“I do,” Archer replies, still calm. “And I’m aware that Quinn and I didn’t make the best choices, but we can’t go back and now all we can do is focus on moving forward.”

I straighten up, hand going to my mouth. Archer takes his arm from around me and scoots my chair out, knowing I’m about to get sick. He comes with me as I run into the bathroom, gathering my hair into my hand as I crouch down and throw up.

Archer closes the bathroom door and grabs a tissue from the back of the toilet. I wipe my mouth and let out a sigh.

“Besides feeling sick, how are you holding up?” he asks, helping me to my feet. I rinse out my mouth and think I might throw up again.

“This didn’t go as I planned.”

Archer’s lips pull into a small smile and he looks at my stomach. “None of this did.” He closes the distance between us and takes me in his arms. “It’ll be okay.”

“Dean is about ready to rip your head off.”

“Let him try. He won’t succeed, I promise you that.”

I rest my head against his chest. “They all look so disappointed in me.”

“They’re surprised. You can’t blame them for that. And they’re concerned because they care about you.”

He has a point, and I totally get it. Archer and I are both successful, independent adults, but we don’t live together. Even if we’d been dating for a few months, the news of me having his baby would still come as a shock.

We have a lot to do before this baby is born.

“You’re going to have to talk to them eventually. Let’s go back out.”

I take another breath and nod, letting my arms fall away from Archer’s firm body. He smooths back my hair and kisses me on the forehead.

“We’re in this together,” he reminds me, and the knot in my chest loosens a bit. Holding my hand in his, he opens the bathroom door and we step out. A tumult of voices come from the dining room, and everyone stops talking when Archer and I come back into the room.

Mom’s holding the ultrasound photos and is starting to look a little emotional. Phase one might not have happened like we planned, but I might still be able to get her into phase two soon, and she’ll start getting excited about another grandbaby.

“Are you okay?” she asks me, blinking back tears.

“Yeah.” I step closer to Archer. “I’ve been really nauseous this whole time.”

Mom takes in a shaky breath. “I was only sick with you. I bet you’re carrying a girl.”

I haven’t really let myself think too far ahead, but hearing Mom say it makes me emotional. I grip Archer’s hand tighter, imagining him holding our baby wrapped in a little pink blanket.

“Sit down, honey.” Mom rubs her lower eyelid with her knuckle. Yep. She’s getting emotional. Archer pulls out my chair for me, and Dean glowers at us both with his arms crossed. Kara looks annoyed with him, Weston’s holding Jackson, trying to distract him with videos on his phone. Owen and Logan look both concerned and pissed. And Dad won’t even look at me.

“You had the ultrasound almost a week ago.” Mom taps the date on the image. “And you’re just now telling me?”

“We wanted to tell you in person. Together,” Archer says, moving his chair closer to mine.

Mom nods and picks up the images again. “I can understand that.”

“Have you two thought this through?” Dad addresses the question to us both but looks right at Archer. “How are you going to raise this baby?”

“Together,” I tell him.

“How?” Dad fires another question. “You don’t live together. You don’t even live near each other. I take it Archer is going to do the right thing and move to Chicago before the baby is born. Right, Archer?”

“We haven’t talked about it yet,” I say.

“You need to start talking about it.”

“I know.”

“It’s more than just wanting to raise it together.” Dad’s voice gets louder as he keeps talking. “You have to figure out insurance and what are you going to do about work?”

“Dad,” Logan interjects. “Go easy on her.”

“I think I was too easy on her and that’s why this happened.”

“She’s not a kid anymore,” Logan presses and I’m so grateful for my brother right now. “Stop treating her like one.”

“Thanks,” I mouth to Logan when he looks over.

“I’m twenty-six,” I remind my father in case he forgot. “A lot of my friends are married and have kids.”

“Exactly. They’re married. You’re not.”

“Thanks for reminding me. I forgot I never walked down the aisle.”

