“What do you mean?

“You look upset and you can’t be upset when I tell you my news. If you are, it will ruin everything.”

“What are you going to tell me?” I ask, trying not to worry. Whatever Ophelia is about to mention, it better not have anything to do with the fact that she wants a long engagement. I’m putting my ring on her finger as soon as humanly possible. There will be no ifs, ands, or buts, about it.

“Hang on,” she mumbles, getting up and running from the kitchen.

“For the record, you being out of my arms is kind of a mood breaker.”

“Oh, quit whining,” she mumbles, coming back in and carrying a small white gift back that’s about three inches long.

“You got me a present for our anniversary?” I ask, surprised. Ophelia is many things. She makes a killing running a graphic design business all from her computer, she’s smart, gorgeous, funny and can make a bologna sandwich taste like a five-star dinner, but she sucks at remembering dates for anything. She has to set an alarm to remember she has an alarm getting ready to go off.

“Well, kind of, though I have to admit, I didn’t remember it was our anniversary.”

“That sounds like my Sunshine.”

“Whatever,” she laughs. “Just open the bag,” she grumbles as she settles back in my lap on the floor.

I reach inside the bag and pull out a handful of pink and blue confetti. I stare at it in confusion and then, shock. Finally, everything clicks into place and happiness surges through me.


“We’re going to have a baby, Braden!” she cries, reaching into the bag and throwing the confetti around us.

“We’re going to have a baby,” I repeat, still in shock.

“We are!” she says, grinning.

“I love you, Sunshine,” I whisper, it finally dawning on me that when Ophelia came into my life I received a miracle. Everything I’ve gone through was more than worth it, because in the end…

I have her.

“I love you, Braden, my grouchy, sexy mountain man,” she says and then, because I can’t hold back any longer, I kiss her—loving her with everything I am.EpilogueOpheliaTwo Months LaterI stand at the archway that Jules fixed for the wedding. Jules owns an antique store in town called Jules’ Junk and she’s helped me find the best vintage accessories to throw this outside wedding. It’s not huge. Braden is a loner and other than Cora—Judd’s girlfriend—and Jules, I really don’t have any friends. They’re fast becoming my tribe, however and every single day I give thanks that I found myself here in Thickwood, Colorado.

Most of all, I’m thankful for the man standing up there, waiting for me. Judd is standing beside him, serving as his best man, but I can’t tear my eyes away from Braden. He’s wearing a fireman dress uniform. He’s retired from there, having received disability and a discharge because of being hurt in the line of duty, but in his heart he will always be a fireman and seeing him now my heart swells with pride. As the music begins, Cora—my maid of honor—looks back at me and grins. I can feel the tears begin to gather in my eyes.

I don’t really have family. All I ever had is my grandmother, and she’s no longer with me, but I know in my heart she is truly happy for me. Yet, I know I’ve found a home in Thickwood, and Braden and our child will be the only family I will ever need.

My hand moves over my stomach and I rub it gently. Soon, Braden and I will find out if we will be having a girl or a boy. I don’t really care, but I wouldn’t mind having a little boy with as much heart and love to give as his father. The world needs more men like Braden.

I hear the crowd start laughing when Rascal and Bogo—who only responds to Bacon now, thanks to Braden—start walking up the aisle. Rascal is wearing nothing but a red bowtie, but Bogo is wearing a pink tux. They’re walking up the aisle side by side and I see Braden shaking his head. He thinks I’m crazy, but he’s laughing and that was my main goal. It will always be my goal. Braden didn’t have laughter before we got together and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure he has it for the rest of our lives.

Soon, I finally get to walk to my man and stand beside him. I’m not wearing a veil, just a simple white dress. I didn’t want nothing fancy. I just wanted simple as I stood before the man I love, and we started our lives together. There are only about six guests in total, but that’s how both Braden and I wanted it.

“You look beautiful Sunshine,” Braden murmurs against my ear as he holds me close.