The family Bass came to believe in and gave his all to in hopes of earning me a place beside him.

Yes, they took my brother from me without pause or consideration of the girl they were leaving behind, or more, casting out alone, but I can’t say I don’t understand why or that I’m angry over it.

Does it sting?

Of course it does. My brother was the only person in my world I could depend on. We were only safe, away from the home we were born and raised in for less than twenty-four hours when they came for him, and not twenty-four after that I was on my way to my aunt’s, without him.

Like I said, though, I understand, and as much as it has sucked to be without him, I’m grateful for them and what they gave him. If anyone deserved a chance in a world that meant something, it was him. I was okay knowing he was okay.

I can only hope I don’t make a fool of him now that I have a chance to join him.

I won’t.Chapter 11Royce“Whatcha lookin’ for, Ponyboy?”

“A way to tell Maddoc it’s my kid you’re carryin’.”

Raven laughs while I duck to avoid Maddoc’s open palm.

“For real, what’s up?” She leans back in her chair, her hands on her big-ass belly.

I reach out, putting my hand beside hers, my eyes still scanning the room. “She ain’t in here, I’m wondering if she’s curled in a corner somewhere.”

Raven tips her head. “You want her to be?”

I look back to her with a brow raised. “If I wanted her to be, she would be.”

Victoria shrugs. “People have no reason to be threatened by her, so she should be fine.”

“Exactly.” Raven nods. “She’s just a girl from the group home... until you make her something different.”

“Which will happen never.” I glare.

Raven smirks. “Uh-huh.”

“Check it out.” Captain gains our attention.

Enoch Cameron, Brayshaw High’s star pitcher, sits wide legged at a table near the back exit, chatting up Giana Fritz, a chick from the tennis team.

He reaches out, flicking her hair near her shoulders, and she leans a little closer.

“Lay it on thick, fucker,” I muse. “Your girl’s only sittin’ a table over.”

We glance at Taylor Simms, the girl he’s had on his hip since freshman year.

“Right on time,” Maddoc speaks low, and the rest of us look toward the door.

Coach Von walks right through, cut lip, black eye and guaran-fucking-tee some fractured-ass ribs under his firm pressed dress shirt.

Victoria sits forward in her chair, studying their body language while we look for a sign that reads foul play.

What do you know, while Enoch doesn’t look his way, the fucker does sit up in his seat.

His eyes fly to Taylor, who shrinks in her chair, hiding her face behind her phone.

Neither of them look toward the coach.

Maddoc leans back. “It was him.”

“Yeah. We’re missing something.” Cap nods.

“They’re playin’ bitch boy games.”

“But is it me...” Victoria squints. “Or does Taylor look like she’s about to break down with waterworks any second now?”

She does.

“Looking at that dude, seems he’s looking for a new flavor.”

Victoria eyes her, shaking her head. “We need to look at her a little deeper.”

Nobody argues. Victoria is usually right when it comes to this kind of thing, but until we find out more, it is what it is.

My eyes shift to Enoch when he stands. He says something to Giana that has her nodding before he walks away.


I turn to Captain. “Aye, let me take Zoey on Sunday.”

He frowns. “You know you can come with us. Always.”

I grin.

Fuck me, love to hear that, not that I need to. They never throw it in my face, never try to sneak away alone. We might have added to our threesome, but it’s got no effect on how tight we are.

They know me and are fully aware I give a fuck-ton about their relationships.

In fact, they’d kick my ass if they knew I didn’t have plans on days I pass on their outings, but I’d take it if they found out because I want them to have the time they deserve with their girls, always.

I love my brothers as much as I know how, but the love they get from their equal halves isn’t one I can match. It isn’t one I’d ever cut in on either.

“I know, brother.” I nod. “But I want her to my damn self. I’ve gotta score back some points since Uncle Dick over here keeps sneaking stuffed trains in her room.”

Captain swings his frown to Maddoc.

Maddoc’s glare snaps my way, and he tosses a bottle cap at me.

“You said no more stuffed animals,” Cap calls him out.

I sit back, grinning with Raven and Victoria while Maddoc does his damn best to justify Zoey’s need for every fuckin’ thing she wants. And more.

What neither of them know is I rented out the entire Build-A-Bear Workshop for Sunday night for the princess.