“What’s that?” I ask, my heart feeling like it might beat out of my chest from the happiness. Everything he’s saying is exactly how I feel. That has to mean something.

“I know that at the end of the day, I’d rather spend my life with you than anyone else on earth. I know that what I feel for you will only grow and evolve in the years to come. We’re forever, Violet. I’ll prove that to you if you give me the chance.”


“Angel, I think I’m proof that parents can be complete idiots and wastes of space. You and I didn’t win the lottery in parental units—”

“You can say that again,” I sigh.

“But we won it when we found each other and that’s all that matters. It might sound silly, but I think the universe delivers a little good every time fate delivers the bad. If I had to have the parents I had, to have you as my reward? I’d take that every fucking time.”

“Me too,” I breathe.

“So, no more worrying?”

“I might worry a little here and there, but you can just keep reminding me I’m being silly, okay?”

“I can do that,” he grins.

“I love you, Big Mike Huntington and I’m glad to be moving to Texas with you.”

“Good, besides,” he says, dropping his body down to press tightly against me, letting me feel the hard, rigid outline of his cock against me. Automatically, I open my legs wider, making more room for him, our bodies clicking into place perfectly. His cock presses against the lips of my pussy and I go wet, heated and aroused so quickly that I whimper.

“Mike,” I moan, interrupting him.

“Besides,” he repeats, “you know what they say about Texas, everything is bigger,” he teases, moving his body so his cock rubs against me.

“I’m not sure it can get bigger,” I laugh gently.

“Let’s see shall we?” he asks, taking his cock in his hand and lining it up expertly—even in the dark.

“We have to be quiet,” I remind him. “I don’t want Rooster to hear us.”

“Bite me if you feel the urge to scream, Angel,” he says, before taking my mouth and sliding inside of me simultaneously.

I stretch to fit him, and then I just breathe, feeling how perfect everything is in this moment.

“I love you, Mike,” I promise him when we break apart to take a breath and Mike begins setting the rhythm for our bodies to follow.

“I love you, Violet. I always will,” he vows and for the very first time in my life, I have zero doubts.

There was a time when I was sure Mike was going to do nothing but break my heart. I was wrong… so wrong.

Big Mike Huntington, healed my heart, even the broken pieces I thought would never be whole again. He’s not Mr. Heartbreaker.

He’s Mr. Wonderful.EpilogueVioletOne Year Later“What do you think?”

I grin looking over at Mike standing in the kitchen of our new apartment. He’s in charge of making dinner tonight and he’s over by the stove, holding a spatula in nothing but a white apron. His powerful, muscular legs braced apart, his arms and the top part of his chest just as bare and I can’t resist giggling at the sight he makes.

We’ve been in Texas for almost a year. When we first got here, we lived in Rooster’s apartment with him—which has a nice chicken run in the backyard. Mike got a job and we’ve been socking money back and now we have our own place. We’ve lived on our own for a month now. There are times that I miss Rooster—and Gladys—but they just live about twenty minutes away, so it’s good to have our own place.

We finished school here in Texas and I enrolled in a college, the following semester. I love every minute of it. It’s not a high-powered Ivy League school, but I’m enjoying it. I make good grades, and Mike is here with me—and that makes it perfect.

It helps that Rooster is so happy, too. Besides Mike, Rooster is the only person I truly claim as my family. Green Lucas is a coach for a minor league team called the Bulls. They have a mascot which is the most spoiled cow I’ve ever seen—I’m pretty sure he even thinks he’s a dog. Ida Sue calls him Hamburger, which makes me laugh, but the cow doesn’t seem to mind it.

Parker, Mike’s brother, is actually playing on Green’s team and they’re doing amazing—not to mention developing a local following that is crazy huge. Rooster did take the job to work with Green. It’s surprising to me how much he knows about the sport of baseball, but it’s more than that. He’s patient with the players and has become like the team’s father instead of an assistant coach. Green says all the time how he couldn’t make this team work without Rooster and I really don’t think he’s lying.