“Or something?” I lean back, shocked. “Have you not seen Robocop? It’s one of the greatest movies of all time.”

“Sure it is.”

“And I am coming over. Archer already invited me.”

“You two should just get married at this point.”

I bring my hand to my chest. “I’ve always wanted to be a doctor’s wife. But really.” I hike up my eyebrows. “Why do you want me to come over? Who else is going to be there?”

Quinn shrugs and is suddenly really interested in the applesauce she’s opening for Aiden. “Just some of my friends. We’re playing D&D.”

“Just when I think you couldn’t be more of a nerd.”

“Oh shut up. Owen and Charlie played it with us last time and had fun.”

“Owen is losing his touch. Being a dad has made him lame.”

Scarlet looks at Quinn, nonverbally saying something. Quinn nods. “Wes and Scar are coming.”

“Wes is even lamer than Owen. No offense, Scarlet.”

“None taken. His lameness is part of what I love about him.”

“I’m playing video games with Archer tonight. And I’m not interested in any of your nerd friends.”

“Not even her?” Quinn flips to another photo of a woman. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”

I lean in and look at the photo. “Yeah. She is.”

“Can I set you two up?”

I think back to what Owen said yesterday, about how I should just let Quinn set up a blind date so she can be done with it. “Fine.”

“Really?” Quinn’s green eyes widen.

“Yeah. Actually, let’s make a deal.”

Quinn gives Aiden the applesauce. “I’m listening.”

“You can set me up on three dates. But after the third one is a bust, you have to promise to stop with this. It’s annoying.”

“Three dates?” She brings her hands together and smirks. “I know the perfect people.”

“They have to be spaced out too. One a month.”

“One a week?” Her eyebrows go up.

“Every two weeks.”

“I can agree to those terms.”

“Last part of the deal,” I go on. “Archer gets final approval over who you set me up with.” I smile smugly. He’s been my best friend since college. He’ll have my back.

Quinn laughs. “Please. I’m the one who’s sleeping with him. He’ll do what I say, and trust me, you won’t be sorry.”

Oh, but I will be. Because there’s no way in hell I’ll want to go on a second date with anyone ever again.Chapter 6Rory“I got the job!” I’m smiling as I say it, holding the phone out in front of me. I just got back into my Jeep after the interview, and have Mom and Sam on speaker phone.

“Oh, honey, that’s great!” Mom cries.

“I knew Archer would like you,” Sam says.

“I didn’t even talk to Archer,” I tell him. “Just the nursing director and the unit manager, but they did say Dr. Jones put in a good word.”

“Pays to know people,” Sam laughs.

“When do you start?” Mom asks, and I can tell her excitement is waning.

“They said I can start as soon as I can get here, but I told them I’ll need a few days to move.” I start the Jeep, shivering from the cold already, and wait a few seconds for the call to switch from my phone to the speaker in the car. “I’m not familiar with the town at all.”

“I might be exhausting my favors, but I can see if Archer has time to show you around,” Sam says. “Or maybe his wife, though I think she’s still working and they have three kids.”

“I’ll gladly just email her so I can get an idea of a good part of town to move into.”

A page for Dr. Harris echoes in the background. “I have to go give an epidural,” Sam rushes out. “I’ll text Archer and will let you know what he says.”

“Thanks, love you!”

“Are you excited?” Mom asks, after Sam leaves the call.

“I am,” I tell her, and actually mean it. It was weird how the moment I drove into town, I felt like this is exactly where I need to be. I’m away from everything that went wrong before, and a bonus is not having to run into the McMillans and explain why I wasn’t wearing pants the other night. “But I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll come visit every weekend.”

“Every other weekend is fine,” I laugh. “I’m going to drive around town and find somewhere to eat.”

“All right, honey. I’m proud of you! Love you!”

“Love you too, Mom.” I end the call and slowly back out of the parking space and head into town. It’s too cold to walk around, so I park in front of a used bookstore and pull out my phone again, looking for nearby restaurants. There’s a diner not far from here, and I drive around the block looking for a closer spot.

I’m halfway through my chicken tenders and fries when Sam texts me, saying Archer’s wife, Quinn is going to call me so I can ask any questions I have about Eastwood.