Page 18 of When August Ends

Noah closed his eyes momentarily. He seemed very affected by my story. It made me wonder if he’d experienced loss, too.

“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “That had to have been hard.”

Feeling emotional, I wanted nothing more than to distract from the sad thoughts. At the same time, thinking about my sister reminded me how short life is.


Life is short.

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

All we have is today.

If you have something to say, say it.

“I’m very attracted to you,” I blurted.

The words escaped my mouth before I could think about what saying them would mean.

Noah looked as if he didn’t quite know how to respond, but he shot me down. “Don’t…”

Despite his warning, I kept going like a runaway train.

“I know you think I’m too young for you. But I’m just gonna be honest. I don’t live a very exciting life. I do what I have to do, then wake up to another sunrise on the lake each day. I go to work and take care of my responsibilities. But for some inexplicable reason, since you moved in, something has awakened inside of me. I wake up excited. I’m very drawn to you…and very attracted to you. I don’t know if you feel the same way, or if maybe you’re trying not to because you think my age automatically makes me immature. I can assure you I’m not. Never in my life have I admitted my attraction to someone like I’m doing right now. I’ve never done anything like this. I—”

“I can’t, Heather.” He lowered his voice and repeated, “I can’t.”

A brisk evening wind suddenly blew things around. It was as if Mother Nature was trying to help distract from my embarrassment.

We sat through a few seconds of awkward silence until he said, “I’m flattered that you feel that way about me. I really am. And I think you’re beautiful…inside and out. But nothing can happen between us.”

I felt nauseous.

Oh my God.

Why did I just do that?

I knew why. I wanted him so badly I was willing to risk looking like an idiot for the chance to experience being with him. And it backfired. Big time.

One thing about me, though? I didn’t need to be told twice.

Okay, maybe this was the second time he’d made his lack of intentions toward me clear. But I didn’t need to be told a third time, and I vowed never to make an ass of myself in front of Noah Cavallari again.

“Well…I guess I’ll chalk this experience up to practice in putting myself out there and accepting rejection.” I stood. “Today has not been my day. I think I’m gonna turn in.”

“You don’t have to go.” Noah stood up, too. “Stay.”

“I really need to call it a night.”

He didn’t fight me on it. “Alright…”

Disappointed in my impulsive behavior, I swore at myself under my breath the entire walk home.

And I was still feeling self-destructive when I got there, because when I returned to my room, I did the one thing I knew I would end up regretting.

Taking out my phone, I scrolled down to Eric’s name.Heather: I can meet you tomorrow night.CHAPTER SIX* * *NOAHWith hard strokes, I took out my frustration on the house as I painted the next morning.

Heather’s words from last night kept playing in my head as I rolled the paint over the wood of the boathouse.

I’m very drawn to you…and very attracted to you.

I’d felt like a piece of shit after she left. She’d taken my rejection personally, when that was the last thing I wanted.

I still had no clue if I was going to tell her why I’d left Pennsylvania to come here. But I knew I needed time without complications. And my twisted feelings for Heather were starting to become a complication.

Shit, if there’s anything sexier than a woman who isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. But Heather wasn’t exactly a woman. She had a lot of growing up to do. While she was old enough to know what she wanted sexually, she wasn’t old enough to know what was good for her. That would only come with time and years of experience. I wasn’t going to be the one to teach her about the kind of guy not to get involved with. She needed someone grounded, who would make a good husband to her someday, not someone messed up in the head who’d already proven incapable of marriage.

More than anything, she didn’t know the truth. I could never take advantage of her advances—no matter how hard it was to resist. It didn’t matter that she was drop-dead gorgeous, that I was horny as fuck, or that she seemed to be the only person capable of making me smile.

Though I continued to ruminate while painting, at one point, the sound of music playing registered. I got down from the ladder and took a little walk to see where it was coming from.