“I’ll walk down with you to the lobby.”

She nods, but her mind is already elsewhere, on her tasks and what needs to be done today.

“I’ll be done with work at lunch,” she says, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Let’s have lunch together?”

I squeeze her hand. “Absolutely, baby. Now go kick ass. We’ll get lunch.”

She grins at me, nods, and leaves.

Forget dinner. It’ll be lunchtime, then. That’s when I’ll reveal everything. And if I do this right, she’ll understand.

I call her ten minutes later, but it goes to voicemail.

Everything okay, baby?

A text comes back in a moment later. Yes, daddy, of course. I just have to finish my work.

The more she pulls away, the more eager I am to pull her back to me. I pace the lobby, then finally head back upstairs. Soon, I’ll have her again.

Soon, I’ll make her mine for good.Chapter SixteenMiranda

As I leave Vegas, Baby, a complicated blend of emotions swirl through me. I care for him so much, but he’s… too much… but we’re perfect together… no, I’m just his latest obsession…

My phone rings, tearing me out of my string of thoughts. Lexi’s calling me. Crap. I’m so worried about my own life I totally forgot my baby sister is landing today. With everything on my mind, I’d completely forgotten she was coming so soon. When I’d committed to meet Gabriel for lunch, I’d forgotten I was going with Lexi.

Shit, shit, double shit! I plant my palm to my forehead and grab my phone from my purse. I peel the worry from my voice as I answer. “Hey, Lexi! Did you land?”

She doesn't say hello, just bursts into a jumbled monologue of excitement. “Oh. My. God. Miranda—that jet? Are you kidding me? Holy shit, I felt like I was on that old tv show we used to watch with dad. Wasn’t it called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? Anyway, when I got onboard, they gave me this little hot towel to wash my face with and there was champagne and then when we landed there was a limo, like waiting for that guy… Shane? And me. Is this seriously the life you’ve become accustomed to with Gabriel? I mean, this is as close to perfect as you’re going to get.”

Perfect. At the sound of the word, a tight knot forms in my stomach and my mouth goes dry. I give a choked laugh. “Yeah. I’m a lucky girl.” So… lucky.

“Shane’s been such a sweetheart. He flew out with the jet so he could keep me company on the flight. Now, we’re on the way to your apartment. We’ll be there in ten. I can’t wait to see you.”

Shoot. Not only have I forgotten she was landing, I’m stuck at work. She’s going to beat me home. “I’m at the office. I still have a few things to wrap up but even if I left this second, you’d be waiting for me for at least half an hour. Can Shane bring you to the office instead?”

“Hang on. Let me ask.” There’s the muffled sound of voices, then she’s back. “Shane said no worries. He can get me in.”

He can get me in.

My blood turns to ice.

Shane can get into my apartment. A vague, fuzzy memory pops up in my mind. That night—the very first night of our contract, our first date, when Lexi called me to tell me about mom, Gabriel jumped to the rescue. He booked the flight, arranged for a car…

Even had a bag of my belongings brought to us before we left.

How in the hell did someone get into my place to gather my stuff? My mind was so far gone with worry over my mom, my heart so relieved to have Gabriel’s unbelievable help to get me to Sacramento so quickly… I never ever stopped to wonder how someone got into my apartment to get that bag of clothes for me.

The ice in my veins spreads, chilling me to the bone. I start to shake, my hands trembling so badly I grip the phone to be sure I don’t drop it.

Lexi’s voice brings me back. “Did you hear what I said, Miranda?”

“Huh?” My own voice sounds strange in my ears.

She gives a laugh. “I thought you’d hung up for a sec. I said, you were right. I needed this trip.”

“Oh. Great.” He has had access to my home from day one.

My sister’s voice sounds far away. “Miranda. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Never better.” Before day one, really, because he had one of his staff members, maybe even Shane, inside of my house by ten.

I barely hear her words. “Miranda are you there? Maybe she got disconnected, Shane.”

Only three hours after we met outside the hotel for our date. I shake my head. Will myself to speak. “Yes, I’m here. I’m fine…”

“Your phone is acting crazy today. There’s like a delay or something. I was saying, don’t worry about lunch. We can go when you get off. I’ll just be waiting at your apartment for you.”