Less than ten minutes later two of the security personnel she had talked about came into the drawing room with the missing bracelet in hand.

Of course. They found the bracelet in my room, tucked away in my suitcase. The rest of the staff was asked to leave. I boldly met her gaze.

For a while the only sound was the tapping of her feet against the floor. Then I spoke. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of lording it over me. “I didn’t take your jewelry, but regardless, I’ll quit. Thanks for the opportunity. I enjoyed working here in spite of everything.”

“No,” she refuted furiously. “You’re not quitting. I’m firing you. The rest of the staff have witnessed this incident so humbly tuck your tail between your legs and get out of my home. I will extend some mercy to you. I’ll keep this out of my assessment of your performance if you agree never to come back here, or try to contact my husband again, otherwise I’ll make sure everyone knows you are a dangerous thief. Also you’ll fuck their husbands behind their backs. I will ruin you, I swear it on my life.”

I watched her, wondering how a woman could have been so blessed and yet so ungrateful? How could she not see how incredibly lucky she was? She was willing to throw it all away for cheap sex with men who probably didn’t give a shit about her. I had already opened my mouth to tell her where she could stick her stupid threat, when Zackary ran into the room.

“Charlotte, are you coming with Mummy and me for the picnic?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, darling. This time it is just going to be you and Mummy.”

“Awww,” he groaned with disappointment.

Mrs. King glared at her son. I knew that she was fuming uncontrollably underneath. “Zackary, don’t be such a crybaby. Stand up straight. Look at your hands. They look filthy. Let me see them. Come here.”

The boy went over to her, and she put him on her lap and started to clean his hands. For a few seconds I stared at them. Their blonde heads close together. Zackary was her son. Not mine. No matter how much I pretended to myself, he was not mine and she would never allow him to feel anything for me but hate. I had to end this here. It had already gone too far. I knew I couldn’t stay under her roof for a moment longer.

“Take care of Zackary,” I said to her. “He’s a wonderful boy.”

“Go,” she ordered without looking up.

Outside the security personnel were waiting for me. They escorted me up to my room where my things were already packed. After confirming there was nothing left behind, the security personnel picked up my luggage and escorted me down the stairs. I met the rest of the staff at the foot of the stairs. I wished they had not bothered, because I was already so close to tears.

Mrs. Blackmore gave me a hug. “I know you had nothing to do with it,” she said, and it consoled me when I saw the same vote of confidence reflected in the eyes of the other staff.

“Give me your address,” Carrie said.

And I was about to, when Mrs. King’s voice rang out. “Don’t you dare communicate with the thief. Unless you want to join her.”

Carrie went white. I just smiled at her and walked out of the house.

I wished so desperately to be able to see Brett. Even if it was for one last time. This wouldn’t be happening if he was here. He’d know the last thing I would do is steal his wife’s jewelry. Hell, if I wanted jewelry, all I had to do was ask April. She’d shower me with them.

I got into the dark car waiting for me. The driver said nothing. Then the massive gates were sliding shut behind me. Fighting back tears I turned around to gaze at the old dark castle. It had opened me to passions I’d never experienced before. My instinct had been right that day when I’d first arrived here and I’d had the impression if I entered these gates I’d leave a different person.

I was leaving as a different person.

I refused to allow the tears to fall because if I did, I didn't know how I was going to make them stop.

Chapter 48


I immediately noticed the somber mood the moment I arrived back at the castle.

Barnaby greeted me as usual in front of my wing, but I could see instantly that he was distracted, his usually razor sharp gaze darting around. I had only been away two days because I cut my trip short, but it already felt like far too many days.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

He swallowed hard. “I’m sorry to say, Sir, that Madam sent Miss Conrad packing three days ago for … stealing her jewelry.”

What the fuck? I couldn’t go away for two fucking days without Jillian fucking up my life and ruining even that little bit of happiness I had carved for myself. She was a selfish bitch. She didn’t want me and didn’t want anyone else to have me. Anger ripped through me.

