Without thinking, I roll over, gently pulling the covers from Blaire, and wrap my arm around her. I don’t know what time it is, but my alarm is set to go off at eight this morning and it hasn’t gone off yet.

My phone could very well be dead, but right now, I don’t fucking care. Blaire lets out a sigh in her sleep and pulls the blankets again. Smiling, I move closer to her, pulling the blue fleece blanket up and covering my shoulders. She’s on her side, body slightly bent so her supple ass is pressing against me.

We’re both naked, and my bed has never felt more comfortable. I should be thinking of ways to get her out of here, but instead, I’m lying here calculating how much longer we can stay in bed together before I have to get up for the client meeting. There are a few dishes I need to stick in the dishwasher, and other than gathering the clothes we stripped off each other, the house is clean.

It’ll take me five minutes to get things straightened up, and about fifteen to get to Getaway if I speed. That’s thirty-five minutes I need before my clients arrive, and that’s assuming they’re not early.

Blaire moves in her sleep, turning toward me, and brings the covers up around her shoulders. Worried she’s cold, I carefully adjust the blankets, keeping the soft blanket against her skin, and then cover her with the sheet and then the comforter. I take her in my arms and close my eyes.

I’m asleep in minutes.“Morning.” I look away from my phone and smile at Blaire, who’s finally waking up. She stretches her arms out and smiles.


“You don’t have to work, do you?” I ask, realizing that I never asked her that last night.

“Not today.” She lazily sits up, holding the fleece blanket over her breasts. “Is that your subtle way of telling me to leave?” She hikes up an eyebrow, looking so ridiculously cute. “You can just say it.”

“No,” I laugh. “My client meeting at ten got pushed to noon and I wanted to see if you’d like to go out for breakfast.”

“Oh. Well, yes. I would like that. But I probably look like hell.”

“You look like I fucked you good and proper last night.” I drop the phone to the bed and move to her, pinning her down on the mattress.

“No,” she laughs when I try to kiss her. “I know my breath stinks!”

I go in for another kiss, making her push me away, laughing.

“Seriously! I fell asleep before I could even think about brushing my teeth.”

“I have an extra toothbrush if you want to brush your teeth,” I say without thinking. Then it’s like my words hit us both at the same time. I don’t offer my one-night conquests toothbrushes. I don’t invite them to breakfast. And I don’t kiss them like this in the morning.

I roll off of her and look out the window, trying to act interested in the light flurries that are floating down to the frozen ground.

“I’d very much like that.”

“It’s in the top drawer on the right,” I start and motion to the bathroom, remembering that there are two separate sinks. “On the vanity next to the shower.”

“Thank you.”

She wraps the blue blanket around herself and gets up to use the bathroom. I shake my head, trying to rid the thoughts and feelings about that woman.

She was fun. A lot of fun. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Getting up, I grab boxers and a pair of athletic pants from my dresser. I need to get into the closet to finish getting dressed, and you access the closet through the bathroom. I sit on the bed and answer another email inquiring about meeting to discuss building a house in the near future, trying to be productive and keep Blaire off my mind.

She comes out a few minutes later, still wrapped in the blanket. “I’ll, uh, go find my clothes,” she says, offering a tight smile. It’s the first time since I uttered a word to her that things are a little awkward.

After brushing my teeth and getting a long-sleeved shirt from my closet, I go downstairs and find Blaire sitting on the couch. She’s wearing her dress again, but has her bra draped over her arm.

“It’s really uncomfortable,” she admits when she sees my looking. “It makes my boobs look nice, I know, but you’ve already seen them in their natural glory.”

Her blunt honesty is refreshing, and a smile pulls up my lips. “I thought they were pretty fucking nice in their natural glory.” I tip my head, staring at her breasts. “And they still look good in that dress.”

“Well, thank you, sir.” She looks down and her cheeks redden a bit. “It’s cold out there.”

“Even better.” My mind goes to pert nipples and being able to see the outline through her dress, and then I remember it is actually fucking freezing and she’s wearing a short dress and didn’t bring her coat. “You’re going to freeze in that. Hang on.” I jog back upstairs and find a pair of black sweatpants Grandma got me for Christmas that were a size too small. I set them aside and have been meaning to go through the rest of my closet for items of clothing to donate but haven’t gotten to it yet.