“Jesus!” Drew snarls. “Fuck!”

His ass cheeks clench just as Ashton curses. I can feel Ashton’s dick swelling up, pressing against mine, and I lose it. I’m no longer able to hold on. Cum floods out of me as Ashton’s does the same based on the throbbing his is doing. All the sensations must be too much because Mia screams in pleasure.

My heart is pounding right out of my chest by the time I come down from my high. I ease out of her, watching in awe as cum runs out of her abused pussy.

It’s then I panic.

“Shit, Mia,” I bark out. “I didn’t use a condom.”

“I’m good now,” she assures me. “No babies anytime soon.”

Drew climbs off her and flops down onto the bed, breathing heavily and unusually pale. Ashton slides Mia off his dick, sending more rivers of cum running out of her.

“I’m clean,” I assure her. “So you don’t have to worry. I got checked out when I started getting intimate with Drew. We both did.”

“I’m clean too, Mia,” Ashton says. “When I had to get tested for marijuana, I made them check me for STDs as well, so I could throw that in my dad’s face too.” He shrugs. “I’ve always been careful… until you.”

“I guess that’s settled,” Mia says, giggling as she wiggles between Ashton and Drew. “I was a virgin, so I’m good too.”

I prowl over her, covering her body with mine, loving that we’re all always smashed together and it feels right. “You look good with cum in your ass and in your pussy.” I kiss her mouth hard. “And you taste good with cum in your mouth.”

She grins at me. “I’m going to be sore for a while, but I can’t wait to do that again.”

“Dirty, dirty girl,” Ashton says. “How does after dinner sound?”

Her laugh is adorable. “Ha. Ha.”

Drew is quiet, but he’s smiling. I reach over and stroke his blond hair out of his eyes. “You okay?”

“Just worn out. You people exhaust me,” he complains.

“Aww, Daddy needs a nap,” Ashton jokes.

“Fuck off, brat,” Drew throws back, laughing. “Let’s get cleaned up and over to Molly and Tim’s. I’m starving.”

As I climb off the bed, I can’t help but let nerves overcome me.

I’m going to tell them.

Not about Ben. I’ll never be able to tell them that.


I’m going to tell them about this. Us. My relationship.

I hope like hell I’m not exchanging one family for another one. I need both. I need all the love and support I can get.

Ben, if you’re looking down on us, put in a good word that Mom and Dad don’t hate me for having two boyfriends and a girlfriend. Better yet, probably best not mention that to the big guy upstairs.The house is bustling with life.



My heart swells, ready to burst. Ashton and Drew have Dad locked in conversation while Mia listens intently as Mom explains how she manages to get the chicken fried to perfection every time. I’m happy as hell seeing them fit in so well with my family.

Ashton is cheerful and relaxed.

Drew is content and all smiles.

Mia is eating and her eyes twinkle with delight.

I should probably wait until after we finish our meal, but I can’t. I need to tell them. It’s eating me up inside. After I wolf down my food, I set my fork down and clear my throat.

“Mom, Dad,” I say, earning their attention. “There’s something I need to tell you both.”

Everyone goes quiet, even big-mouth Ashton, as I work up the nerve to say the words. It’s as though Ashton, Mia, and Drew all want this too. Acceptance and love. I hope like hell I’m not about to ruin this happy moment for them. This is one secret I can’t keep from my parents, no matter the outcome. They need to know.

“You know how Drew’s my boyfriend now,” I say, easing into the conversation.

Dad nods and Mom smiles.

“We, uh, we were sort of invited to be in a relationship with Mia and Ashton,” I rush out, unable to meet their eyes now. “I know it’s not conventional and you won’t understand, but we’re happy. I know, deep down, that’s all you guys want. Drew, Mia, and Ashton all make me happy. I love them.”

I finally lift my gaze. Dad’s brows are furrowed in confusion, but not anger. Mom’s eyes are welling with tears, but I know they’re happy ones.

“Drew’s the daddy,” Ashton blurts out, making my mom snort out a laugh. “In case you were wondering the dynamics. Brayden’s the muscle. He beats up all the dicks trying to hit on us. Mia’s the cook and the maid.”

“Asshole,” Mia gripes, swatting at him. “Don’t listen to him.”

“The four of you,” Dad says slowly. “Together? How does that work?”

Mia and Drew both burn bright red while Ashton cackles.

“You really want to know how it works?” Ashton taunts.