I take a drink of my beer, my gaze going up to the clock on the wall. Violet will be out here in a few minutes and then it will be severe torture until she’s off the stage. I took the last of the money in my bank account and paid Freddie in advance for all of Violet’s lap dances for the rest of the month. He called me pussy-whipped, but he took the money. I know my mother has sent me texts and left me messages on my phone, letting me know that my bankroll will remain open, but I’m not touching another dime. I’ve put out some feelers on my car and I’m going to sell it. I’ll get a decent old truck to drive around and that money will fund me and Violet until I figure out what the fuck I’m going to do.

At this point, I don’t care what it is as long as I don’t have to deal with my parents ever again. Hell, the only one I miss from any of them is Parker. He’s called a few times too, and I figure Mom is the one that called him—I know damn good and well my da—Arthur never. I should have answered him when he called, but right now I just don’t know what to say to him. I’ll get around to calling him back, but for now, I really need to clear my head.

“I knew I’d find your sorry ass here,” Davis says, and I jerk my gaze up to see him standing over my table.

Motherfucker. Davis is the last person I want here. I don’t want him to see Violet at all. I really don’t want to risk him recognizing her and truthfully, I just really need to be left the fuck alone. Violet is the only one I want around me right now. The things my head is dealing with are just too much, I need a breather from people in general.

“What are you doing here, Davis?” I mutter, taking another drink of my beer and wishing it was stronger. Freddie won’t give me that, though. He doesn’t have many morals, but apparently anything other than beer to a minor is beyond him.

Sanctimonious Asshole.

“Came to watch the girls shake their asses and rub their tits in my face. Isn’t that why you come here?” I don’t answer him. There’s no point. “Although buddy, I got to tell you, you’re flirting with danger,” he says, sitting down uninvited.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I mumble, my gaze going back to the stage and glad to see Aspen is still up there. Maybe I can get rid of Davis before Violet comes out.

“Violet hears you’ve been slumming at the Beaver your free ride to her pussy might be over.”

“If you don’t stop talking about Violet’s pussy, you aren’t going to be able to talk any longer, you hear me, Davis?”

He holds his hands up in surrender. “Got it, got it. I can’t say as I blame you. If I had a piece as fine as Violet—”

“It’s like you don’t even hear what I’m saying. Violet’s pussy, hell anything about her and what she does is not allowed to cross your fucking mind. She’s mine. She’s off limits and you want to keep all those damn teeth in your head, you will shut the fuck up,” I growl.

“Jesus, are you and Violet on the outs? Cause man, I got to tell you, right now, you sound like a man that needs laid.”

“I didn’t know my dick was any of your concern, Davis,” I mutter motioning for another beer.

“Woah, none of that, Mike. I’m just saying you’ve gone MIA. You haven’t been to school in a week dude. There are rumors going crazy about you at school. Hell, Lindy is losing her mind.”

“There are always people talking shit,” I shrug, not bothering to look at him. “You messing around with Lindy, now?”

“You said you didn’t care. If you’re going to get butt hurt about it, I can—”

“I don’t give a flying fuck about Lindy or what happens. It’s just not like you to take my seconds,” I tell him with a shrug. Secretly, I’m glad he’s messing around with Lindy. It might keep her out of my hair and out of Violet’s way. Lindy can be vengeful.

“Cool, cause that bitch likes to party. You missed a good time with me and a couple guys on the team.”

“I’ll try not to cry about it.”

“Whatever. Not like you’re a part of the team anymore. Coach told everyone you quit.”

I shrug. “I’ve always hated baseball. You know that. That was my…brother’s dream, not mine.” I almost mentioned my father, but I can’t think of that man as my father anymore. It’s not like he ever truly tried to be one anyway.