Page 50 of Neighbor Dearest

“So, you don’t plan to visit him or call?”

“I’m not going to be the first one to do that, no. It’s like what you were telling me a while back. You didn’t understand why I wouldn’t listen to all of the warnings he gave me. I just kept holding out hope. But the fact that he hasn’t contacted me since that night is really disappointing. I seriously feel like I’m never gonna hear from him again.” It pained me to say those words.

“I can tell you’re trying to be strong about this, but deep down, I know you’re hurting, and I know it’s not easy for you to not call him.”

“I just can’t believe he hasn’t called or texted.”

“It’s probably for the best, you know? I know you wanted to stay friends with the guy. But really…I don’t think you were ever capable of keeping your feelings in check. You needed this space he’s giving you now. On some level, I think he knows that’s really best for you, too.”

“So, what’s my next step?”

“You need to get back on that dating site.”

Even though the thought of that made me cringe, I knew I had to force myself to keep my mind off of Damien. “Actually, there was this guy Mark I was supposed to have gone out with weeks ago. I kept putting it off.”

“Then contact him. You definitely need to get out, but more than that, you need a distraction.”

“Okay. You’re right, even if it’s just to get out of the apartment.”

“You know, you’re not going to get over him overnight.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get over him. I just have to accept that.”

“Accepting the things you can’t change…now there’s a novel idea.”

“I preach that to the kids all the time. It’s time I started taking my own advice.***“I’m so glad we’re finally doing this,” Mark said as he opened the car door to let me out. “I was beginning to think you were totally blowing me off.”

“No. I was busy with the move and all. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression.”

We’d just arrived at the cinema for a nine-forty showing of the new James Bond movie. I figured a crowded theater was a safe place for a first date, although Damien would have scolded me for getting into Mark’s car.

Damien doesn’t have a say anymore.

The smell of buttery popcorn filled the air. Mark wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to get in line. He was definitely forward, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, since the verdict was still out on my level of attraction to him both mentally and physically. There was also the minor detail of the fact that we’d just freaking met.

After we got tickets, we were waiting in the concession line when Mark spoke in my ear, “Were you ever a gymnast?”

That was an odd question.

“No. Why do you ask?”

“Your body looks very limber, like you might have a gymnastics background.”

Was he serious?

“No. Can’t even do a cartwheel.”

After we’d gotten our popcorn and drinks, we stood in the line where the man was collecting tickets to enter the theater. I jumped when I felt Mark’s hand on my lower waist. With each second that we waited, his hand slid lower until it was fully planted on my ass. My body stilled. After a minute of dealing with it, I positioned myself to face him so that he could no longer cop a feel.

Once inside, the lights hadn’t even dimmed yet, and I was already planning my exit strategy for after the movie. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if I was comfortable getting into this guy’s car again.

I was just about to shut my phone off when it started buzzing.Do you always let guys you’ve just met grope your ass?It was Damien.

My heart started to pound.

It beat faster and faster as I frantically looked around the dark theater for him. Was he here?Chelsea: Are you in this theater?Damien: Where are you?Chelsea: Don’t you already know the answer to that question, since you’re apparently stalking me?Damien: You were supposed to be going to see the new James Bond movie. That’s where I am. Where are you?Chelsea: We went to see the Will Smith movie. James Bond was sold out by the time we got to the counter.Damien: Tell him you have to use the bathroom and meet me outside.When I didn’t immediately answer, he texted again.Damien: I just need five minutes.Chelsea: Ok.“I’ll be right back,” I whispered just as the previews were starting. “Going to the restroom.”

Seeing Damien standing there, leaning against a wall as he waited for me nearly took my breath away. It made me realize that my feelings for him hadn’t lessened one bit throughout this time apart. Every bit of longing returned instantaneously, and that really sucked for me. My heart wanted to leap into his arms and ask him to take me home, but my brain stopped my legs from moving any farther than a foot away from him.