“I don’t know, it looked like that reality porn to me. The kind where the music and lighting are horrible, and the people involved are definitely not pros because the boobs are saggy, not perky, there are pimples on the man’s ass and the woman has cellulite. Not to mention the pasty ass skin that definitely needs airbrushed.”

“Oh snap,” Davis laughs, and I hear Ben join in.

“I…Fuck you, you cunt!” Lindy cries.

“Gee, that’s original. Haven’t heard that one before, Karen,” Violet mumbles, shaking her head.

“My name is Lindy,” she snaps back, completely missing the way Violet just insulted her.

“Bless your heart,” Violet sighs. “Listen, Mikey, I don’t have time for this bullshit, either call off your little plaything if you want me to stay, or I’m out of here.”

“I don’t have pimples on my ass,” I grumble, looking at Violet, ignoring the fact that I’m hard as a rock now that she’s here. Violet just looks at me and rolls her eyes. “I can show you again, so you know,” I tell her. “You were obviously too busy looking at my cock the first time.”

“I think I’ll pass,” she mutters, making me grin.

“You got a good reason for not meeting me like we planned?”

“I had to go home and wash my hair,” she replies, and my smile stretches. Fuck, I like the way she sasses back at me.

“Come on, Mikey,” Lindy says from behind me. “Let’s go party.”

“Busy tonight,” I tell her, my gaze never leaving Violet’s. “Violet needs me.”

“What for?” Lindy huffs.

“I really don’t,” Violet snaps at almost the exact same time.

I ignore Violet, deciding that answering Lindy is more fun.

“She forgot to condition her hair. So I’m going to do it for her.”

“You’re going to wash her hair?” Lindy questions, clearly not happy.

“No, I’m going to condition it. I got just the special cream to do it with, too,” I add, puckering my lips and giving a chin nod as an almost make-believe kiss to Violet, who instantly narrows her eyes at me. If it were possible, I’m pretty sure her eyes would be shooting fire at me.

“I bet he does,” Davis laughs, elbowing Ben. “Special cream only he can make.”

God, Davis is just a giant kid, but then again, so am I.

“If this is how you try to get women in your bed, Mikey, it’s no wonder that Lindy here is your current partner,” Violet responds.

“That’s enough, you bitch. I’m going to make you sorry you—”

Lindy goes after Violet, but Violet is ready for her. She grabs Lindy’s hand and pins it behind her back, twisting it. Even I wince, because I know that has to be painful.

“If you’re going to try and lay a hand on me,” Violet rumbles quietly, but definitely loud enough so that we can all hear her, “then you better make damn sure you know what you’re doing, because I’ve taken on a hell of a lot tougher than you, and I’ve come out the winner. This is the only warning you’re going to get. You try to touch me again and you’ll be lucky if you keep that pretty face you’re so proud of.”

With that, she pushes her away. Lindy stumbles back, her eyes wide and definitely full of fear. Hell, I’m watching, and I can barely believe it myself. I’ve also grown harder and I don’t know how that’s possible.

“I’ll make you pay for this,” Lindy cries, her voice wobbling like she might cry. Hell, she annoys me, but I feel kind of sorry for her, too.

“You can try,” Violet replies, with a shrug.

“Let’s go, Belle,” Lindy orders and they walk away. Lindy waits until she’s at the door and there’s plenty of space between her and Violet before she yells at her. “This isn’t over. I’ll get even with you, Violet Raines.”

Violet doesn’t bother turning around to look at her. Instead she looks at me and holds her middle finger up in the air toward Lindy.

“This is your fault,” Violet snaps, looking directly at me.

“Damn, Violet, you gangsta,” Davis says with a whistle.

“How is this my fault?” I ask, ignoring Davis.

“Because I don’t want to be here, but I am because of you.”

“Sit down and I’ll buy you a hamburger and an ice cream float. That will make it all better,” I tell her, patting the empty space beside me.

“I want a burger and fries to go,” she says, studying me.

“You’re eating here with me, Angel.”

“This is for me to take home after I eat here,” she corrects.

I grin. “You got it.”

She sits down.

“I think I like you, Violet,” Ben says.

“I think I love her,” Davis adds. “Want to get married, Violet?” he asks.

“Sorry, I’m into chicks.”

“That’s okay, I am too. We can compare notes,” Davis laughs.

“Moron,” Ben mutters.

“If you’re into chicks, then why are you wasting time with Big Mike?” Davis asks.