“You don’t need to undo them, just pull them off,” she said.

I grasped the heel and pulled the first one off. My gaze transfixed on the gentle pink of her toe nails. Helplessly, my fingers traced the fine net of blood vessels. Her skin was warm and soft. So soft I wanted to lay my cheek against it.

My hand lingered on her skin … brushing across it ever so lightly, my heart flooding with warmth at the idea of being able to care for her in this way. If only I could. But of course, I couldn’t. She was not going to want me, not once she sees my face. I put her foot down and picked up the other. I stroked it. She was so gone she would almost definitely not remember any of this, which would be a good thing. She was Zackary’s nanny. She was out of bounds to me.

However, the monster in my pants was agonizing to ignore.

With a sigh, I took off her shoe and straightened. She looked up at me, and writhed her body upon the bed. There was a knowing, inviting smile on her face.

“Will you stay, Brett?” Her voice trembled with emotion.

I was shaking my head when her hand slipped down slowly. From her stomach down to the waistband of her jeans.

My jaw clenched as I watched transfixed, as she tried to slip her hands further down, but couldn’t get past the barrier her jeans presented.

That was my cue. I turned away before I lost my mind, determined to head to the door; however, as I reached it, I heard a soft moan leave her lips. I came to a halt. I wanted to leave … it was the right thing to do, but her body. Her heat. The lure of her perfume haunted me.

With my back to her, I switched off the light, but her words were still playing in my head.

your tongue speared me …

I’m still not sure if it actually happened, or if it was just a dream

I turned around and went back to stand over her.

“Please,” she begged huskily.

I wanted to take her. Hell, I was desperate to have her, but no matter how much I craved her, I wasn’t going to take her while she was this drunk. She could barely stand.

“I can’t take advantage of you while you’re like this,” I said harshly. “It’s not fair.”

“You don’t understand,” she whispered. “I can only have you while I am like this. And I really do want you. All the time. Day and night.”

I wanted to believe her. How I wanted to, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t move. I stood as still as a statue.

“Then just watch me,” she said, her hand was once again finding its way downwards.

I watched, as she swirled her hips to the delicious circling of her clit. A frustrated frown appeared on her forehead while she tried unsuccessfully to unbutton her jeans. Fuck, I felt the same frustration. Without thinking, I bent down and slipped the button out of its hole.

The sound of the zip echoed inside me. I swallowed. It had been so damn long.

With both her hands she tugged her jeans down revealing white cotton underwear with little bears on it. I felt my heart lurch at her innocence. Jillian would have died before wearing something like that. I lost track of my thoughts as her hand dived underneath the cheap material. Her movements were honest, almost as if she was unaware of my prying eyes. A painful shot of desire raced through my veins.

I was so hard I hurt. It killed me to watch her and yet I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She only managed a few thrusts before her intoxication overwhelmed her. To my shock I found myself falling to my knees. My lips found their way to the skin just below her belly button.

Her scent and the warmth instantly wiped any remnants of logic from my head. My tongue slipped out to taste her. Pushing her top higher, I speared the tip into her navel, and her body arched with pleasure.

Her hands cradled my masked face. I instantly flinched at the unfamiliar contact. I lifted my eyes to her face and saw her eyes were still shut. Taking a deep breath, I found a way to relax as she lightly ran her fingers upwards until they were in my hair.

“Please. Let me come, Brett,” she urged.

I threw away reason and crushed my mouth to the protruding nub. Breathing in the heady scent of her, I licked her clit through the cotton material. Her moan rang out into the silent night. Positioning myself properly between her hips, I slid the crotch of her panties to one side and looked at her glistening pink flesh.

“I would go to hell for this,” I muttered, as I buried my head between her thighs and sucked the swollen lips of her sex into my mouth.

