“Watch it,” I sneer, propping my feet on the table.

“Two days, man. You’ve been in here pissing and scaring people for two days. Blade is ready to put a bullet in your head.” He shakes his head in disgust as he answers his phone. It’s been ringing nonstop.

“Prez?” He plops down next to me on the couch. His blue eyes narrowing on me, which I can’t imagine is good.

“Yeah, he’s gone, Blade… I agree. I’ll take care of it.” He ends the call and stretches both arms out on the back of the couch, crossing his booted feet in front.

“So, here’s how this is going to play out, man.” He looks up at the ceiling then over at me.

“You can take that needle and fill it up and go to sleep… or you can get your shit and get the fuck out of here.”

His eyes are dead serious. I wipe my nose, the blood from day’s ago causing a red line on my hand.

“I’ll get my shit.” I stand and look around and the truth that I have nothing, not even my wallet, makes me look over at him as he gazes at his phone frowning.

“Where’s my stuff?”

He ignores me and stands. “I’ll drop you wherever. Shit’s going on in the club. In case you don’t remember, we’re in the middle of a war.”

His phone vibrates causing him to sigh and look down at it.

“Trust me when I speak for all of us brothers. We’re happy that you feel… I don’t know at peace that you avenged your daughter.” He leans forward, both hands on the table.

“I think you’re nothing but a phony. A junkie who can’t man the fuck up and deal with the horrible tragedy you suffered. It makes me sick to see you throw away a future.” He spits out the last part. I grab for my necklace. The usual demons that come when I think about her are silent. It’s Axel and me and the smell of BO and piss.

“Where’s my Glock?”

He laughs. “We had that removed along with all your weapons. They’re property of the Disciples. As soon as you took off your cut…”

I blink at him as the anger that I don’t ever have, especially right after I shoot up, worms into my fuzzy brain. “I took my cut off out of respect,” I yell.

“Respect?” He’s so loud my whole chest vibrates. “You respect nothing. But you’re fucking insane and high if you think for one second I’ll let you bring the club down.” He tosses a burner phone at me. “You’re covered in Lucky’s blood. If a cop raided the place and found you, we’d be fucked.”

His phone rings again and he frowns at the number. Looks at me then the phone. “Goddamn it. Hello?”

He turns and walks over to the security panel. “Listen, Charlie… calm down. He’s alive and—”

“Is that my Beautiful?”

Axel turns to me and wrinkles his nose. I give him the come-hither motion with my hand.

“Fuck, whatever. Maybe she’s what you need.” He hands me the phone.


“David?” She’s sobbing. I lean back against the couch and close my eyes. I always see her when I close my eyes.

“Shhh, Beautiful. Don’t cry, baby. What’s wrong?”

Silence. Either that or I drifted off for a second because now she’s screaming in my ear.

“I thought you were dead. I had to get Blade’s number from Reed… You never have a real phone, and oh God, what’s happened?”

I laugh. “Nothing’s happened.”

“What does Axel mean you’re taking time for yourself?”

“Axel’s an ass.”

“Are you coming back? To my place. Do you want to see me again?” Her voice trembles and I tell her the truth.

“I want that more than you know. You’re with me always.”

“Then come back. Please, David. I know stuff is happening in the club. I see the news, but please come back to me.”

“Okay, Beautiful. Go enjoy the world, see a flower, and look at its colors, and then write it down for me, okay?”


“For fuck’s sake.” Axel rips the phone from my hand and gets in my face again.

“Get your filthy shit-smelling ass out of here.” He grabs my T-shirt as he jerks me up.

I knock his hand away as I reach for one of my needles. “I do what I want, Axel.”

“Great. Do it away from here.” He waits for me to grab my cigarettes and the last of my supplies as I check my pockets.

“Where’s my money?” I hiss.

“No clue. Probably in your veins. You want me to drop you anywhere?” I blink at the sunny day and decide fuck it.

“Can I borrow your sunglasses?”

He looks at me and smiles. “Brother, you can have them.” He takes off his black Oakley shades and tosses them to me, then turns and leaves.

“Dick.” Entering the parking lot, I make my way over to the valet spot, which is closed, although two girls do whisper loudly wondering if I’m homeless.