I guess most women have a babygirl hiding in their heart.

We changed our name. Bought this beautiful standalone building on the strip, and Sugar Daddies was born.

My office is all white, a smaller, exact replica of the Sugar Daddies sign hangs on the wall behind my desk. I slip into my dove gray ergonomic office chair and flip open the top of my rose gold MacBook.

There’s an email marked URGENT. It’s from a Shane Barr.


Let me introduce myself. I’m Shane, the personal assistant for Mr. Lord. I’m the one who arranged for your date with my boss. I hope you ladies are enjoying the new air conditioner.

I sit back and pause my reading to take a moment to enjoy the cool air. It’s at least ten degrees cooler than the last time I was in here and it feels fantastic. I call out to Sam, “Great work finagling that new HVAC unit, Sam!”

She shouts back. “Thanks, babe! The under boob sweat was really getting out of control around here.”

I laugh, turning my attention back to my screen.

Mr. Lord wanted me to reach out to you to be sure you were in your apartment at six o’clock sharp. He’s got a surprise for you ahead of tonight. A full, Hollywood glam squad who’ve flown in from L.A for tonight's eight o’ clock event.

They’re the crew that get the A-listers ready for red carpet events and they’re fucking fantastic at their job. We’ve managed to have them squeeze you in. You won’t have to lift a finger. They’ll have your hair, makeup, and clothing covered.

He also said to be on the lookout for an important text with further instructions for tonight.

A little thrill runs through me as I read that last line once more. I have to sit back in my seat and fan my flushed face. I have no idea what he has in store for me tonight but I’m sure it’s something that will push my boundaries, tipping my pleasure quota off the escort scale.

Can’t wait to meet you in person tonight. I’ve heard a lot about you. Gabe is obviously obsessed with you.


Shane Barr

Obsessed with me? I smile to myself. Surely not. I mean, I know he likes me. He did everything in his power to spend more time with me, but obsessed is a strong word.

Though, the more time I spend with him, the more I find myself thinking about him. Wanting him. Maybe I’m the one with the obsession.

I can’t focus on work. I’m too excited about tonight. A whole glam squad from Hollywood, all preparing me for this magical night? It’s a babygirl’s dream come true.

My phone rings. Lexi. I pick up on the first ring. “How are you? How’s Mom?”

“Oh my God, Miranda. That man of yours is an absolute saint. This place is amazing.”

“You’re there now? With Mom?”

“Yes. We drove over a few hours ago and they gave us a tour. We’re just getting settled into her room. It’s so... nice. Everyone is friendly and Mom’s already made friends with one of the male nurses. Says he looks like Armand Olivier.”

“Who’s that?”

She blows out a breath. “The hero from Mafia Mania!” Oh, right. That one.

We catch up a bit, then she has to go. Mom wants to play a game of Spades with two women she met down the hall and needs Lexi as her fourth. I breathe the deepest sigh of relief.

Mom’s safe. She’s happy. And Lexi can rest easy.

All thanks to Gabriel. I try to work, but find my mind drifting to him.

I shuffle a few papers. I wonder what style of dress I’ll wear? Reply to a few emails. How will they do my hair? Forward some bills to Sam. And what will that text message say?

Nerves dance in my belly, wicked and delicious. How I’m going to make it through the night with no panties on is beyond me—the ones I’m wearing now are seriously damp.

What could he do to me that he hasn’t already done? I think of things he’s said to me. Things he wanted to do to me.

I want to do them all.

Sam’s face pops into the doorway of my office. I startle, looking up, hoping the thoughts of guilty pleasures aren’t written all over my face. She gives me a look of concern. “Your cheeks are flush. Are you hot? Want me to crank the air up?”

“That’d be great.” I pull my damp blouse from my chest, airing out. “It’s… getting a little hot in here.”

“Okay, I’ll do it on my way out. I’m leaving now. Need anything before I go?” She pulls her purse strap over her shoulder.

I wave her on. “Nope. Thanks for coming in and I’m sorry I wasn’t here the past few days.”

“Miranda. Seriously? You had a family emergency. Don’t apologize.” She gives me a stern look. Sometimes I swear she’s got her own daddy dom tendencies.