“We don’t have time for this junior high bullshit.”

Her lip curls my way, but her gaze falls when Bass pushes against her. “I haven’t changed it in a while...”

“Password,” he snaps.

She lifts her head, stealing herself. “D-O...”

“M?” he growls.

She clears her throat, nodding. “And add an S.”

“Who’s Dom?”

Bass glares and she slinks away, leaving her phone in his hand.

Whatever just happened is forgotten, as he pulls up the photo.

His face turns white. “Motherfucker.”

I yank it from him, zooming in on the car, and the dead man beside it.

Leo.Chapter 36Royce“There’s no way she’d walk away with a stranger. She had to know him or think she did. He made his way to her and introduced himself as someone different. Something.”

“He had to have followed her here.” Bass shakes his head. “Think about it, someone had to lock the gates and that door that kept you out of the school those few extra minutes. Coach Von couldn’t do that and be in there at the same time.”

“He knew she’d black out,” I realize, brows drawn. “He knows all about her. He watched her, followed her, and then I showed up in that town and threw him off course, but the fucker knew I’d never walk away from her. He bet on it and set shit off here, then followed her back.”

“And he knew you’d fuck up, and that you’d call me to take her away when you did.” Bass glares, shaking his head. “Punk bitch,” he growls.

This is why we don’t let people into our core group, this shit happens when things go sour.

Bass closes his eyes. “I sent her to my aunt’s to keep her away from this, and it didn’t fucking matter, because I was still fucking in it. Everyone connected to anyone in worlds like this are at risk.” He meets my gaze, hit with a realization of his own. “People we love are safer with us than without.”

He begins to pace and then suddenly freezes.

“Bishop.” I dart toward him.

“He led us here, knowing she’d be with us but not too close. That we’d keep her back just in case.” He starts walking, then breaks out into a jog, and I’m forced to follow.


“He’s doing this because of me. I know where he’s taken her.”

I fall in line beside him, running at his pace.

“I thought I ended him,” Bass admits. “If he hurts her, I’ll kill him.”

“He touched her.” I clench my phone in my hand. “He’s already dead.”

The only way he’s going anywhere is in a body bag.

Bass skids around the building, jerking to a halt a half court’s space away from the pool and my muscles clench.


His eyes hit mine, torment heavy in his.

I don’t have to ask if he’s sure, because her shrill scream fills the night sky, echoes through my body, and boomerangs against my throat.


We speed up, coming to a screeching halt when we’re staring down the barrel of an ancient, M16 rifle from the other side of the fence. “My, how the power has shifted.” Leo smirks. “How you doing, Brayshaw?”

“Royce! Bass!”

We look up to find Brielle standing at the edge of the high dive, her hands held close to her body in fear, her wrists tied.

“It’s okay, baby! Breathe.”

“Don’t lie to her!” Leo barks. “Tell her the truth. This is where she dies.”

“You’re fucking dead!” I roar.

We hop up, gripping the top of the fence, but then he lays on the trigger, several shots ringing out loud, fragments of the fence breaking off and jamming into our skin.

We fall back onto the cement. Brielle screams, but we quickly roll up, spotting the hole now two feet from where we stand.

Leo smirks. “Pops was a sharpshooter, that’s where he picked up his heavy hands. Only thing useful he gave me?” His face flips, anger front and fucking center. “A perfect shot, but you knew that already.”

“Put the gun down, Leo, and I’ll let you die quickly.”

“Shut the fuck up.” He points it at Brielle in warning. “Back off the fence. I know you got hops, Brayshaw, but you think you can jump that bitch before I put a bullet in yours?” He glances at Brielle.

“Leo, come on. I’m fucking sorry. Leave my sister out of this, man!” Bass screams, his grip so tight on the metal links blood trickles down his hands. One of his shoes lifts, tucking in the side.

Leo locks eyes on Bass and fires three rounds toward Brielle while keeping his eyes on us.

Panic flares through our bodies, and we look up as she screams.

He’s shot a whole perfectly through the board, three feet from her. “Jump,” he demands of her.

“Brielle, ignore him!” Bass shouts.

His gun points at us, and he repeats it. “I said jump!”

I look to her, shake my head, but when he lets off a couple our way again, forcing us to drop to the ground, she doesn’t hesitate.