That means...

I hop out, quickly spinning around.

Enoch’s body is curled over, his head down. His free hand has formed a tight fist, and he’s jammed it between his teeth in an effort to silence his own cries of pain.

Royce is crouched beside him, a crooked, criminal grin in place. He chuckles low and spiteful. “Well, fuckin’, well, Cameron. Would you look at that? And to think, we were only gonna snap three fingers, and my girl here got you for four, maybe even a couple of them bones a little lower, huh?”

Tears break from Enoch, his jaw shaking.

I drop my eyes to the ground at my feet, but then Captain’s fingers are sliding under my chin, and pulling it up, forcing me to face the scene I’m responsible for.

“Come on, girl. You’re a part of this,” he whispers.

I nod and stand up taller.

I’m a part of this.

“Hell of an accident, yeah, Enoch?” Royce grips him by the hair, tugging his head back. “Random as the broken scoreboard, ain’t it?”

Drool falls from his mouth, his teeth clenched tight to fight the pain.

Enoch nods.

“That’s right, and your old man will be happy to donate to the school? Replace the items that someone made off with, yeah?”

Another nod.

Royce dips close, whispering something in Enoch’s ear before shoving his head back down.

Royce pushes to his feet, his eyes finding mine when he plants himself in front of me. “That was reckless and could have easily flipped on you.”

I nod. “I know, but I knew you’d get to me before it could.”

He glares heavy, hard, and his hand comes up to rub across his mouth, but he says nothing.

He walks away.

Captain grips him by the arm on his escape, but Royce jerks free and disappears into the house.

Maddoc watches him go, dropping his eyes to me once he’s out of view. “He’s right, that wasn’t foolproof.”

“Is anything?”

“You were going to free his hand without making sure we were close enough to stop him should he come after you.”

“He did what he did in heartbreak. He had no reason to come after me.”

“He’s going pro, Brielle.” Maddoc frowns. “If he were to panic enough after getting his hand crushed, he just fucking might.” He looks to Raven and back to me.

“I didn’t think about that.”

“I know. Royce knows. That’s why he’s pissed. If you get hurt, it’s on him.”


“Yes,” Captain cuts in.

Maddoc looks from Captain to me. “That was quick thinking, and a good move, but run through A to Z before you make decisions.” His eyes, they aren’t angry, but they are firm.

I nod and he motions for Micah.

“Get her in the back,” he tells him.

Micah’s hand finds my lower back and Maddoc slaps it away with a glare. “Get her in the back without fucking touching her.”

Reluctantly, I follow Micah into the back yard.

The lights of the SUV spear through the fence boards only seconds after we’re closed behind it.

We step into the yard, choosing to lean against an air conditioning unit rather than taking a seat on the main deck.

“Let me get you a drink?” Micah eyes me.

I nod, take a deep breath and look around.

This house, it belongs to the boys.

Since they don’t accept people into their home on the Brayshaw property, they did what rich boys do and bought another one, or so Micah told me. As far as I know, it’s nothing more than a party pad, along with whatever else their hearts desire.

I’m sure it’s where Royce... plays.

I turn, looking out at the darkness behind me, staring up at the North Star.

Micah walks up then.

“You ever spend your night staring up at the North Star and wonder how many it’s helped find their way?”

Micah grins. “Nah, Brielle. Can’t say I did, grew up in a fog-filled town with horse shit on the sidewalk and sack races on Sundays.”

I chuckle and look to him.

He holds my drink out, and only when I lift my hand to wrap it around the bottle, do I realize they’re shaking.

Micah and I lock eyes at the same time, and he gives a sad smile, stepping closer.

He takes the bottle, setting it beside us, and pulls my hands in and up to his mouth.

He blows warm breath into my palms, encasing them within his own and I close my eyes.

Next thing I know, my back is hitting the edge of the metal frame of the AC unit, and Micah is knocked on his ass with one strong, solid, drunken, punch.

From Royce.

The yard goes quiet as Micah lifts his hands and backs away.

Royce’s angry glare sweeps my way.

And me?

I stop breathing and wait, because based on the crazed look in his eyes... this is it.RoyceI can’t feel my legs.

I can’t feel my fuckin’ legs, but I’m somehow growing closer.

My limbs hurt, my head’s ready to explode, and my mind... it’s all over the damn place.