I laugh at the awkwardness as I sit up above him, keeping myself off him out of shyness.

“Please,” he groans.

“You’re sure?” I whisper.

He pulls down my underwear, positions me so I’m—literally—sitting on his face. My gaze latches onto his length and the way his hand looks working the flanged tip of himself. And it’s that sight that draws me forward. In between my legs, I’m warm and heavy. I shift down onto my hands and knees. I’m reaching for him as his tongue delves into my slit.

“Ahhhhh, Luca.”

Then his mouth clasps over my heat, and I’m taking his thick tip into my mouth. He starts to lick me and I wrap my lips around him, rolling my tongue all around and he is groaning…writhing…thrusting his tongue where it makes me crazy. I laugh with my mouth around him, and I feel his answering groan as it vibrates all through me.

We’re both shaking, sweating. I’m so close. So…ready. God, I want to be consumed by this, to feel it all. On a whim, I take him out of my mouth, shift so I’m off of him.

I watch as his eyes blink open.

“Do you have a condom, Luca?”

“Fuck.” He slides his hand down himself. “Rosa, don’t ask me that.”

I lie on my back, pull my slip up, and run a finger over myself where I’m throbbing. “I want to do it,” I whisper. “Tonight. I’m so…” I can’t say the words. “This is a good time for it. It might be the only time till college next fall.”

He’s on his knees beside me, looking shocked and alarmed. “You don’t want me to do that.”

I can’t help a giggle. “Yes I do.”

“It hurts for girls.”

“There’s no way you could hurt me.”

His hand covers me, his fingers tracing as I lift my hips to urge him inside.

“Luca, please,” I whisper. “I want it. And I feel…ready.”

He slides a finger into me, then draws it slowly out. He pushes two inside, and I moan. “Yesss.”

“I’m bigger.”

“I want bigger.”

He laughs, and it’s a strangled sound. “Elise.”

“I want to feel my love inside me. Right now.”

He shuts his eyes, and I know I’ve won. I’m grinning like a fool as he peers down at me.

“You’re sure?” He sounds hoarse.

I nod, and he blows a breath out, fishing something from his pocket.

“You did bring one. Can I help you put it on?”

He laughs and tears it open. “I don’t know. I think I’ll…” He trails off as he rolls it over his head. I watch as he smooths it down his thick length. He looks up at me with glassy eyes.

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah, baby. I know it might hurt and I’m okay with that. It’ll only hurt the first time.”

He moves closer, kissing me until we’re breathless. Then he lays me down and teases me with his mouth, pushing his tongue into me until I’m screaming and my legs are locked around him.

“Luca, please!”

He spreads my legs and moves between them.

“I love you, Elise O’Hara. Always.” He rubs his tip through my slick heat till I’m groaning. Then he presses where I want him.

“Love you more.”

“Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.”

I breathe once, and then twice. Then he moves in with a hard thrust. There’s a burst of pain—a stinging ache—and then he’s in me. A moan burbles from my throat. He thrusts again and I whimper. He’s so…in me. I move my hips and… “Ahhh.” It hurts…but it feels good, too. I shift my hips so my legs fall open wider, and he draws out slightly. I open my eyes, finding his face slack with pleasure.

He moves deeper and lets out a loud groan. “Ohhhh.” His entire gorgeous body shudders. For a second, he looks almost stricken. Then he grabs my hips and thrusts so deep I see stars. I’m groaning as he draws out slowly.

“You okay?” he groans back.

“Oh yes.”

He pushes in…and draws slowly back out. Then shoving in and pulling out…and in and out. Heat flushes through me, blooming mostly in between my legs, where pleasure ripples outward. I start breathing harder, tensing as I lift my hips toward him.

I can feel it coming. It’s a balloon of sensation, swelling in between my legs until I’m screaming his name and it bursts, spreading through me and then fading into one spasming aftershock that spreads pure bliss through every cell.

I feel Luca’s body jerk and hear his soft grunt. He murmurs a curse, and then he’s pulling out—too quickly. He’s lying beside me—collapsing, really—and he’s pulling me against him, whispering, “Are you okay?”

The last thing I remember before closing my eyes is my own voice, saying, “I’ve never been better.”Chapter SeventeenLucaShe falls asleep afterward, and I stare at her for a long time. I love her, and I love that she feels safe enough with me to fall asleep.