“What’s wrong?” I demand, passing Peyton to Drew so I can squat down in front of my woman. “Go to Daddy, angel.” At least now I can get away with calling him Daddy.

“Look at my ankles,” Mia whines, kicking off her heel.

I take her foot in my hand and massage the swollen flesh. “Cutest foot I’ve ever seen.”

“Suck-up,” she teases, rubbing her large belly that’s about to burst with our son. “You did it, Dr. Carter. Seeing you up on that stage was worth putting heels on for.”

I pluck her other shoe off, tossing them both in the grass behind her. “I prefer you barefoot and pregnant. Come on. Fried mushrooms are calling your name, Momma. I’ll carry you to the car.”

“My hero,” she croons, her brown eyes twinkling.

I scoop her up and carry her along the sidewalk toward the parking lot. She buries her face against my neck, sighing happily.

“Did you ever think, when I forced you to be my pretend boyfriend at that party and rescued you from that boy you were going to go home with, that we’d get here?”

“You being carted off by a hot doctor?” I ask, laughing.

“No,” she groans. “That you’d have two husbands and a wife.”

Not legally of course, but we still did the ceremony and in our hearts, we’re one.

“I tried to snag us a couple more husbands,” I tease. “Eric and Byron said no, though. Dream killers.”

We didn’t really invite them into our relationship, but we still like to joke about it. Every now and again, the Millers come to Chicago to spend a weekend catching up with us. They’ve been good friends to us.

“Ha. Ha,” she deadpans. “Hey, Ashy C?”

“Yeah, MiMi?”

“I’m glad I kissed you that night on the couch. When you only liked boys and I hoped like hell you’d like me too.”

I squeeze her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Me too, beautiful, me too.” I set her to her feet beside Brayden’s Denali. “Even though girls have cooties, I made an exception for you.”

“I don’t have cooties,” she sasses.

“How do you explain this?” I ask, poking at her giant stomach.

“Super sperm.”

With Peyton, we were trying. Maxton, though, was an oops baby. Mia was on birth control and we still knocked her ass up.

“Whose sperm is the super-est?” I waggle my brows at her.

“And to think they gave this guy his PhD,” Drew grumbles, pinching my ass as he passes.

Drew buckles Peyton into her seat. I wink at Mia and help her into the vehicle to sit beside Peyton. Drew sits beside her, his hand settling on her belly. Fucking adorable. I climb up front with Brayden. Once the car starts, he reaches across the console, his fingers threading with mine.

As we sit in traffic, all of our parents trailing in cars behind us, I can’t help but pause to enjoy the moment.

My family.


Turns out, if you can dream it, you can have it.

And my dreams have always been big.

What can I say?

I’m spoiled. I get what I want.

Now I have everything.The End