Yet here we sit acting like we’re on a date, and he’s smiling and ordering me wine.

“I do, although that sounded fancy. I have to be honest. I’m used to merlot. I think malbec is the most exotic type I’ve ever tried.”

He grins. “The waiter will be here any minute saying they sell it by the bottle and not by the glass, but it’s an incredible wine. And you’ve had a stressful day.”

He caresses my neck and the skin pebbles on my arms.

Sure enough, not two seconds later, the waiter and manager show up. David assures them that it’s fine to bring the bottle not a glass and then orders our dinner in French.

Bread arrives with two cute rosebuds of butter along with the bottle of wine. David smells it and hands it to me, waving away his glass.

He picks up his glass of water. “To you, Beautiful.”

I raise my wineglass and click to toast him. “To—”

“No, just to you.” He shakes his head then sips his water and I’m trapped, no I’m ensnared by a pair of silver eyes that seem to hold me prisoner as I take a sip of the wine.

“Ohhhh God.” I look at him and sip again. “I can’t even… this is so…” I wave my hand.

“Rich?” He laughs. “Do you taste the berries and oak? Ideally, this wine should wait another seven years before drinking.”

I stare at him and search his face. “Who are you?”

He sits in a restaurant speaking flawless French. He’s best friends with a bad boy billionaire who finally married his childhood sweetheart, and yet David is all biker.

“I’m nobody.” His eyes aren’t sad—they’re clear and gorgeous, yet I tear my gaze away and take another sip, already feeling the wonderful warm buzz that red wine brings.

I lean in closer and trace the five black bands tattooed on his left forearm.

“Why do you have these? Like all your tattoos I get, but these…” He sips his water and sets it down.

Taking my finger, he lightly rubs it on the first band. “This band is for my uncle. This one is for my cousin.” He moves my finger as he goes. “This is for Debbie.” I want to pull away to stop what’s next.

“This one is Tabatha.” It’s the thickest one and he holds my hand on it.

“And this…” He eyes the last one that is half black. “This is me.”

I look up. “What?” I croak.

He leans forward and dunks his thumb in the bloodred wine.

“You heard me.” His gravelly voice makes my breath stutter as he brings his dripping thumb to my lips.

He rubs the wine on them causing the red liquid to drip down my chin. His attention remains fixated on me as he leans forward to lick the wine off. His tongue starts at my chin then moves to my lips as he claims my feverish mouth.

I groan. It’s so sensual, like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’m lost in a swirling sensation of cherries and spice. My nails grind into his forearm as my head goes back onto his other arm so that he can deepen the kiss.

I’m spinning, trying to focus on the fact that we’re in a restaurant.

But it doesn’t matter. This day has taken me down a path I’ll never come back from.

It will forever be in my mind as this kiss. It’s sensual and brutal, taking all of me and making me his. Our tongues tangle greedily as he deepens it, and it’s done. I know that I’ll never forget this moment. This kiss could very well destroy me.

A clearing of a voice, or maybe it’s more a choking, makes us pull back. My face is on fire as well as my lips. Holy God, what is happening to me? David looks intense. That means I’m not the only one who feels this way, which makes me feel a little better.

“Your food.” The waiter sets down a sandwich with melted cheese and an egg on top along with a salad and a big bowl of fries.

David gets some sort of salad with salmon and a crepe loaded with berries and cream.

“I’m so glad you brought me here. This is amazing.”

He reaches for a fry. “After I left, I thought about you.”

I drop my fork. “You did?”

He grins. “All the time.”

He looks down at his plate as he cuts into his salmon. “I always hoped that you went to college and finished. Did you?”

“I did. I got my degree in business and inherited the diner.” Taking a bite of my incredible egg and cheese sandwich, I lean back.

He nods “That’s good. You deserve the best, Beautiful.”

My heart skips as I have to stop myself from putting a hand over his mouth.

“Please, don’t tell me you’re crap and unavailable.” I look at him.

He bursts out laughing and moves in as close as possible. “I was about to. Thank you for stopping me.”