Page 69 of Neighbor Dearest

“Well, they were spreading the holiday cheer.”

“At least it wasn’t Christmas logs of shit.”

I cracked up. “True.”

“Well, I guess I don’t have to take them for a walk anymore.”

“Have they ever done that before?”

“I’ve never had a Christmas tree with them.”


“Yeah. Jenna is Jewish and to be honest, I probably wouldn’t even be celebrating Christmas if it weren’t for you.”

“Why not?”

“I never really got into it. After Dad died, Mom didn’t celebrate it anymore. The holidays always sucked. This will be the best Christmas I’ve had since childhood.” He walked toward me and fixed one of my buttons that I’d apparently put into the wrong loop, then said, “Christmas is about happiness and love. When you’re lacking those things, it can be one of the most painful times of the year. But when you suddenly realize that you’re happier than you’ve ever been, Christmas comes alive again. So, fuck the spilled wine and the dog piss. It’s all good, because this is the best Christmas ever.”

As if on cue, one of the dogs barked. “Woof!”

He chuckled. “They agree.”

“I’m lucky to have found you guys. Last Christmas was the worst of my life. What a difference a year makes.”

“Anything can happen in a year, sometimes horrible stuff, sometimes amazing things. I’m glad this year was the latter for me.”

“This year was life-changing.”

Returning to the kitchen counter to finish arranging the appetizers, I admired Damien’s body as he decorated the top of the tree. His fitted red shirt rode up every time he reached his arm out to position an ornament.

Mixing some onion soup mix into sour cream, I said, “It’s not every day I get to watch a hot man in a Santa hat decorate my tree.”

Damien turned toward me and raised his forehead. “Stop looking at me like that, Jameson, or the only thing wrapped under the tree will be your legs around my back.”

I’d better change the subject.

“So, who’s coming tonight for sure from your end?”

“Tyler is picking up my mother and bringing her here along with his new girlfriend.”

“What’s her name again?”


“Hmm. Okay. I’ll try to remember that. Who else?”

“I invited Murray and his wife. That’s it. You know me. I don’t need a big crowd.”

“My parents are coming a little late. They have another party to stop at first. I also invited my friends Laura and Courtney from the youth center. We’re only talking ten or eleven people max.”

“It’ll be nice to see people, but personally, I’m looking forward to our Christmas morning alone more than anything,” he said.

“Me, too.”

We planned to spend tomorrow morning together, exchanging our own presents before heading to my parents’ in Sausalito later in the day for dinner with Claire and Micah. So, my Christmas morning would surely consist of an awesome homemade breakfast and lots of sex.

Damien had finished the tree just in the nick of time. While he was out buying the few items I’d forgotten earlier, the doorbell rang.

The first to arrive were Tyler and Nicole.

Tyler looked really handsome in a fitted black collared shirt and dark jeans. Nicole was cute. She was petite like me, except she had long brown hair and big brown eyes. She was beautiful, everything I would expect from someone Tyler would bring home, although she seemed even sweeter than I might have imagined. I didn’t know why, but I kind of pictured him with someone a little bit more stuck-up.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” I said.

Tyler looked beyond my shoulders. “Where’s D?”

“Out getting some last minute stuff.”

“I was telling Nic the story of how you and Damien met.”

“There were lots of ways Damien and I technically got to know each other. Which story?”

“The time you almost burned down the building.”

“Ah, yes, my most famous claim to fame.” Turning to Nicole, I asked, “How did you guys meet again?”

“I’m a makeup artist for Tyler’s show.”

“Oh, okay. It must be a tough job making that face look presentable.” I winked.

“Actually, it’s tougher making him look ugly for certain scenes.”

“It seems like it would be fun to work in that environment. My younger sister is a stage actress in New York.”

Tyler nodded. “Damien was telling me. Is she on Broadway or off-Broadway?”

“She’s done both, actually. Right now, she has a starring role off-Broadway.”

“When this run is over at the Bay Repertory, I was thinking of moving to L.A. or possibly New York if an opportunity was there. I really don’t want to leave California. It’s not easy in this business, though. You sort of have to take what you can get.”

Nicole looked at him affectionately. “At least I can do makeup anywhere.”

“I might take you with me if you’re good.”

“I just might go.” She smiled.

It sounded like this was getting pretty serious.

The door opened, and Damien emerged. “For my lovely lady, I come bearing Christmas Coke cans, nuts and sticky balls.”