I know that’s what he’s doing too. I spotted that car a couple of times since leaving Red’s parent’s home. I thought he might play it smart and not bother me tonight. I figured he was just scoping shit out before he planned an attack—and I knew he would attack. Weak-ass men who can’t handle their own shit always do. Sadly, Lagger is not that smart, so here we are. It’s okay. I would have preferred not to have Jasmine and Daisy around when it happened and I’ll have to let Officer Numb-nuts believe he’s in charge for a bit, but I can deal.

“Get back in the truck, Luke. Let’s just leave,” Jasmine says, from inside the cab.

“That you, Jazzy baby? I haven’t seen you in so long. How are you?” Lagger laughs.

“Fuck you, Dewayne,” she hisses. “You need to leave. We’re not doing anything wrong here.”

“You’re loitering beside a busy highway. It looked very suspicious,” Lagger explains.

I look out at the empty road and then slowly bring my gaze back to him. “Yeah, it’s really busy tonight,” I respond, sounding bored.

“What’s going on here, anyway? You stop beside the road to fuck her? Jazzy loves it in the open. She always was an exhibitionist,” Lagger taunts.

“You have a point to this stop or did you just want to piss me off?” I ask him, still keeping my voice monotone. I’m not rising to this guy’s bait. He wants to upset me. He has, but he’ll never know it—not until it’s too late for him to save his ass.

“I’m going to need to see your license and registration,” Lagger says, his face tight, his enjoyment fading as I’m the one succeeding in pissing him off.

“Gee, Officer Lagger, I must have left that at home,” I respond mildly, leaning against the side of my truck like I haven’t got a care in the world.

“Is that a fact?” he responds, his mask slipping until you can see the ugly lurking below.

“That it is.”

“I see you know who I am,” he laughs.

“Jasmine and I don’t have any secrets,” I tell him, still managing to sound bored.

“Oh, I bet I could tell you more than a few things that you don’t know about little Jazzy,” he taunts.

Jasmine jumps out of the truck and stands beside me. I let out an annoyed breath. I need her to hold her cool, but I know my woman and that’s not going to happen.

“You need to get the hell out of here, Dewayne. We’re not doing anything wrong. If you keep this up, then I’ll have charges filed on you for harassment,” she huffs, fire practically spitting from her eyes.

“Red, get in the truck.”

“Red? I guess that works, at least you won’t get in trouble for forgetting her name. She’s kind of a snooze-fest in the sack. That is, unless you bring a party. Jasmine here likes to get it from all ends, if you get what I’m saying.”

“You bastard,” Jasmine hisses, and lunges toward him. I wrap my arm around her stomach and haul her back.

“I’m sure you’re enjoying yourself here, Lagger. But, if we could get a move on with this, I’d appreciate it. I got somewhere I want to be and it’s not here with you while you try to see if you have the bigger dick. You won’t win, so whatever it is you want, let’s get it done and you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.”

“I don’t have to prove that my cock is bigger than yours. Jazzy knows the truth. She used to love gagging on it while my buddy gave it to her up the ass, didn’t you Jazzy? How do you like getting my sloppy seconds, man?” he laughs, no humor on his face, only hate.

“You asshole!” Jasmine yells, then she lunges at him spitting in his face.

Lagger hauls off before I can stop him or pull Jasmine to safety and backhands her across the face, tagging her cheek with his ring and splitting her lip. I pull Jasmine back, but seeing the blood on her face instantly has me seeing red. I pull her back against the car.

“Stay fucking put,” I growl.

Then, I lead fist first, planting it in Lagger’s face without a thought. He falls back onto the ground, his nose spouting blood out like a stuck pig.

He draws his gun pointing it up at me and I freeze, never taking my eyes off of him.

“You better be a good shot with that, because I’ll choke the life out of you if I live even a few seconds after you shoot me, motherfucker,” I growl at him, my voice deadly.

“Put your hands behind your back,” Lagger orders, spitting up blood as he scrambles.

“Fuck you.”

“Put your hands behind your fucking back!” he yells, scrambling to stand up. I charge him, knocking the gun out of his hand.