“No hands, Sid. I promised.”

He stepped forward again and I stayed in place.

“Slide the straps down your shoulders,” he said.

Was this going to be a full strip tease? I knew I wouldn’t refuse him if he wanted it. I was holding him in the palm of my hand right now, and I didn’t want to release him.

When I slipped the straps down, his eyes darkened to a deeper blue. He wanted to look, and I wanted to show him. I slid the straps further, freeing my breasts from the cups of my bra.

Killian’s exhale was rough. He leaned in, brushing his nose against my cheek. The minty, masculine scent of his hair intensified the throbbing between my thighs. When he brushed his scruffy cheek over my jawline, a small, helpless sound escaped my lips.

My arousal was almost painful. It had built to an unbearable level, and I needed a hot, hard release. Instead I was being slowly tortured by Killian’s restraint.

His face dipped down to my breasts and I let my head fall back. The feel of his warm breath over my skin was a more erotic caress than his hands could ever have provided.

I wasn’t sure I could take any more, and then I felt his tongue, hot and wet on my exposed nipple. He circled it with the tip of his tongue until it was a tight, hardened pebble.

“God, that feels good,” I murmured.

“You are exquisite,” he said, sucking on my nipple for one mind-blowing second. “I’ve never in my life used that word, but there’s no other word that fits you.”

I was about to combust on the spot. His mouth was going to get me off, and I was fully clothed.

He repeated the swirling and sucking on my other nipple. When he tugged it between his teeth, I let out a loud cry of pleasure.

“You like it rough, baby? I’m damned good at that.” He bit down harder and I moaned his name, lost to reason. As his tongue soothed the burn away, I decided ethics were overrated.

I was about to ask him to take me right on my desk when he covered my lips with his in a soft, sweet kiss.

“Someday, Sid,” he said. “Not today, but someday I’ll make you mine.”

He turned and left me there—a hot, panting mess with my boobs hanging out, my nipples still soaked from his mouth. I wanted someday to happen very soon.Killian

I swore loudly, knowing what the ref was about to call before he even said it.

“What?” Lucas Watson demanded from the ref. Watson was my right-winger tonight. Bennett, looking on miserably from behind the bench, was sitting this game out with a sprained wrist.

“Goalie interference,” the ref said.

“Are you kidding me?” Watson yelled, slamming his stick onto the ice.

“Settle down,” the ref cautioned.

“How did I interfere?” Watson skated after the ref and I rolled my eyes and took off after him. “There was no way I could stop myself. You want me to fuckin’ fly or something?”

The ref turned and I grabbed Watson by the shoulder. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth before I shut it for you,” I said in a low tone.

He shook his head, but raised his hands in the air and retreated.

“That was bullshit,” he mumbled.

“Do your time in the box and get focused,” I said sternly.

Was this what I’d been like at twenty-three? I hated to admit it, even to myself, but yeah, I’d been even worse. I’d been a hothead with no impulse control for a while. I’d mellowed in time and advanced to captain. So why had I only recently had the sense to mellow out my personal life?

My answer was sitting in the owner’s box right now. I looked up there, hoping she could see me even though I couldn’t see her.

From the time my skates hit the ice for a game, I was thinking about her watching me. It created an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. The only person who’d ever come to a game just to watch me play was my mom. And even though Sid was here as the team’s owner, I felt her eyes on me when I was playing.

If we slept together, would I hold her interest anymore? I wanted her so damn bad, but the thought of her having me and then moving on didn’t sit well. My only hold on her was our intense physical attraction. I wasn’t successful enough to keep her for anything more.

And since when did I want more? As I fought for control of the puck, I was still thinking about Sidney watching me. My shoulder bounced off the glass after a shove and I didn’t even feel it. My drive to impress Sidney propelled me, and I eased the puck to Liam, who took off with it.

She was right. Us sleeping together was a bad idea. She already had a hold on me that seemed to grow stronger every day. Every look between us sent me deeper into a hole I couldn’t climb out of. Not that I wanted out. In fact, I was willingly diving deeper.