It’s nothing.

“I need a shower,” she says.

I nod. “Go.” I point to the bathroom and give her a teasing smack to the rear when she’s on her way. She giggles, and keeps walking to the bathroom.

I call Shane. “You find anything else out?”

“About her sister’s ex? What a douche, Gabe, seriously. That motherfucker’s been engaged to four different women, and every damn time they catch him cheating on them before the wedding.”

“What the fuck is that about?”

“Seems he’s got a thing for it, who the hell knows. But he lied about who he was, and Lexi’s finding out the hard way you can’t always trust what someone tells you.”

My conscience pricks me.

“And there’s something else, boss.”


He sighs. “There’s some talk in the media today about your ex.”

I stifle a groan. Jesus.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. Seems she saw the little photo shoot last night. Press released some early photos and they’re killer photos, man. But someone’s jealous, and she’s playing hardball.”


“How so?” He fills me in, telling me everything I need to know.

Excellent. Just what I need right now.

I pace the room, my mind on what I just found out as Shane fills me in on my latest business trades and sales. I’m vaguely aware of him spouting off numbers and the like when the door to the bathroom opens. Miranda walks out wearing her robe, her hair slung up on her head in a towel.

“I’ll deal with this later,” I tell Shane. I turn my back to Miranda and speak in a low voice. “Keep it quiet.”

I hang up the phone.

“What is it?” she asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing to worry about.” But her brow is furrowed and her lips are pursed while she gets dressed for the day. I watch her, enamored with the simplicity of watching her put her makeup on, tug on a pair of leggings, tousle her hair while she dries it.

“Gorgeous,” I say, shaking my head as I watch her. “Should be illegal.”

She smiles, but the smile doesn’t reach her eyes.

“How’s Lexi this morning?”

Miranda’s eyes flash, and she bares her teeth. She looks like a little rabid terrier and I hold up my hands in surrender. “Whoa, babe. Easy, now. I know you’re not happy about what happened, but you can’t—”

“Castrate him with my bare hands?” she says, her eyes flashing at me. “Beat the ever living life out of him?” Her voice is rising in pitch, nearing an almost hysterical octave. “Ruin him?”

I nod, stroking my chin. “I’d bet he earned every bit of your wrath, but we’re not going to solve everything by committing a felony. And I don’t think you’ll feel any better if you did any of those things.”

She heaves out a breath while she steps into a pair of ballet flats. “Speak for yourself.”

Now, this is a side of my girl I haven’t seen before. She’s spiraling out of control and needs her daddy to step in. I watch her carefully, folding my arms across my chest.

“Come here.”

She eyes me curiously, and her brows knit together.



“Did you forget our agreement?”

She huffs out a breath. “I know, it’s just that—”

“Just that what? It’s okay for a babygirl to disobey her daddy?”

She opens her mouth to protest, then slams it shut. I can tell her guard is up, and I’m not sure why. Is it her sister’s situation? The dream she had the night before?

Or something else?

“Unless you want to find yourself over daddy’s knee…”

She sighs. “Gabriel, I—listen,” she says, her voice softening. “I’ve enjoyed my time with you, I really have.”

Oh God no. We aren’t having this conversation.

“I just can’t…” she places her head in her hands. “I can’t think about my sister and my mom and everything I have to do, and play these games at the same time.”

“Games? You think this is a game?”


She sighs, and almost looks apologetic for a minute. “I run a business, Gabriel.”

“I know that.”

“And I can’t… well, how am I supposed to do this whole submission thing and still be in charge?”

I shake my head, my tone softer this time. “Miranda. Come here.”

This time she obeys, walking to me tentatively, but her eyes never leaving mine. “Yes?”

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and hold her to me. “None of this means that you don’t still follow your life. That you don’t still run your business. Part of what attracts me to you so much is how kick-ass you are.”

She sighs, and I think I’m getting somewhere. “Really?”

“Really. And when you grant me the gift of your submission, it makes me feel ten feet tall. Imagine, a woman like you, so take-charge and capable… willingly giving yourself to me.” I shake my head. “It’s a fucking honor.”

She melts into me and sighs. “I love when you say things like that.”

“I mean it, babe. I do. That I’ve earned your trust and submission means everything to me.”