They chatter lightly the entire way back to the hotel while I stew. It’s not until we’ve showered and I have Mia’s naked body beneath me that I finally feel okay with what I did.

We’ll protect her.

From everyone.

Especially toxic bitches like her mother.

I go to sleep, confident in the fact we always will.“Is this really necessary?” Brayden asks, yanking my chair over to his. “We could’ve done this at your place… at Ashton and Drew’s…” He throws his arm around me and nuzzles his face into my neck, and for the millionth time in the last hour, I shake my head and move my chair away from him.

“Yes, it’s necessary.” I hit him with a pointed look I hope comes across as stern. “You can’t keep your hands off me here. Do you really think we’d get any studying done in private?”

Brayden shrugs. “Maybe not English or History, but I bet we could get other studying done.” He waggles his brows and I pull the front of his hat down to cover his eyes.

“How’re you feeling about your finals?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Good. It’s crazy to think after this, I’ll only have one semester left and then I’ll be a college graduate.”

“You’ve got this.” I reach over and squeeze his hand.

A couple walking by glances over at us, intrigued. The rumor mill is running on overdrive. I’ve heard the whispers. Seen the looks. We haven’t confirmed anything because it’s nobody’s damn business, but since returning from the disastrous event in California, Brayden, Ashton, and I have been spending time together publicly. Sometimes Ashton walks me to class holding my hand, or Brayden kisses me in the tutoring center. I’m not ashamed to love three men and I refuse to hide it—with the exception of Drew. I hate that we have to keep him a secret, but it’s not about being ashamed. He would lose his job if anyone found out that he’s dating a student—or three.

“I’m studied out,” Brayden says, standing. “Why don’t we go grab a coffee before I head to practice?”

“Fine,” I agree, since I could use a caffeinated pick-me-up.

When we get to Starbucks, which is located on campus in the quad, I order on my app like I always do so we don’t have to wait in line, but when I click to place my order, it comes back denied. Weird. I click to purchase using a different card, but it does the same thing.

“Did you order?” Brayden asks.

“I think my app is messed up.”

When we get to the front of the line, finally, I give the barista our order and hand her my credit card.

“I’m sorry, but your card has been declined,” she says, flinching.

I hand her another card, but she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, it was declined too.”

“I got it,” Brayden says, shooting me a sympathetic look. He hands her his card and it goes through without issue.

“Thanks. I’m going to see what’s going on with my cards.”

“I’ll meet you at the table,” he says, leaning over and kissing me softly.

I walk over to an empty table and pull up my bank app first. My hands shake as I wait for the home screen to pop up, and when it does, I nearly hyperventilate. Zero. There are zero dollars in my bank account. How is this even possible? Was my account hacked? But then I remember my credit card was declined too.

I open up my contacts and pull up my mom’s number… Then scroll up to my dad.

Before I hit call, Brayden comes over with our coffees and sits down. “Everything okay?”

“I’m sure it’s just a mix-up,” I murmur, taking a sip of my coffee. My peppermint mocha latte is usually sweet, but today it tastes like cardboard, and I know it’s because I’m freaking out. Mom warned me… I thought because I haven’t heard from her in a couple weeks, she forgot about me. But I should’ve known better.

“My parents want to have us all over for dinner,” Brayden says, taking a sip of his own coffee.

“That’ll be fun.” I force a smile. I love Brayden’s parents. They’re so sweet and nurturing. “Maybe Molly can show me how to make a new dish.” She’s been sending me easy recipes to try out and so far they’ve been a success. The boys have not only eaten them, but none of them have died from food poisoning.

“I want to tell them about us.” He gnaws on his bottom lip. “I’m a little worried they’ll flip, but I want them to know.” He doesn’t say it, but I know he’s thinking that he has enough secrets he’s keeping from them.

“I think initially they’ll be shocked, but I don’t believe they’ll disown you or anything.” Not like my parents have…

“I don’t think so either,” he says, staring out the window. I follow his line of vision and see Drew walking across the quad. I want so badly to call him over to join us, but we can’t.