“Oh, Brett,” I heard her call, and it swelled my chest with so much emotion that it was hard to breathe. She wasn’t hoping it was anyone else. Even in her inebriated state I was the one on her mind. The danger of what that really entailed flashed in a corner of my mind, but I didn’t want to deal with that. Not now.

I ravaged her pussy like a starving man, my tongue licking every sweet fold, and my teeth nipping at her engorged flesh. Deep almost unrecognizable growls rumbled from within my throat. My dick felt like it was on the verge of exploding, and I wanted to thrust it into her delicious pussy. To feel the fingers that were pulling on my hair, clawing down the bare skin of my back. To fill her up to bursting just as she had wished.

I wanted to fulfill her request more than I wanted to take my next breath.

Pulling away, I slipped a finger inside of her, and then a second. I felt her walls convulse around me. With the pad of my thumb circling her clit, I thrust voraciously in and out of her … goading her climax. She shot up from the bed as a storm of ecstasy ripped through her, her entire body thrashing. I pulled my head away to watch the result of my onslaught.

“Fuck,” she cursed, her body arching uncontrollably and her eyes wide open. The waves passed and she lay back and looked at me with heavy lidded eyes.

“Brett …” she called.

I went for her lips, kissing her deeply. She clung onto my neck as I drank her in. As if she really cared.

When I pulled away, she collapsed back unto the bed, her eyes shut and the most beautiful satisfied smile spread across her face. I was dying to have her, to let myself come, but she looked as if she had already fallen asleep. I got up from the bed and gazed down at her. For a few seconds I just watched her sleeping. So innocent. So beautiful. Then I quickly pulled her panties and jeans back in place. I didn’t zip her up.

She never woke up.

I took my leave then, wondering just how much clarity she would be able to recall of all that had just happened. The taste of the alcohol she had consumed mixed with the earthy scent of her juices was in my mouth and I relished it.

I returned to my suite, and laid like a tormented man on my bed.

Fisting my cock I pumped myself to climax, my mind and heart on Charlotte’s open pink pussy. If she ever became mine …

Chapter 33


I stood in front of my bathroom mirror the next morning, my head throbbing, my mouth painfully parched, and stared at my eyes smeared with liner and mascara. I tried to recall the night. Melly and I ended up drinking Tequila shots with the two guys. Oh no! I suddenly remembered dancing on the table. Oh, my God, the bartender had to help me down. And oh shit, I fell into his arms. I pressed my palms to my cheeks with shame. The whole pub had cheered and laughed.

I frowned. What happened after that?

I could vaguely remember telling Melly my knees wouldn’t work, and a hazy recollection of staggering out into the cool air. After that it was a complete blank. I couldn’t for the life of me remember how we got back to the castle, or how I got to bed.

I jumped at the sound of the intercom. It was my day off so really, I could ignore it, but what if it was Brett or something urgent? My head was killing me so I turned slowly and walked towards it.

The hammering in my head made it hard for me to even bear the bright light. On the other end was Melly.

“Hey,” she called.

“Please don’t shout,” I warned, holding my temples. My God, how could she sound so bright and cheerful


“Uh … okay. What's wrong?”

“I’m just hungover. How did we end up back here?”

“Wait! You don’t remember?”

“The last thing I remember is … getting out of the pub.”

“Well that was what we did. We got into a taxi.”

“We did?”

“Yup … the taxi driver was about a hundred years old and you were flirting with him. Incoherently though.”

“And you let me …”

“I was drunk too.”

“It’s horrible that I can’t remember anything. I’m never drinking Tequila again.”

She laughed. “You should have done what I did. I took two headache tablets before I went to sleep.”

“Yeah well, I didn’t.”

“Ah, it’s your day off. What does it matter? No harm done.”

I wanted to believe her that no harm had been done, but memories that I couldn’t quite get a grasp of fleeted around my consciousness. I ended the call, popped two headache tablets, then lay on my bed and tried to remember what had happened after I had arrived. I fell asleep and woke up again an hour later feeling more human again.