“I'm very certain that Miss Conrad had absolutely nothing to do with the thef—” he was saying, but I was already striding towards Jillian's wing.

As I passed Zackary’s wing, I could hear the sound of him crying. I changed direction and went to his room. The door was slightly ajar and I knocked softly before I went in. He was alone on his bed. When he saw me his crying subsided as though he was afraid of how I would react to his tears. I went forward and took a seat on his bed. He quickly scooted over, sniffing heavily as he gazed up at me.

"What's the matter?” I asked.

I could see exactly what the problem was in his eyes, but he appeared too afraid to speak.

I lifted my hand, and when he didn't withdraw, cautiously wiped the tears from his face. "You miss Charlotte, don't you?"

He bobbed his head in response as more tears leaked out of his eyes.

“Then why didn't you stop her from leaving? I left you in charge.”

He gazed innocently up at me. “I didn’t know she had gone.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Mummy says she is a thief.”

“She isn’t,” I said firmly. “It was all a misunderstanding. Mummy made a mistake.”

He looked at me hopefully. “So can she come back?”

“I don’t see why not,” I said and smiled.

The door was suddenly pushed open then, and I turned to see Jillian, her face scrubbed of makeup and her arms folded across her chest. She was ready for a fight. It was one where she needed to be stripped bare and the only one that she knew she had even the ghost of a chance in winning with me.

“You shouldn't have consoled him,” she said. “I was going to let him tire himself out.”

“Zackary, can you please go downstairs to Mrs. Blackmore,” I instructed, “I need to speak to your mother.”

Sniffing, he looked between me and his mother and climbed out of the bed. With his fire truck in hand, he made his way out of the room leaving Jillian and I alone.

"I thought I made myself clear when I told you I didn't want you here any longer,” I began.

Folding her arms across her chest, she leaned against the door frame to watch me, and for an instant I saw once again the selfish but still endearing girl that I had grown up with. That I once convinced myself I loved in my own little way.

"I'm not divorcing you, Brett," she stated. "Maybe I would have a few days ago, but not anymore. Not now that I've realized whom you're replacing me with.”

Her voice broke dramatically. She hugged herself as if she was cold. But I was not buying any of it. I knew her too long. It was all an act.

“How could you?” she accused. “I hired Charlotte, I brought her into this home, and then the both of you go behind my back and do this?"

"What exactly have we done, Jillian?" I asked wearily. Fighting with her seemed so pointless. I just wanted to never see her again. "Please tell me."

“I saw the way you looked at her,” she cried, tears rolling down her face. She swiped at them angrily. “I don't need to see any more to understand what is going on ... cause … because you used to look at me that way. She's changed everything in the house. I was only gone for a few days and she turned it all upside down. This is my house and my f


I didn't want to squabble with her but still it was the closure she needed and I would give it to her. “Upside down? You were the one who turned everything upside down.”

She couldn't disagree with me, so instead she stared straight into my eyes as she allowed herself to tremble in an Oscar worthy performance. "I messed up," she admitted. "I took you ... all of this for granted ... but still it's mine, Brett. It's always been. Don't take it away."

“What is the name of Charlotte's agency?"

She looked at me as though she couldn't believe what I had just asked her. "You expect me to tell you? You can torture me and I’ll never reveal it. You'll never find her," she swore. "I'll make sure of it.”

With a sigh, I started to walk out of the room but she grabbed me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath then. It was all so pointless.

"Let me go, Jillian," I said between clenched teeth.

"She doesn't truly care about you. How could you be so blind? Don’t you know what you look like?”

I jerked my hand away.

She realized she had said the wrong thing. “You're a billionaire, Brett. What woman in the world wouldn't want you? That was why even I gave my heart to you in the first place, but then I changed. I saw you as a beautiful person. Let's start over ...” she pleaded.

She grabbed my hand again. This time I yanked it away so hard, the force of my annoyance sent her to the ground.

Looking down at her groveling on the floor, I gave out my last warning. “I don't want to see you here when I get back, otherwise there will be no money for you, Jillian. Nothing.”

“I’ll take Zackary with me,” she screamed.