“That’s something you’ll never find out, Mikey,” I warn him.

“When you call me that I get the strangest urge to spank that juicy ass of yours, Violet.”

“Are you for real? We haven’t even spoken, and with the exception of watching you get a very public BJ, I’ve barely seen you before. Is this really how you talk to women?” I huff.

“It’s how I talk to you and don’t act like you didn’t enjoy the show, baby girl. You kept watching and I could tell you were turned on.”

“Disgusted is more like it,” I kind of lie, keeping my voice full of disdain – because clearly this guy is an asshole of epic proportions.

“Keep saying that. Maybe one day you’ll believe it, Vi.”

“Violet,” I correct him, ignoring the way my body seems to feel alive when he’s closer to me. I can’t afford to forget that he’s a jerk, and I really don’t want to forget that he’s a rich man-whore who is probably only interested in me because I haven’t fallen to my knees and begged him to fuck me.

“Go out with me tonight,” he says, and I don’t bother to hide the fact that I’m rolling my eyes.

“Sorry, I’m busy,” I mutter.

“What are you doing?” he presses, and I push away from the locker. I’ve got to get away from this guy. There’s something about him that’s almost hypnotizing. It makes you want to stay close to him.

“I’m pretty sure I’m dying. You should probably give up and find a sure thing, Mikey. I hear Lindy is always up for repeats,” I tell him, walking away and not looking behind me as I do. Because I wasn’t watching him, I wasn’t prepared for Mike to grab my arm and tug me around. Before I even get a chance to breathe, he’s backed me up and has me pushed against the locker with his huge body boxing me in…trapping me.

“Don’t joke about that shit, Violet,” he growls, his voice low and the joking, cocky Mike has been replaced with someone darker.

Someone intense.

There’s something about him like this that makes me think this is the man behind the façade, and I get the distinct feeling no one sees him like this.

I don’t even want to.

“Let go of me,” I respond, my voice quiet and stilted; my breath feels like it’s trapped in my chest with no way out.

“You joking about dying is not funny, Violet. I’m not kidding with you. Don’t do that shit again.”

“What is your damage?” I ask him, trying to figure out what tripped this switch in him – mostly so I avoid doing it ever again.

“Someday I just might show you,” he threatens – and it does feel like a threat.

“I don’t want to see,” I respond. “I just want you to leave me alone,” I tell him honestly.

“That’s the last thing I want to do when it comes to you, Vi.”

“I can’t help that. I need you to step away from me, Mike. I want you to let go of me. I’m going to be late for geometry.”

“I could kiss you right now and there’s not one damn thing you could do about it, Vi.”

“If you think that’s true, go ahead and try it,” I warn him, my voice low, eyes narrowed. I ignore the fact that I’ve wondered about his kiss. I figure that passing thought is merely because I haven’t had any sleep.

“You want me to kiss you. I can see it in your eyes.”

“You’re mostly right, I do want you to try,” I respond, and his face is so close to me that I can literally see the victory light up in his eyes.

“I knew it,” he purrs.

“I want you to try it so I can de-ball you.”

He gives a silent laugh. I only know that because I can feel his body shaking around me. He’s completely hemmed me in, surrounding me completely. Everything else, the crowded hallway, the other people, the fact that we’re in school – it all disappears. There’s just him and me, the smell of his cologne mixed with the heated scent of his body, and this feeling of being wrapped in him. I’ve never felt anything like it before. It’s as intoxicating as it is terrifying.

“Bullshit. You feel the same fucking pull between us that I do, Vi.”

“I don’t,” I deny. He bends his head down, his nose nuzzling against me, his lips close to my ear – so close that I can feel the heat as he exhales.

“You make my cock hurt, I want you so damn bad, Vi.”

I can’t hide the betraying quiver that moves through my body. I’m turned on, and I’m woman enough to admit that. I’ve had guys come on to me before, but I’ve never reacted to them the way I do with Mike. I’ve never felt like this before in my life, and that’s a clear sign that I need to get out of this mess before I get in over my head.