“Everyone is going crazy not knowing.” I move to the bottom of the slide to catch Emma when she comes down. We hang outside with the kids for a little while longer and then Mom calls us in for dinner.

Wes and Scarlet just arrived, with their kids Jackson and Violet. Logan and Danielle come in right after them, and Logan is holding their six-month-old, who somehow managed to stay asleep through all the chaos of kids talking and dogs barking.

“Can we start eating?” Quinn asks, sitting on a barstool at the large island counter. “I’m starving.”

“Owen and Charlie aren’t here yet,” Dad says. “Not that we’re surprised.”

Mom gives Dad a pointed look. “They’ll be here. Charlie won’t let Owen be too late.”

“They’re a mile away,” Logan tells us, sitting next to Quinn.

“Can you sense it?” Quinn asks. “Like a twin thing?”

“No,” Logan says and cocks an eyebrow. “I never took the tracking app off Owen’s phone.” He shrugs. “Never know where he’ll end up.”

“Logan,” Mom scolds but we all laugh.

“Why don’t you get your plate started?” Mom hands Quinn a plate and Quinn turns, holding the plate out to Archer. He takes it with a smile and gives her a kiss before going around to the stove, getting her plate ready for her.

“How’s the progress on the Robocop?” Wes asks Quinn, straight-faced.

“We’re still working out a few flaws and trying to find material strong enough to protect the hard drive from fire.”

“Ha-ha,” I say dryly. “I’m not falling for it this time.”

“It’s real,” Quinn presses.

“Just like the Batmobile,” I scoff.

“I’ve seen the prototype,” Wes goes on. “It is real. I’ll admit the Batmobile wasn’t, though even Jackson knew we were making it up.”

I finish my beer and just shake my head. A few months ago, Quinn told us she was working on inventing some sort of robot that will help put out fires, going into places too dangerous for firefighters.

I didn’t buy it then, and I’m not buying it now.

Though, it is a cool concept.

Quinn goes on and on about it, getting way too excited about the details of how she’s coding the software—details that are lost on all of us—until Owen and Charlie show up.

Then it’s pure chaos again as everyone gets their plates and crams around the dining room table. I look around, feeling a tug on my heart that I’ve been ignoring for years.

Paige wakes up and starts to fuss. “I’ll get her bottle,” Logan says and stands. He gives the baby to our mother instead of Danielle and slowly walks into the kitchen.

Mom immediately starts baby-talking to her, and Dad leans over, holding out his hand for Paige to grab.

“Sister?” Dad mumbles, brows furrowing. Logan comes back into the dining room, standing behind Danielle’s chair. “What does her shirt say?”

Mom holds the baby out, with her back to the rest of us. “Big sis—oh my gosh! You’re pregnant!”

Danielle beams, reaching up to take Logan’s hand. “I am!”

The entire table breaks out in happy cheers, and I congratulate them with a smile on my face. My first thought is to call Kara and tell her, and then I get irritated all over again that she refused to come to dinner with me tonight.

“Finally,” Charlie laughs. “I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to keep that a secret anymore.”

“You knew?” Mom looks from her to Logan with wide eyes, giving him a silent why didn’t you tell me first look.

Danielle laughs, looking up at Logan again. “I told her before I told him.”

“I didn’t find out until the next morning,” Logan goes on, smiling as he looks down at his wife. “She fell asleep before I came home from work.”

“We were both asleep,” Charlie laughs. “I went over for dinner and passed out on the couch.”

“I came home to an empty house,” Owen deadpans, slowly shaking his head.

“There’s nothing like pregnancy to suck the life right out of you,” Quinn says. Then she gasps and looks at Scarlet. “You only have a few days to get knocked up so we can all be pregnant together.”

“Nope,” Wes and Scarlet say at the same time, and Wes puts his arm around Scarlet. “Two are plenty for us.”

“And I’m older than you all,” Scarlet reminds Quinn, who waves her hand in the air.

“Not by much.”

“Anyway, Wes is going to get—” Scarlet holds up her fingers and makes a cutting motion. “We just made the appointment.”

“Which doctor?” Archer asks, all too interested. Wes just gives him a look and shakes his head. Happy chatter breaks out across the table, and that tug on my heart I’ve been ignoring reaches out and yanks that fucker right out of my chest.

I turn, looking into the kitchen at my phone which I left on the counter. The angry words Kara and I exchanged before I left still burn on my tongue, and a sour feel starts to bubble in my stomach.