
“Don’t you Red me. You told me it was Ford that was interested in Gabby and I told you she was too young for him.”


“Hold up. Mr. Melt-Your-Panties was interested in me, but you didn’t tell me?” Gabby cries walking into the fray.

“Mierda, Gabriella do not talk about some man melting your bragas in front of your padre,” Skull responds in broken Spanish.

“No offense blondie, but fucking you would be like fucking a cheaper version of my daughter. Never going to happen.”

Gabby blinks… “Whatever, but honey, I’m not cheap,” she mutters, hand on her hip.

“This I can attest to,” Skull responds, apparently not bothering to take offense with Ford, which is one very small mercy in this mess.

I don’t have time to worry about it, however, because I’m busy getting death glares from Jasmine and the rest of her family.

“Red, baby,” I start, hoping her face might soften, some of the anger leach out of her—it doesn’t. She continues staring. I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. “Okay, fine. I let you think that, because it was easier at the time.”

“By easier, you mean I wouldn’t leave your ass when I found out you’ve been using me all this time.”

“That’s bullshit, Jasmine and you know it. I haven’t been doing my job for the club—”

“That’s definitely something I can agree to,” Ford says, and I cast him a look over my shoulder. He’s still pissed, so maybe it’s not wise to talk to him about this shit just yet.

“It’s a weak-ass punk who tries to lead and can’t control his men,” Dragon snaps.

“Yeah, how’d that work out for you? Last time you were relevant in my world, my father was talking about how you went into hiding not long after one of your own men tried to kill your woman and family,” Ford accuses.

“I’m going to have such fun in cutting you up in little tiny pieces and feeding you to the birds, motherfucker.

“You can try, old man, you can try,” Ford responds, laying it down.

“This, Red!” I growl. “This bullshit was what I was trying to contain. I figured if I could locate Dom and maybe talk to him man to man about Lyla, this shit could be handled easily. I should have known better though, because where you’re involved nothing is ever fucking easy,” I huff.

“Wait, so now all of this shit is my fault?” she asks, her eyes about to bug out of her head.

“You never do what you’re told!”

“Oh shit,” Hawk hisses.

“Well, fuck a duck. It looks like I’m not going to be getting a son-in-law after all,” Dancer adds, and he sounds entirely too happy about that.

“I’m thinking that’s a good thing, since we’re riding into war against his club in the morning,” Dragon replies.

“What’s wrong old man? You need a power nap first? Have to go home and drink your Ensure before you head to Virginia?”

“I’m going to start with your tongue, cutting it out first would do the fucking world a favor,” Dragon threatens.

“You seem to have an unhealthy fascination with tongues, mi amigo,” Skull tells him and Jesus, he looks like he’s enjoying all of this bullshit.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Dragon growls, apparently picking up on the laughter in Skull’s words, along with the smile on his face. “If I go to war then you do too, motherfucker. We’re allies.”

“I’m ready to fight by your side, Dragon. It’s just…” he shrugs as if he’s trying to form the words carefully—which might be wise. “I’m just glad that your sons have decided to give another father a headache instead of mí,” he finally says with a laugh.

Dragon growls under his breath, I wouldn’t be surprised if the man could truly breathe fire.

“Do what I’m told?” Jasmine asks, so quietly that I can barely hear her over all of the angry breathing in the room.

“I told you to go to our house and protect Daisy. If you had done that, then this scene right here wouldn’t be happening.”

“So, all of this is my fault?” she cries.

“If the shoe fits, Red,” I growl.

“Damn, that boy has balls. No brains, but balls,” some guy standing beside Hawk says. I have to look twice at him because he’s wearing a t-shirt that has a warning sign on it and then shows stick figures of a woman giving a man head. Underneath it, it reads:

Warning, choking hazard.

Package contains large parts.

Then, underneath the words is an arrow pointing down. If I wasn’t worried Jasmine may try to fucking run again, and Ford would try to kill the head of the Savage crew, I’d laugh.

“I was trying to help my old man. That’s when I thought I had an old man. Don’t worry, I won’t make that mistake again,” she snaps.

“You definitely have an old man. I’ll remind you of that bullshit when we get out of here.”