I raise an eyebrow. “There was more than one reason?”

His eyes meet mine, and something passes between us. My heart is in my throat, beating so fast and so loud there’s no way he’s not hearing it.

“There was.”

I wait a beat, but he doesn’t elaborate. “What was it?”

“That’s for me to know.” He gives me a little grin and goes back to his food. I can only stomach half my burger and a handful of fries before feeling too full. I pick the meat off the bun and divide it

up between the dogs, who gobble it up in seconds.

Chrissy goes over to the back door and noses a bell hanging from the knob.

“Is she ringing a bell to go outside?”

“They all do. Well, everyone but Boots. That dog’s not the brightest crayon in the box if you know what I mean. And when I let one out, they’ll all want out.”

Archer finishes his lemonade and stands, taking his plate and mine to the sink. He’s right behind me when I unlock the door to let the dogs out, and steps onto the patio with me.

The sounds of the night echo around us and a soft breeze has picked up, moving the sticky humid air. All four dogs take off, running through the grass like idiots. My heart speeds up again when I look back at Archer, and all the things I’ve wanted to say to him over the years threaten to bubble up and spill out.

He takes a step closer, and the woodsy scent of his cologne wakes up every nerve inside of me, making me curse myself for not staying in touch with this beautiful man.

The breeze picks up again, bringing in a gust that tousles my hair around my face. Archer tucks it back behind my ear and parts his lips. If we were in a romance movie, he’d lean in and kiss me right now. Then he’d tell me how he’s always had feelings for me, and even though it’s been years, the fluttering in his stomach came back the moment he saw me, just like it did when I saw him.

But this is real life, and real life isn’t as carefully crafted and scripted like a movie. Archer has never expressed interest in me, and as far as I know, he thinks of me as a sister. Plus, Dean would throw a fit if I said I’ve had a crush on his friend, telling me how things will be awkward from there on out.

Sometimes, real life sucks.

Boots barks, and we turn just in time to see Chrissy lower into a crouch at the edge of the pool.

“Chrissy, no!” I shout, but it’s too late. The lab mix dives in, happily paddling about. Carlos goes in after her, doing one quick lap before coming out and shaking water all over Rufus, who gives the small mutt the evil eye. Sighing, I shake my head and laugh. “Whatever. You guys can just stay outside until you’re dry.”

“That dog loves to swim.” Archer’s lips are pulled into a smile as he watches Chrissy splash about.

“She loves it, and I forgot. Though I will blame my parents for not shutting the gate around the pool.” I grab a squeaky tennis ball from the ground, squeak it a few times and throw it as far as I can into the night.

It doesn’t go far.

Still, it’s enough to get all four dogs running, and as soon as Chrissy is out of the pool, I shut the gate. Chrissy brings back the ball, and this time Archer grabs it, throwing it much farther than I did.

I sit on the wooden glider my dad made for my mom, figuring I might as well get comfortable. With the breeze and her running around, it won’t be long before Chrissy is dry enough to come inside and get toweled off.

“I meant to ask you before,” Archer starts, taking the slobbery ball from Chrissy and throwing it again. “How you got into software design for your career.”

“I took one of those online quizzes that tell you what you should be when you grow up.”


“No,” I say with a laugh. Archer takes a step back, closer to me. “I’ve always been fascinated with technology. When I was a kid, I thought it was crazy people didn’t have the technology that we did. Like how the hell did they survive in the olden days?”

Smiling, Archer takes a spot next to me on the glider. He pushes off the ground with his feet, sending us sliding back.

“I guess from there I just got into it even more. I actually started out my freshman year as an engineering major but switched to computer science my second semester. Which is super interesting, I know, but remember that little-known fact about me in case my dad decides to play Cash Table tomorrow.”

“Cash Table?”

“His version of Cash Cab but he asks random questions when we’re all sitting down at the table together. It’s like the daddest thing in the world, I know.”

Archer laughs. “That sounds like something he’d do.”

“So what about you? What made you want to go to med school?”

“I didn’t want to face responsibility and chose a profession with an ungodly amount of schooling.” He playfully nudges me.

“That was actually my first guess, though you should have wavered more in there and switched your major back and forth at least three times, you rookie.”

“Damn it, I should have. But really, I made up my mind to be a doctor when I was a sophomore in high school. I had a sick family member and have always been thankful for what they’ve been able to do for…for that person.”

