you were hungry enough.”

I give him his food and then go to shower. I turn on the water and pull Dean’s sweatshirt over my head, trying to push the sour feeling in the bottom of my stomach away.

Did I ruin things forever with Dean? Does it even matter if I did? I’m fairly certain I need to take Mason’s advice for once and let this one go. Last night was a hookup, and someone with an out with the old and in with the new mentality about love isn’t someone I want to get involved with.

“And this is why I don’t do one-night stands,” I tell my reflection, raking my hair through my messy curls. I roll my eyes at myself and then finish undressing, getting annoyed that I’m one of those girls who can’t separate emotion from sex.

Unless I’m right.

Maybe Dean felt it too.

“Get over yourself, Rory,” I huff and get into the shower. Things are going to be awkward at work, but it’ll fade fast. I wanted a fresh start in a new town, and that’s exactly what I got. I’m not against dating, but I’m not going to fawn over the first guy in Eastwood who made me feel pretty.