“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He pulls open the second drawer down, then the third, tossing books and magazines and a few remote controls onto the floor in his search. “All we need is one—where is it!”

I don’t dare laugh.

Instead, I scoot to the center of the bed, propping myself on my elbow to watch the spectacle, his hard-on raging—still shockingly stiff.

His entire upper body is shockingly hard. Firm. Muscular.


Hard in that untouchable way and I wonder how he’ll feel when he’s braced above me. Will it be warm and gentle, or will it be like touching stone?

“Victory!” he finally shouts after what feels like an eternity, startling me out of my thoughts, one arm thrown above his head holding a condom, the other shoving his pants down. They’re kicked off in a frenzy, pooling at his ankles.

He trips toward the bed, falling onto the mattress with an “Oof! Shit!” Crawling toward me, he laughs. “Can we forget this last thirty seconds happened? Not my finest moment.”

No, definitely not his finest moment…SeventeenTrippYou’re about to fuck a girl who can kick your own ass and this is how you show up to the party?

Rookie moves.

The whole thing couldn’t have been any more awkward.

I should hand in my man card now and call it quits. First the fumbling, then I fucking trip on my own damn pants on my way back to the bed?


Real smooth.

If I wasn’t rock hard, I’d know enough to be humiliated.

It’s a good thing then that I have sex on the brain—and amazing stamina—to keep my dick hard, otherwise one of us would be jerking me off right about now to get the blood flowing.

I toss the condom on the mattress next to Chandler and go to work relieving her of her panties.

She’s bare, pretty and pink, and I can’t help wanting to put my mouth on her one more time before I fuck her.

When I part her thighs, they tremble.

When I bend and put my entire mouth on her pussy, her ass comes off the bed a few inches, hands clenching the bedspread.

I suck as I did before, fingers parting her to find her sweet little clit, giving that a suck, too. Fucking delicious.

“Oh god.” Head thrashing on the pillow. “Do we have to do this? C-can’t you j-just… I want to f-feel you inside me.”

“And not get to listen to that sexy little stutter? I don’t think so.”

I devour her until she’s pushing at my shoulders, begging. Begging me to fuck her and goddamn do I want to, the throbbing cock between my legs growing unbearable.

I grind my hips on the mattress, but that only makes it worse.

“P-please T-Tripp.” Her plea is a tortured moan, giving me a glimpse of the sounds she’ll make when I’m buried inside.

I kiss her pussy goodbye, use her inner thigh to wipe her from my chin, and climb over her body, bracketing her head with a hand on either side. Lean in to kiss her mouth, tongue mating with hers, each of us a groaning, horny mess.

I feel like a fucking teenager and I love it.

Fumbling with one hand, I snatch the condom, tearing it open with my teeth like a bad advertisement, spitting out the wrapper and going to work unrolling it on my dick.

Chandler wriggles beneath me, impatient. “If I have to wait one more second, I will scream!” she threatens with narrowed eyes, and for someone usually so sweet and adoring, the sex monster inside her is rearing its ugly head.

Sex monster—loving that metaphor. I’ll have to say it out loud when I get the chance, but now is not the time.

Chandler spreads her legs wider, anticipating my arrival; I take the invitation and push my hips forward like a heat-seeking missile, sliding home.

Chandler gasps.

She’s tight—blissfully so—and also unprepared for the size of my dick.

Slowly I ease in. Inch by inch.

It’s agony; all I want to do is plow forward and bury myself to the hilt. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

But her pussy feels so fucking good, so fucking tight, so fucking tight I swear my eyes roll to the back of my goddamn skull it’s so goddamn good and I’m repeating myself.

“Fuck.” My head dips, sweat beading on my brow. Patience.


“Just do it, I’ll be fine. I’m not a virgin.”

I lift my head. “Are you laughing at me?”

She is. Her eyes say it all, glistening and glassy. Arousal mixed with humor, the little sex monster. “Do it,” she mouths, no words coming out. “Do. It.”

She lifts her hips, thrusting up, forcing me to bang her back.

“You little shit, I’m trying to be gentle.”

“It’s wetter than a Slip N Slide down there—I’m pretty sure you’ll have no problems getting it all the way in if you try hard enough.”

Really? Was that comparison necessary?

“Tripp, would you please just—”

I push all the way inside.