“I’m good at going slow too, Red.”

“You realize I’m not the girl for you, Luke,” she drawls, her eyes narrowing on me.

“I think I’m a better judge of that than you are.”

“You’re crazy. I have to go. I’m going to be late and Mom and Dad are already giving me hell as it is.”

Jesus. Mom and Dad?

“How old are you?”

“Oh, I know that tone,” she laughs. “Is big-bad-wanna-be-biker afraid I’m jailbait?”

“Woman, there’s nothing wanna-be about me,” I grumble.

“You said you were looking to join up with Skull’s crew.”

“No, you just assumed that’s what I meant,” I correct her, and she stares at me and then shakes her head.

“Why do I get the feeling that you are very skilled at getting information and not giving any?”

“Because you’re smart,” I tell her, smiling. That’s something else that’s new. I’ve smiled all evening. Yeah, I’m seriously strung up over this chick. Prez is going to seriously kick my ass for not following the other girl today. I should worry about that, but I’m not going to. I don’t actually give a damn right now—probably because I’m thinking with my dick.

A throbbing hard dick that’s dying to get inside this sassy little redhead…

“Are you jailbait, Red?”

“What would you do if I said yes?”

“Back off, at least for now. I’ve done a stint in jail, don’t really have an inclination to go back any time soon.”

“Yeah, it’s not a fun place,” she says, her green eyes clouding.

“What does a pretty little thing like you know about jail?” Damn, if I’m not getting the vibe that she does. Seems Red has a lot of layers and damn if I’m not liking every single one of them.

“It’s been fun, Grunt, I’m sure I’ll see you later,” she mutters, turning away from me.

I grab her wrist, pulling her back around. She spins in my direction, her hand coming out to slap against my chest to steady herself.

“What the hell?” she huffs, clearly pissed off.

“You either call me Luke or baby, or some shit like that. The name Grunt never passes your lips again, Red.”

She opens her mouth to give me more sass but must think twice about it, because it snaps shut a second later. Then, her eyes narrow, and I swear to God her eyes look like they’re throwing fire at me. It’s burning me too—right in the fucking balls. When I get a hold of this girl, I may not let her out of my bed for a week.

“How about I don’t talk to you ever again? Then, we don’t have to worry about whether I call you Grunt or asshole. How does that work for you, baby?”

“I’ve warned you once, Red. That’s the only warning you get. Personally, I want you to push me. I’d take great pleasure in punishing your sweet ass.”

“Punishing…” Her eyes dilate as she says that one word, her ivory skin, heating with color. “My sweet ass?” she screeches. “Are you delusional? You’re not getting anywhere near my ass and if you try, so help me God, I’ll cut off your balls and serve them to you!”

“There’s my fire,” I growl, putting my hand at the back of her neck and taking her mouth, my cock so hard that it’s painful.

Jasmine holds her body stiff, not giving in at all. I plunder her mouth with a bruising force, my hold on her neck just as punishing. I don’t allow her to get away from me, to run from this. I feel the vibration of her humming and slowly her body softens, and she begins kissing me back. Her tongue fighting for dominance, trying to take over. I don’t let her. Jasmine needs to learn that I’m in charge, but I’ll give her everything she needs and more.

She will…in time…6Jasmine“Will you pay attention to me?” Gabby chastises.

My head jerks away from the window to look at her. I don’t even pretend that I was listening. I don’t have that in me today.

“Sorry. What were you saying?”

“What is up with you today, Jazzy?” Gabby mutters clearly exasperated.

When Gabby gets upset, her brow crinkles up and her eyes narrow. She really is beautiful, but when she’s pissed she reminds me of a teacher I had in grade school. Ms. Hester was so intimidating when she was mad. She walked around with a ruler slapping against her hand and you just knew it was going to come down like the hammer of Thor and get your hand at any moment. Ms. Hester didn’t care that the world had shifted away from corporal punishment. She was more of the spare the rod, spoil the child mindset.

“Nothing,” I lie. “Just have crap on my mind.”

“Shit, is Officer Jerk-Off bothering you again?”

“Nah. It’s been silent on that front at least,” I mutter, not liking even wasting a moment thinking about Dewayne.