“Does he…know?” If his dad hurt him this bad… I can’t comprehend, except to think that maybe he was blackout drunk.

“He knows.” His voice is soft but hard.

“So are you saying he—”

“He’s an asshole and it doesn’t matter.” But I know it does because his voice cracks on the last word.

“Baby. I’m so sorry.” I kiss his cool, damp forehead, press my cheek against his.

“Usually I’m ready but…I wasn’t paying attention.”

Tears spill down my cheeks as my chest aches so badly I can’t breathe. “You shouldn’t have to.”

“I know.”

I wait for him to say more. I want him to tell me everything, but he just lies there with his eyes closed, looking pale and hurt, not moving as I kiss his eyes and cheeks and jaw. Not one tear rolls down his temple.

“Where are you hurt, sweetness?”

His hand, wrapped loosely around my shoulder, moves a little, and I scoot away so he can move it without shifting his body. He brings his hand so that his palm hovers over his shoulder—or the spot between his chin and shoulder.

“Right there.” His face tenses as he pulls on his shirt collar, revealing a swatch of bruised and swollen skin.

He inhales, blows the breath out. “Sorry I came.” I think he’s trying to keep that flat tone, but his words tremble again.

“Why would you be sorry? I’m your family now, and you’re my family. Do you know how devastated I would be if you hadn’t come to me?”

He sucks air in through his nose. Then he wipes his eyes with his free hand. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Everything about you is a big deal to me. And it always will be.”

He reaches around with his good arm so he’s got his hand behind me. Then he tugs on my shirt, urging me back down beside him. When we’re snuggled up, our legs intertwined and his warm arm locked around me, I can feel him exhale.

I kiss his throat. “In a second, I can get a towel for your face. And then we’ll figure out the rest. I think you should see a doctor.”

I lift my head so I can see him, finding his eyes on me. Such sad eyes. Tears well in them, and I want to die from hurting for him.

“You’re going to be okay. I promise. I will help you find a way to be okay. You and me, all right? Forever.”

He nods, leaning his head toward mine.

“In a little while, I can sneak out with you to go to the doctor.”

“I can go…by myself. I feel…bad for coming here.” The words are forced through clenched teeth.

I kiss his cheek. “No, don’t feel bad.” I stroke his hair back, noticing it’s damp. “How about I go grab you some Advil?”

He nods, closing his eyes again.

I kiss him one last time and gently disentangle my limbs from his. “I’ve got some in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

I cast one last look at him, my heart bursting with love and sorrow at the sight of him on my bed. Then I grab the first aid kit. When I step back into the room, I find my father in the doorway.Chapter TwentyLucaElise is all I care about, so the look of horror on her face as she sees her dad hits me right in the gut. I get a shot of adrenaline, which leaves me gritting my teeth. Elise is standing in front of me—like she’s protecting me. I hear her voice, but I can’t process. He says something, and she sits on the edge of the bed.

He murmurs something that’s not louder than the whooshing sound in my head.

“No,” she says.

“I’m not going to hurt him, Elise. What happened?”

“He got hurt, and he came here. Now he needs to see a doctor and I’m not throwing him out.”

Elise’s father puts his hand on her shoulder. He pulls her to her feet, and they step out of the room.

Fuck, I’m such a selfish, stupid asshole. I get up as fast as I can, blinking a few times before I pull open the door. They’re standing just outside it. Both of them turn to me. Elise’s eyes are wide; she’s clearly upset. I can’t read her father.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m gonna get going. I’ve got a few things I need to—”

“No,” her father interrupts. “You’re going to come into my office.”

I’m too out of it to read his tone. I look at Elise, and she’s biting her lip, looking on the verge of tears.

“I’m sorry. I think I should go.” Before my legs give out, because they’re feeling weird and shaky.

“Son, I want to check on you and make sure you’re okay. That’s all.”

“I am.” I try to steady my voice. “I just need to get home.”

A big tear drips down Elise’s cheek. Her father sees, too. He puts a hand on my unhurt shoulder and looks into my eyes.