“Enough,” Mom says, voice tight. “You said it yourself, Harold, Quinn and Archer are smart. I’m sure they’ve discussed everything. It’s overwhelming for us all, and getting worked up isn’t going to help anything, especially with Quinn having morning sickness.”

Jackson looks up from the phone. “You sick, Aunt Winnie?”

“No, I’m okay,” I tell him with a smile. If my kid turns out to be half as sweet as him, we’ll be just fine.

“Why is Papa mad?” he asks, turning around to look at Weston, who doesn’t know how to answer.

“He’s not mad,” Weston finally says. “Why don’t you go play in the living room?”

“Okay,” Jackson says and slides off Weston’s lap. He runs around to Archer. “Play trucks with me?”

“Uh,” Archer starts, knowing he’s in hot water with my family right now. But it’s not like he’s a bad person. We’re equally at fault here.

“Go play,” Mom says with a smile. “Consider it practice.”

Archer gets up, letting Jackson tug him along. I sit back in the chair, arms wrapped around myself. Logan moves into Archer’s spot and puts his hand on my shoulder. He’s always the one I go to first if I need advice or just someone to vent to.

“That’s going to be one smart kid,” he says with a grin. “With a computer genius and a doctor for parents.”

“If it’s a boy, I hope he gets our good looks,” Owen joins in.

I smile and look up. “As long as that’s all he gets from your set of genes.”

Logan leans back, giving me an encouraging nod.

“I have a video from the ultrasound,” I say, flicking my gaze to Mom’s. “You can see the heart beating and everything. I can show you if you want.”

Mom’s eyes light up. “Of course I want to see it.” She turns to Dad. “We want to see it,” she corrects.

Dad sighs and gets up to start clearing the table. Tears fill my eyes and I turn my head down.

“Hey,” Logan says, seeing a fat tear splash onto the table. “Don’t cry. He’ll come around.”

“See wha

t that asshole did,” Dean mumbles to Kara. “He hurt her. Fucking no good piece of shit.”

“Archer didn’t hurt me,” I sniffle.

“You’re crying,” Dean goes on, extending his hand at me.

“Even I’m not that dense,” Owen quips. “Dad’s being an ass about this. And so are you.”

“Are you happy with what he did to her?”

“Stop,” I say, but my voice gets lost in a sob.

“Of course not,” Owen shoots back.

“It takes two,” Kara offers. “I think you are all being unfair to Archer.”

“Thank you,” I say, using my napkin to mop up my tears. “We both had an equal part in this, okay? So just stop. I’m already pregnant and hating me isn’t going to change anything.”

“Nobody hates you, hun,” Mom says.

“Dad does.” This time I know I’m overreacting.

“He doesn’t,” Mom presses.

Owen leans forward. “Dad knows we’re all fuck-ups, but he still thinks you’re little Miss Innocent Quinn. You basically crushed his hopes and dreams for the family, but he doesn’t hate you.”

I look up, giving Owen a glare. He cracks a smile and picks up his fork, digging into what’s left on his plate.

“Honey.” Mom gets up and comes around to me, shooing Logan from the chair. She takes my hands in hers and looks into my eyes. “We all love you. It’s a shock, and having a baby with someone you haven’t been with for a long time can be difficult. But I know you and I know Archer. You’re both responsible, mature adults and will be great parents. I mean, look at him.” She motions to Archer in the living room. He’s on the floor with Jackson, and whatever he’s saying to the kid is making him crack up.

“He’s a natural.”

My hand lands on my stomach without me even thinking about it. Archer is good with Jackson. He’s been excited about this baby since the beginning.

I can only hope we’re natural together too.



“All things considered, that went as well as I thought it would.” I put my arm around Quinn and push off the ground, sending the glider back. It’s getting late, and everyone but Weston and Jackson have left already. Wes is working the night shift tonight, so Jackson is staying here with Quinn’s parents.