“I got a few good ones,” Diana says, reminding me that she’s here with us. Taking photos of Logan and me.





“Th…thanks,” I mumble, still not able to tear my eyes away from Logan. That’s not the way I thought our first kiss would happen, but now that it did, I can’t see it playing out any other way.

Logan moves his hand from the back of my head to my arm, gently running his fingers over my flesh and making goosebumps break out along my arm. He pulls me close once more when I shiver, and his body is so warm, so welcoming. It feels so right. I don’t want to move away.

“Oh, appetizers are here!” Diana extends the phone to me, but I still can’t move. Logan keeps one arm around me and reaches forward, taking my phone. We need to go to the table and eat, acting like everything is normal.

Like we kiss all the time.

Which we would, if we were really engaged.

Blinking, I tear my eyes away from Logan. We’re not that far from the table, and the smell of food wafts through the air. I’m starving and not hungry at the same time. Another wave, bigger than the others, comes to shore, spraying us with water. Logan drops his hand from my body, and I miss his touch immediately.

“We should go eat,” he says, voice somehow coming out strong and steady. I’m not sure I can string two words together and make a sentence right now. Everything inside me is running around, hands waving in the air and screaming with excitement.

Nothing has ever felt so right or natural than my lips connecting with Logan. Another surge of warmth goes through me when I think about connecting in other ways. I get wet just thinking about Logan on top of me, biceps flexed as he holds himself up. Lining his cock up to my core as I bend my legs and tilt my hips toward his.


I blink and realize I’ve been standing here holding my breath. It’s just a kiss. I’ve been kissed before. I’ve had sex before. Lots of sex. So why do I feel like a virginal schoolgirl standing here before her crush?

Logan is doing bad, bad things to me…and I don’t want him to stop. I know we need to go to the table and put on a different kind of act when we really need to talk about what just happened.

But mostly, I want him to kiss me again.

“Wait,” I blurt and take his hand. My heart starts hammering again. What if that was just a fake kiss to him? What if he didn’t react the same way I did? Physically, I know he enjoyed it, and my eyes flick to his cock of their own accord.

Logan moves his hand up, slipping his fingers through mine. “For what?”

“For you to kiss me again.”Chapter 20LoganShe doesn’t have to tell me twice. I rush forward, water splashing around my ankles, and wrap her in a tight embrace. Her arms go around my shoulders, and it’s like our bodies were made to come together like this.

The moment my lips touch hers, I know I’m a goner. Kissing her harder than I did before, I don’t know how we’re going to stop. I’ve wanted to kiss Danielle since the first time I saw her. I’ve thought about it many times.

And this is better than anything I imagined.

I widen my legs and pull her closer, bending her back a bit as we kiss. My tongue goes in her mouth, and she slips one hand under my shirt, raking her nails over the skin on my back. Desire floods my veins, and I want nothing more than to pick her up and carry her back to our room.

“Hey, love birds!” someone shouts. “Time to eat!”

We should stop. Take a pause and come back to this. I’m still holding Danielle’s phone and my grip is slipping. It’s about to drop into the ocean, but I can’t move away from Danielle.

Finally, we break apart, needing to get some air. I put Danielle’s phone in my pocket before I accidentally drop it. My heart is racing, and I can’t catch my breath to save my life. The wind picks up, blowing Danielle’s damp hair around her face. I push it back and bring my lips to hers once more.

When I move away, she looks up at me and smiles. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I know this isn’t a game of pretend anymore. Not for me, and not for her.

“Now we really should go,” I tell her.

“Right.” She nods, looking at the table. Her arms are still around my neck, and she slowly drags them down, splaying her fingers over my chest. Her lips pull up into a smile. “I am really turned on right now.”