“If you say so. You could have clued me in though, bro. It’s kind of cold to have to learn about it through the coach.”

“Noted. You come all the way down here to give me hell?”

“Told you I came to watch the tits and ass. Still, it’s a bonus finding you here. There’s a shit ton of people talking about you. They say you’ve moved out of your house and shit. Some of us have asked Violet, but she’s not saying shit about anything.”

That makes me smile, because Violet is loyal, and she does her best to protect me. I wonder if she even realizes what she’s doing.

“As you can see, I’m fine. You can leave now,” I tell him, knowing it probably won’t be that easy, but wanting him gone just the same.

“Up next is one of the Beaver’s favorite. Put your hands together for Annnnn-gel,” the announcer draws out and I close my eyes. I’m going to have to kill Davis. I know the minute he makes a snide remark about the way Violet moves, or talks about her body… I’m going to have to kill him.

“Oh yeah, this is the hot chick that was here the other night, right? Damn she had the best tits I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Knock it the fuck off, Davis,” I growl, immediately seeing red.

“What? Jesus, you can’t be jealous over a fucking stripper. Dude what the fuck is wrong with you lately?” Davis asks.

“There’s nothing wrong with me. You’re just being a fucking horn-dog and I’m tired of hearing your shit!” I growl.

“Christ first you get all touchy over Violet’s tits and now you’re going to give me a shit over some fucking stripper? Well fuck you, Mike. You can just watch when I take the bitch in the back room and get off while she grinds on my—”

I don’t let him finish. I throw my body at him, yanking at his coat. We land against the table and I slam my fist into his face. The table turns or breaks, hell, I don’t even know. I just know that all of the anger and the shit I’ve been feeling for the past week comes out and I let Davis have it. I wail on him. I lose myself until I hear Violet crying out my name.

“Mike, stop! Mike! You’re going to kill him!”

I look down at a nearly unconscious Davis, my surroundings and my mind slowly comes back to me. It’s then I realize where I’m at and I thrust my body backwards away from Davis. He’s looking at me and Violet—who has taken off her mask, throwing herself in my arms.

“Fuck,” Davis hisses.

I wrap my arms around Violet, and I bury my head against her chest, holding her close. I’m feeling so lost. Violet’s the only person that gives a damn about me.

She’s the only thing that matters.33Violet“You okay, honey?” I whisper.

We’re lying on the mattress, the room dark. In the distance you can hear sirens outside. My head is on Mike’s chest, the steady beat of his heart in my ear. He’s got his arm around me, his hand resting on my hip.

He’s been really quiet since we got back from the Beaver. Freddie was pissed, but I told him to keep my check for the week and gave him my tips to cover the damage. He wasn’t happy, but we both knew the money he would be getting was way past any small damage that took place. Davis didn’t say anything to me or Mike, he just left. I’m worried he’s going to tell everyone about me dancing, but if that happens, I’ll just deal. There’s not much else I can do. Right now, my main worry is Mike. He’s been thrown for a loop ever since finding out about his dad—or rather about his dad not being his dad. I can’t imagine the pain he’s feeling, and I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better. I can’t. I can’t seem to do anything.

“I’m okay, Angel,” he whispers.

“You don’t seem okay,” I point out, my fingers moving along his warm chest.

“Okay, I’m not okay, but I’ll be okay,” he murmurs.

I lean up to look at him, focusing in on his face which is cast in moonlight, but I can make out his resigned features.

“That’s a whole lot of okays in one sentence, honey,” I murmur, my heart breaking for him.

His hand slides under my hair, his fingers curling against the back of my neck and his thumb brushing against my jawline.

“What do you want from me, Violet?” he asks.

“Nothing, Mike. I just… I want to help you,” I admit, feeling like I’m doing anything but.

“You do help me. Right now, you’re the only thing that feels real in this crazy world. If this had happened and you weren’t part of my life, I hate to think how fucked up I’d be right now. You’re the light in the darkness for me.”