“That would be Lindy. If BMA had street corners that girl would work all of them. She has a personal goal to service every jock in this school.”

“It’s good to have life goals I guess,” I mumble. “I better go, I don’t want to be late for Chemistry.”

“That’s your next class? I’ll walk with you. I’m headed to the journalism department, it’s right on the way.”

“Journalism?” I ask, thinking she finally has my attention.

“Yeah, I’m in charge of the school paper. We’re looking for volunteers if you’re interested.”

“Actually, I am,” I tell her. It’s not that I am; it has more to do with the fact that colleges love that kind of shit – especially Ivy League schools who have limited slots and scholarships to fill.

“Yay! Stop by in the morning and I’ll give you the papers to fill out. Every volunteer has to go through Mr. D., but I’m sure he’ll give you the stamp of approval right away.”

“Mr. D.?” I ask.

“Yeah, the principal.”

“Oh. Right. Okay then. I’ll do that.” I get up from the table and toss my apple core in the garbage. Camden is waiting by the table for me and as I turn around there’s this mock sound of a wolf howl. I look over to see the asshole – because that fits him better than Big Mike – leering at me and acting like a damn dog. Are we back in elementary school? I roll my eyes and then turn my attention back to Camden who is laughing.

“Oh yeah, you definitely got his attention,” she giggles.

“Who does he think he is?”

“He’s Big Mike,” she says with a shrug. “He’s king of the baseball field, although honestly he’s more famous for the bat he uses to nail all the girls here at the school instead of the one he swings in the game.”

“That’s disgusting,” I mutter, disliking him more by the minute.

“It’s true, though.”

“Did he nail you?” I ask, wondering if she would admit to it.

“God, no. I have no time in my life for idiots like Mike, Davis, and definitely not Ben.”

I didn’t ask, and I can’t be sure, but I figure those other two names are the guys that were with the asshole. I don’t think it’s my imagination that she stresses her disgust when she talks about Ben, either. I would bet money that Ben was the guy beside Mike that kept his eyes on Camden the entire time we were sitting there.

Seems this school is filled with hidden stories.

Too bad I don’t give a damn about any of them. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.

I need to graduate with honors and secure a scholarship to Princeton.

That’s it.5Mike“Dude,” Davis laughs. “What is up with you?”

“What do you mean?” I ask him, staring at Violet.

Violet Raines.

The sexy blonde who has haunted me the last two weeks. I’ve never been obsessed with a woman. Hell, some days I wondered if I really liked any of them – except when I was using them. I can easily admit, however, that I’m obsessed with this chick. There’s just something about her that calls to me.

My brother, Parker, told me once that sometimes you meet a woman that just gets under your skin, and no matter what you do, you can’t get her off your mind. I didn’t take him seriously. Honestly, at the time I was making fun of him because he was hung up on Finn’s little sister and was being too much of a pussy to go after her.

Now I’m starting to wonder if he was right and not just blowing smoke up my ass.

“Christ, you can’t even look away from her to talk to your boys. You need to check yourself, bro.”

“I’m fine,” I lie.

The truth is I’m not fine. Before I laid eyes on Violet, I was losing interest in fucking. I can’t even lie about that. I was forcing myself to perform; hell, sometimes I even popped X. I had a reputation to live up to – even if I hated it. It’s a world I created, and I needed to live up to that. Now, however, all I’m thinking about is fucking.

The problem is, all those thoughts revolve around one girl and only one girl.

Violet Raines.

Just looking at her from across the baseball field has my cock hard.

She’s bored. I can see it from here. It’s clear from the look on her face. She’s here with Camden, which means they’re both only here because of the Bulletin. Of all the women I thought I would get hung up on, a nerd that spends her free time working on the school paper was not one of those.

But fuck if it’s not true.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mutter, trying to pull my attention back to the game. It’s not started yet, but we’re gearing up for it. I should be warming up, swinging bats in the bullpen. Instead, I’m sitting here in the dugout, wondering what would happen if I stalk over to the bleachers, throw Violet over my shoulder, and carry her out of here.