Hunger for me.

I shouldn’t like it…but I do. I feel as though my body is charged with electricity.

I bring my head down and then contort my body, flipping it up like I would if I was doing a head stand, but instead, I wrap my legs around his waist and use that hold to flip my upper body up so I’m sitting in his lap. The minute I’m settled on him, I can feel his cock pressing up against my center. I rock against him, and his cock is in the perfect spot. Our gazes meet and I have a sneaking suspicion that mine is just as hungry as his. His fingers bite into my ass, as he pushes up into me, rocking us to the rhythm that feels so good. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

I’m in danger here…definite danger.

“Use me, Angel. You know you want to,” Mike moans.

He’s right. I do.

But I won’t.

Instead, I give him a thrill, taking off my top, revealing my DD size breasts. My nipples are covered by white star pasties, and even though I’ve never allowed this to happen in the private rooms, I’m pushing the envelope. I bring Mike’s head down, using my hands to thrust it down into my boobs. I feel his lips against the soft globe and before I can yank away, he’s got part of my tit in his mouth and he bites down, not even giving a damn about the pastie.

My body jerks as the pain makes me shudder. I immediately pull away from him. I should be revolted, but the pain is doing weird things to me.

Things I can’t even begin to understand.

“Who do you think you are?” I huff, backing away from him.

“Where are you going, Angel? It’s just starting to get good.”

“That shit is not allowed. You just ended the dance,” I mutter, forgetting to even try to disguise my voice this time. I’m forgetting everything except that I need to get the hell away from him. I walk over to the small control booth and flip off the music, although I have enough brains to leave the lights low. I grab my white robe and belt it around me, my breast still stinging, my body still vibrating.

“I paid for three dances, Angel. You owe me.”

“You got one dance and now you can get the hell out. In return, I won’t call Bubba to come in here and kick your ass.”

“Bubba?” he laughs. Not many men would laugh at the thought of Bubba going after them, but even I have to admit Bubba would have trouble with Mike. He’s all solid muscle, no flab like Bubba.

“Leave the money for the dance on the sofa and get out, or I’ll call him in here now,” I warn him. I need him to leave, he’s drugged the air somehow, that’s the only excuse I have for why I’m still turned on.

“I don’t think you want me to leave at all,” Mike says.

“Then you’d be wrong.”

“I don’t think I am. I think you’re wet, and I know you want more, just like I do, Angel.”

“Are you leaving, or do I need to have you thrown out of here?”

Mike stands slowly and it takes everything in me to not back away and hold my ground.

“I’ll leave for now, but you and I aren’t finished, Angel.”

“I think we are. You can leave the money for the dance on the couch.”

He walks toward me and I back up, my body colliding with the booth. Mike doesn’t stop. He keeps coming and my heart jumps up in my throat.

“You can fight this, Angel, but you and I are going to play this out,” he says, thoroughly confusing me. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a roll of money. My eyes widen as he peels some of it off and moves his hand down to the string on my bottoms. His fingers feel heated and firm against my skin. My body tightens and I jerk in his hold as he puts the money under the string.

“There are other dancers here. I’m sure you can find a new play partner,” I tell him when he finally moves his hand away.

“But I don’t want them, baby. I want you,” he says, his voice little more than a purr. With that, he turns and walks away. I can’t do anything but watch him go. I think I might be in total shock. I wait for him to leave, but he stops at the door. “And I should warn you that I always get what I want, Violet. Always.”

He walks out and I just watch the now closed door. I force myself to breathe when I realize that I was holding my breath. And then, as I begin breathing, my heart squeezes in my chest and I feel panic begin to build, because suddenly it hits me.