“I’m going to kill you!” she cries

We’re basically wrestling, but I know I’m getting the better of her. I’m about to press my advantage when I feel someone lifting me away from her. I refuse to let go of her hair and Lindy starts crying out like a damn banshee. She’s tearing at my hands, trying to get free. It doesn’t matter. Hell will freeze over before I willingly let go at this point. She starts kicking at me and I try to return the favor, but whoever has a hold of me, is using something close to a vice lock. I can barely move. I’m forced to let her hair go against my will.

“Fine!” I growl. “Let me go, I’m done.”

I wipe a smear of blood off the side of my face. I don’t know where it’s from, but if I had to guess, I’d say she clawed me there.

“Stupid cow,” Lindy huffs, standing up. Her lipstick is smeared, and I can tell her eye is already swelling. If there is any justice in the world it will turn a hideous purple and swell shut. I kick out, hitting her thigh. It’s not where I was aiming but it feels good when she cries out.

“That’s enough. You ladies are going to my office,” Mr. D. growls.

Until that moment I didn’t realize it was him that pulled me off of Lindy. Shit. I’m probably going to be expelled. If this goes on a permanent record or something, I’m going to kill Lindy.

I grudgingly walk toward the office, shooting a hateful look to Lindy every little bit. She does the same, but she does it with Mr. D. between us so I can’t beat her up again.

Damn it.36MikeViolet awkwardly waves at Aspen. The two share some kind of nonverbal communication and then Aspen leaves the lunchroom. To look at Aspen today, I would never imagine she’s Ginger at the strip club. Violet sighs and then looks over at me.

“You okay, slugger?” I ask, the corner of my lips kicking up in a smile.

“Shut up, Mikey,” she grumbles, and I laugh.

I reach over and move my thumb against one of the deep scratches that Lindy inflicted. I’d like to wring the bitch’s neck. Luckily, I’ve seen Lindy and even with make-up you can tell her eye is black and painful. My girl definitely gave better than she got.

Mr. D put them both on detention for a week, but for some reason didn’t expel either one. I’m glad—at least for Violet.

“Love you, Angel,” I tell her softly.

Violet stares at me for a minute or two and then gets up and comes over to where I’m sitting. I turn to face her, and she straddles my lap.

“That’s better,” she murmurs when I wrap my arms around her.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what brought that on?” I laugh.

“I missed you,” she answers.

I lean in and kiss her, my eyes closing at the sweetness that is her. Jesus, just when I think I can’t love her any more than I already do, she proves me wrong. I know the whole school is talking shit about me. Violet hasn’t even blinked an eye. It doesn’t bother her at all. Jesus, she actually is proud that I’m her man and shows that every single day, especially at school.

“You two get a room,” Ben laughs and I give him a wink, before turning my attention back to my girl.

“He’s just jealous,” I joke. Violet is smiling down at me, but her body stiffens and her smile kind of freezes in place. I turn my head to see what took her attention away from the two of us and that’s when I see Davis and Lindy walking together hand in hand.


Lindy is looking at Violet, gloating. Davis is avoiding looking at me and seems very uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure that isn’t a good thing. What happens next pretty much solidifies it.

An announcement comes over the loudspeaker, asking for Violet Raines to come into the office.

“Fuck,” she hisses, and we share a look. I hope we’re both overreacting, but as Lindy walks by—minus Davis, because he’s suddenly disappeared—and gives out her fake as hell laugh, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach.

“Karma’s a bitch,” Lindy snickers, and then walks off.

“If she’s done what I think she’s done, I’m going to kill her,” Violet mutters, standing up.

“What did she do?” Ben asks, but I don’t respond. I stand and take Violet’s hand. I squeeze it in support.

“I’ll be back…” she murmurs, but we know, we both know.

“I’ll go with you,” I tell her.

“Mike they won’t let you come—”

“I said, I’m going,” I mutter, kissing her forehead. She sighs, but we walk toward the office hand in hand.

“If they outed your job, I’m going to kill Davis.”

“We both know they did, Mike.”

“Probably,” he says, resigned, his jawline tight. I can tell he’s grinding his teeth. He’s also holding himself together by a thread. He’s pissed. Pissed for me.