I bend my knees up, tucking my feet under my legs, and study Archer. He’s staring into the dark, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. I don’t remember him or Dean ever mentioning a sick family member. My heart aches a little for him, and I hope the illness didn’t claim a loved one.

His jaw tenses, and then he leans back, blinking rapidly. “You can’t tell anyone about that project you’re working on?”

“Nope. Though I’m pretty sure I’ve convinced Dean we’re building a Batmobile.”

“Is it sad I’m a little disappointed that it’s not?”

I laugh. “Well, I didn’t say it’s not a Batmobile…”

“Don’t get my hopes up.” He chuckles, and his eyes sparkle in the moonlight. “And if it is, you’ll have to pull strings to let me drive it.”

“Only if you wear a Batman costume.”

“I’d wear a Joker costume if it means I can drive the Batmobile.”

I shake my head. “If you’re thinking of Heath Ledger’s Joker, then his clothes are too cool. You’ll have to go with Danny DeVito’s Penguin.”

Archer makes a face, acting like he’s considering it seriously. “Yeah, I’d still do it. For the Batmobile.”

“I should probably wait until after you’re dressed up to tell you this, but it’s not a Batmobile.”

“I figured such.” He yawns, and in just seconds all the humor is gone from his face. Leaning forward, he grabs the ball from Chrissy and tosses it again before standing. “I should go.”

“Yeah,” I reply, trying not to let him know the abruptness is startling, though it’s the second time tonight he’s cut me off short right when I was thinking we were getting along just fine. Better than fine, really. “I should, uh, go inside and get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day.”

Archer’s hand lands on the back of his neck, and his brows pinch together. “Right. Tomorrow. Your brother’s party.”

I pat my leg and make a kissy sound, getting the dogs’ attention. Archer stands aside, letting me take the lead back into the house.

“Thanks for dinner. See you tomorrow,” he says as he pulls his keys from his pocket. He’s gone before I can tell him goodbye.

Perplexed, I stand in the kitchen for a minute before going to lock the back door. Though it’s now gone, there’s no denying we had a moment. The feelings I thought I could quell for Archer have come back with a vengeance, and my heart demands another moment with him.

But I can’t help but feel he doesn’t want one with me.



I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit at the kitchen table, phone in hand. Blinking, still too tired to focus on the bright screen of my phone, my finger hovers over the email icon. I have a handful of new emails, and while I can assume a few are junk, I know the others are from work.

If I open it and see a problem, I won’t be able to stop thinking about it. And I already have enough on my mind.

“Want some eggs, dear?” Mom turns, looking at me over her shoulder as she scrambles a skillet full of eggs.

“You know the answer to that, Mom.” I open Facebook instead. The emails can wait. If something was terribly wrong, someone would have called me by now.

“What about over easy?” she tries, knowing I detest eggs. “I can

make you pancakes instead.”

“You don’t have to, Mom, but thanks. I’ll stick to coffee for now.”

“You got in late.” She raises her eyebrows and smiles. “Did you have fun at the bar last night?”

“I spilled a tray of drinks on myself, but it was all right. Archer took me home so Dean and Kara could stay out.”

“That was nice of him. I’m glad he was able to make it this weekend. Dean said he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to get time off from work.” Mom turns the burner off and grabs a plate. “I haven’t seen that boy in years.”

“He’s not a boy anymore.” The words spill from my lips, and I think of sitting outside on the glider with Archer last night. My pulse increases and heat flows through me. Archer was the subject of my dreams last night, and in my dreams, we did more than just sit and talk.

Mom scoops her eggs onto her plate and eyes me curiously. She’s always been eerily—and annoyingly—perceptive.

“Right. He’s not.” She grabs the salt and pepper and joins me at the table. “You know you all are always just kids in my eyes.”

“That’s because you’re old.”

“You say that like you forget you’re not getting any younger. Though you are right about Archer. He’s a doctor now,” she says with a smile. “Which is impressive on its own, but even more so considering all he went through in college.”

I almost spit out the sip of coffee I just took. “What did he go through?”

Before Mom has a chance to answer, the back door opens and the dogs go barreling through the kitchen to greet Weston, my oldest brother, and Jackson.

“Grammy!” Jackson squeals and squirms out of Weston’s arms. He gets stuck in the middle of the four dogs, who are all wagging their tails with excitement and licking Jackson’s face. He’s the only person—well, besides Mom—who lets the dogs lick his face. They love him for it.

“Hey, sis.” Weston takes off his boots and crosses the room. I set my coffee down and stand, welcoming him with a hug. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”