Nothing has ever felt so good.13OpheliaOne Week LaterI lean up against the side of the house, watching as Braden chops wood for the fireplace. It’s warm through the day, but we’re at the odd time of year when you need air conditioning in the day and a little heat in the mornings. I don’t mind it. I like having a fire in the fireplace. I actually like everything about being here and as crazy as it seems…

I think I’m in love with Braden.

I’ve never been in love before, but everything with Braden is different. In the last week we’ve done little more than kissing and heavy petting. Still, every night, I sleep in his bed, he holds me in his arms, and I sleep without worry. Every morning he wakes me up kissing me good morning. A girl could get used to that feeling and it’s scary.

But I can’t stop it.

I’m connected to him. It’s like we’re linked by invisible ribbons and I love that feeling. As if to prove my point, Braden looks up at me and smiles. I hold out my hand, showing him the forgotten lemonade, I brought out to him. I got distracted by watching him chopping wood with his shirt off, sweat making his skin glistening, his muscle rippling with his moves.

He truly is beautiful. He has several bad scars along his back and a few on his chest. Plus, his face has that one really bad scar. I know they had to be painful and he’s lucky that he didn’t lose his eye. Still, they don’t detract from his beauty.

And he is beautiful.

I love everything about him, which brings me full circle.

I love Braden.

“Thank you, Sunshine,” he says coming over to take the drink from my hand and taking a drink. Once he does, he presses his lips against mine. I taste the tart taste of the lemonade, but more importantly I taste the salty-male goodness that is all Braden.

“You’re welcome,” I murmur. “I was wondering if I could ask for a favor?”

“Funny you should ask,” he says with a grin. “I was just thinking that I’d give you anything, as long as I get to kiss you whenever I want.”

I blush. I know I am. I can’t help it. Still, his words make me feel good.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I mutter.

“What did you need?”

“I was hoping you could drive me down to my van.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Sunshine. I should have had it up here sooner. I just didn’t like the idea of you doing too much—at least until you were fully recovered.”

“It’s okay. But I’ve been healthy for a week now. I think I’m good to go.”

“We can go get it after lunch if you want,” he says, draining his drink and putting the cup back down on the patio table beside us.

“Thanks. I mean, it’s good that you have these clothes here that I’ve been able to wear and all…”


“I’m not asking who they belong to, only that it’s kind of weird wearing someone else’s clothes,” I laugh, self-consciously. “Besides, my boobs and butt are a little bigger than whoever wore them before me.”

“They’re a hell of a lot sexier, too,” he growls, playfully, leaning in to kiss the side of my neck.

“Good to know, I guess.”

“Hey, Sunshine, you don’t need to worry about another—”

“It’s okay, Braden. I just want my own things. And who knows with any luck the bridge will be fixed and I can leave to—”

“It is fixed,” he says, his voice annoyed.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“The bridge was fixed days ago.”

“It was? Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“For this very reason,” he growls, turning away from me, his body tense.

“What are you talking about?”

“I didn’t tell you, because I knew if I did you’d want to leave and I don’t want that, Ophelia,” he says turning around to face me.

“Braden,” I respond, and my voice is so quiet that I can’t be sure he can even hear me. I can’t hear myself. All I hear is the pounding of my heart.

“I don’t want you going anywhere,” he says, his face serious. “You belong here, with me.”14Braden“Braden, you should have told me the bridge was fixed.”

“Why? I wanted more time. I needed more time.”

“What does that even mean?”

“You can’t deny this is good between us, Ophelia,” I growl, feeling uncomfortable. I rub the back of my neck trying to figure out what in the hell to do.

“This? I mean, it has been good, and I can admit I’m happy being with you, but—”

“No buts. That’s what you need to concentrate one. You’re happy and I’m happy. That’s all that matters.”

“You’re being crazy. Did you think you could just pretend the bridge was washed out forever and I wouldn’t start wondering why we never ran out of groceries?”

“No. I didn’t mean to never tell you. It just never came up and I thought we were happy like this,” I insist stubbornly.