“Not likely,” she huffs.

“We both know I can get you under control in three minutes,” I boast.

“You get any of your appendages near me and I will go feral on your ass and bite them off,” she says a little too sweetly, her eyes scary.

Maybe I ought to rethink my attraction to redheads. Jasmine’s temper is something to behold.

“Can we bring the attention back to my daughter. If you want to avoid a club war, I want your son’s head on a pike,” Ford growls.

“I’m thinking we need to move this bullshit out of my station. If there is a war, I’m going to use what is said here against every last one of you motherfuckers,” Garner growls.

Everyone ignores him.

“His head on a pike? And you call my ass old?” Dragon laughs. “How did you even get a club? Did you start while you were in kindergarten and still wearing your damn diapers? Watch too many old war movies to try and sound cool?”

“The only one wearing diapers around here is probably you and your crew. Do you singlehandedly keep Depends in business, old man?”

“You got jokes,” Dragon says, with a deadly smile. “Jokes that are going to get you killed.

“Bring it. If you don’t have your son at the Virginia state line by Exxon in the morning, you won’t need to worry about what I’m going to do,” Ford promises. “Because I’ll definitely show you.”

“Man, you’re crazier than hell. I don’t even know your daughter,” Dom interjects.

“You’re lying.”

“The fuck I am,” Dom growls, and I’m starting to wonder if his temper might rival his father’s.

“You haven’t even seen her picture to see what my daughter looks like. How could you tell me if you know her or not?” Ford points out.

“The only pussy I’ve been getting is in Kentucky,” Dom snarls. “It comes looking for me motherfucker. I don’t have to go to another state to hunt it down.”

“I…I have to go,” Gabby says, and it’s clear her face is crushed, you can already see the tears in her eyes.

“Gabriella,” Skull calls, but Gabby is already out the door.

“Shit,” Dom hisses, but he doesn’t follow Gabby out.

Jasmine looks up at me and I nod my agreement to her.

“This isn’t over,” she warns.

“Didn’t think it was, baby,” I admit and when she goes to walk by me, I grab her arm and pull her into me and kiss her. “Love you, Red,” I tell her, softly. “The rest is just bullshit. You were mine from the first moment I saw you.”

“I can vouch for that. You’re all the asshole could concentrate on,” Jonesy adds, maybe not so helpfully.

“You can grovel later,” she mutters, turning away from me.

“Is grovel code for eating out your sweet cunt, baby?” I ask her when she gets to the door.

Her back goes straight.

“Motherfucker, now I’m going to tear your tongue out of your head,” Dancer yells.


“Yeah, baby?” Dancer asks, while he and I stare at one another.

“Kick my troll in the balls,” she instructs.

I frown, my brow creasing at my confusion as I try to figure out what the fuck she’s talking about. It distracts me and because of that, I miss the fact that Dancer’s leg kicks out and nails be right in the nuts with his steel-toed riding boots.

“Fuck,” I hiss, grabbing my junk and trying to breathe to keep from passing out.

Jasmine walks out, leaving me in pain.

“That’s Daddy’s little girl right there,” Dancer brags, looking at me like he’s still not satisfied.

“Well, she’s my woman and I hope you weren’t wanting grandkids other than Daisy, because I think you caused permanent harm,” I hiss trying to straighten up.

“A fucker can hope,” he shrugs, not one bit sorry.

“Let’s get out of here. The air in Kentucky is choking me,” Ford orders.

“It won’t just be the air, come morning. Better enjoy your last night on earth motherfucker,” Dragon warns.

“It was me.”

One voice comes out of the silence as we all stand there looking at one another.

Then, Dragon’s son comes up to stand in front of his father.

“You?” Ford asks.

“If Lyla is your dau…daughter then, yes. I didn’t kn…know she was pregnant.”

“Well, she is,” Ford says, sizing up the man who apparently has balls enough to take responsibility. It’s clear he has an issue talking, whether that’s nerves or something else, I can’t be sure. He sure as hell doesn’t look nervous though. He looks…resigned.

“I want to…to talk to her.”

“Then, you can come back to Virginia with me and my boys,” Ford says, crossing his arms.

“The hell he will. Motherfucker, I don’t like you. I sure as hell don’t trust you and there’s no way my son is going into your territory,” Dragon all but roars.

“I give you my word he won’t be harmed. I’ll send him back to you and give you twenty-four hours before war truly starts between us,” Ford says, as if he is discussing the weather and not a club war that will end up in a bloodbath.