“You are, aren’t you?” she asks softly, stepping into me.

“I am what?” I ask, slightly confused, but that’s probably because I’m getting lost in her beautiful eyes. If I could have dreamed the perfect mate, it would be Jasinda. There’s not one thing about her that I would change. The only thing that would make her better is if she was heavy with my child. But perhaps that seed has already been planted. If it hasn’t yet, it will be by the time this night is over.

“My male,” she responds and I can’t stop myself from leaning down to taste her lips. It’s not the kiss I long to give her, but it’s a small one full of promise.

“I am, sweet Jasinda. Completely yours. Have faith, sweetheart. I’m not giving you up now that I just found you,” I vow.

“Then go kick some ass,” she says with a smile, most of the worry fading from her face and confidence now in its place.

She believes in me.

That’s all I need.

“I accept your challenge, Stark. Come try to take me, if you think you can,” I taunt him, stepping into the clearing away from Wyatt and the others as I take my shirt off and throw it on the ground. Next, I kick off my boots as my wolf bleeds through the surface.

My vision shifts as Stark steps up and begins undressing. We shift almost simultaneously and as my paws hit the ground, I let the aggression I feel in my body take over. I will end this quickly. I have a woman who needs me now.9JasindaI can’t watch, not when my mate shifts, not when I feel the air electrically charged, or the rush of emotion and aggression fill the air. Two waging packs, standing on either side of the males, ready to see who becomes the victor.

Although this won’t be a death match, I still can’t watch, still can’t see if Colt gets hurt, which undoubtedly, he will since I know Stark is a fierce fighter.

I have my hands covering my mouth and I’m shaking my head, wanting to go to them, to tell Colt this isn’t how it has to be. I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions, decide who I mate with.

Kendra has her hand wrapped tightly around mine, gently pulling me away. It’s probably for the best. I don’t think I could’ve controlled myself if and when it started.

We’re walking through the woods now, the sound of the fight loud, intense. I look up at her with wide eyes, shaking my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. She gives me a small, sympathetic smile.

“It’ll be okay,” she says and a part of me knows that that’s true. But another part of me screams for me to go back, to make sure things end the way they should.

Because even if Stark comes out the victor, I know Colt won’t let me go. He won’t stop until he’s dead.

“Stark won’t win,” Kendra says and I realize I’ve said that out loud. “Is this your first time seeing a dominance fight?”

I’m nodding but my focus is where we’ve just left, where the fight is going strong, where the growls are echoing off trees.

“I feel so out of it.”

“It’ll be okay. Colt is strong. I can see that in him, smell it in the air. It’s why Stark wanted to fight. He wants that strength, wants everyone to know that he can best the best.”

I let go of her hand and take a step toward the fight when I hear a loud roar rip through the air. I’m shaking my head, my heart racing.

No, I will not be weak. I will not be pulled away and hope for the best.

I’m running through the woods, back to my mate. I see the wolves fighting for dominance, their big bodies going after one another, the iron tang of blood coating the air. I can’t control myself, can’t control my emotions. They’re too strong.

I feel the shift coming over me. I feel my bones breaking and realigning, my hands turning into paws, my nails into claws. My face elongates, my snout forming, my teeth popping out, fangs emerging.

I drop onto all fours and tip my head back, howling out in anguish, in anger. I’m not going to let anyone take this from me. I’m not going to let anyone, least of all my father, take my mate from me.

Without thinking, I jump into the fight, my teeth digging into the back of Stark’s neck, my claws defending myself and my mate. Colt snaps at Stark, a warning for me to go, his voice in my head urging me to leave, that if I got hurt he couldn’t live with himself.



The sound of the two Alphas rang through all of our heads, stopping us, causing the fight to cease.