“Are you ready, Angel?”

“I uh…well, if you’re going to drive me, can you give me a minute to put on that horrible skirt I’m forced to wear?”

“I don’t know, I kind of like the school skirts,” he says as I turn away from him to go back to my room, backpack in hand.

“Spoken like a man who isn’t forced to wear them,” I yell out and hear him laugh.

“My knees aren’t exactly made for skirts, Vi.”

“I don’t know, I think it’d be cute,” I argue, stifling a giggle.

“Funny, Angel. It’s not happening, but I don’t mind seeing you in a skirt. That’s spank bank material there, baby.”

I’ve kicked off my shoes and I’m pushing my pants down off my hips when I hear him say that. I freeze, my body feeling flushed and tingling all over at his admission. I don’t know why that’s my reaction. I’m a stripper and I know my body is decent. I know guys get off from thinking about fucking me. I’m not going to pretend I don’t. I’m not that type. Hell, some of them have done it in the club and get escorted out. Freddie is an asshole, but there are certain things he doesn’t allow – not unless you pay him for it first. Still, the idea of Mike thinking about me while he beats one off, kind of turns me on. I shake my head. I really need to get control of the craziness that gets in my head when it comes to Mike Huntington. I pull the skirt on and gasp as I turn around to face the door to my bedroom and find Mike standing there leering at me.

“What are you doing?” I squawk, my heart instantly running away with me, beating a million miles a minute in my chest.

“Watching you,” he says with the sexiest grin I’ve ever seen on a man’s face before.

“You asshole. You were supposed to stay in the other room.”

“One thing you should learn about me, Vi. I never do what I’m supposed to.”

“Well, I hope you got an eye full, because you’re never going to see it again,” I growl, looking around for something to throw, because I’d really like to hit him, preferably with something hard and heavy.

“Baby,” he laughs.

“Don’t baby me. That’s a clear invasion of privacy. Do you think just because I strip at the Beaver, you can get a free show in private? Don’t come at me with that bullshit. I might dance to pay the fucking bills, but I’m not easy and—”

I break off when Mike moves so quickly, I barely see it. The next thing I know, he’s backed me up against the wall, his large body boxing me in, and he has both of my wrists captured in one of his. He holds my hands above my head, effectively trapping me. His leg goes between mine and it’s pressed directly against my center. I can’t stop the quiver that moves through me when Mike handles me so forcefully. It’s not fear I feel, it’s…excitement.

“I told you that I liked your smart mouth, but you need to get something straight. I will see every last inch of you. I’m going to touch you, kiss you, and Violet, you better fucking believe that I’m going to brand you.”


“You’ll see, Angel. You can try to fight it. I’ve got to admit, that’s kind of fun for me. But in the end, you’ll give me what I want. You won’t be able to keep away from me.”

“You’re delusional,” I argue, but I can hear the excitement in my own voice and I’m sure Mike can, too.

His free hand moves up my leg, pulling it so that it rests on his hip, forcing me to place my weight on his leg that I’m now basically straddling. I gasp at exactly how good that feels.

“Am I, Vi? Do you really think I’m delusional? Should we put that to a test?”

“The only reason you’re even here right now is because you’re blackmailing me, Mike. If not, we wouldn’t even be in each other’s orbit. You need to recognize that and go back to girls like Lindy. You and I are from different worlds. All you have to do is look around to see that,” I respond, and I don’t know who I’m trying to convince – him or me.

Mike leans down and I can feel his hot breath against the side of my neck, and a shiver runs through me as I feel his lips brush against my jawline. It’s not really a touch, it’s more like a tease. At the same time, his hand moves from my leg, slowly to my side, and he keeps it there. His fingers push against my back, his touch so hot that it feels like it’s heating me from the inside out.