I don’t know why she’s determined that her and I are meant to be enemies without even really talking, but whatever. I can roll with it.

“That’s my Luke,” I say—a little too sweetly. “He’s full of surprises,” I add and then I slap my hand against his chest. To the outside world it looks like a touch of familiarity, a close couple. Yet, I slap him a little too hard, because you don’t pull this shit on a woman. I don’t know if I’m more upset about the fact that he’d planned on giving me his cut tonight, or that there’s a party.

“Well, I guess congrats are in order, honey. You’ve managed to do what every woman here has tried to do for years,” Gina says, turning her attention back to me.

“What’s that?”

“Tie Grunt to their bed and keep his interest. The girls and I were starting to wonder if it was even possible.”

Luke lets out that snort of air again. To be fair, if he has to deal with women like this on a daily basis, I can see why he does little more than snort. Sometimes there are just no words.

Unless, of course, you are me.

“Oh that’s easy,” I tell her. “I never tried to tie him to my bed.”

“You don’t? Like to leave it all open? A girl after my own heart,” she says and Luke’s hand tightens on my shoulder, but I knew without feeling that or even looking that he wasn’t happy with me. I can just sense the change in him. It’s weird, like we’re connected and I should worry about that instead of putting Gina here in her place, but I’ve never been smart when dealing with people.

“Oh hell, once it’s mine, it’s mine, I’ll cut a bitch if she tries to touch it,” I tell her, my voice friendly enough, but my face leaving no doubt that I’m telling the truth.


“I just knew better than to try and tie Luke to any bed. He ties me to his,” I tell her. I look up at Luke like a besotted school girl—which sadly isn’t that hard to do. He’s looking down at me, his lips relaxed in a smile and his face happy. Damn it, even his eyes are sparkling with it. “Sometimes he keeps me tied to it for hours and hours.”


“The men here in Virginia definitely have stamina,” I tell Gina, cutting her off. “Either that or I just hit the hot biker jackpot.” I shrug.

“Jesus, Red,” Luke says. “Let me go introduce you to Ford and the others before I take you in the back and show you that you hit the jackpot.”

“Are both offers on the table?” I reply with a grin, all too happy to be taken away from Gina.

“What am I going to do with you?” he asks, when we’re finally clear from her.

“I have a few ideas,” I say mildly.

“I bet you do.”

“Don’t think you’re going to get away with not explaining about the cut and why you’re bringing me to the party, Luke darling.”

“I didn’t figure I was, Red. It’s okay though.”

“It is?” I ask, looking up at him.

“Yeah, babe, because I really dig the way I get to fuck you after I let you bust my balls.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re an asshole.”

He laughs but doesn’t say anything and all I can do is sigh, because it’s this very moment that I realize I’m completely in love with Luke.

Shit.28GruntI’m not a man that’s given to nerves. I’ve charged into a warehouse full of drugs with guns pointed at me and my brothers and not blinked an eye. I’ve spent time in jail with some badass motherfuckers and not worried a fucking bit.

But bringing Jasmine to my club has me sweating. She handled Gina like a champ and managed to turn me on at the same time. I should have known Jasmine was capable of that.

“You’ve been kind of scarce the last two days, Grunt. Was wondering if you were going to show tonight.”

I look over at Sledge. His words are relaxed, his face not so much. The SOB is miserable as fuck. He knows it, hell we all know it. We’ve all wondered why he tied himself to Gina. She’s a good tumble in bed, but that’s about it when it comes to her appeal. She’s taken the position of old lady to heart though and the other girls respect her, especially since she used to be one of them. Since Ford is single, she’s pretty much head honcho with the women and it’s a role she enjoys. She might not be my favorite person, but I have to admit she’s good to Daisy, sweet to her and I know Daisy needs that. I know shit about being a parent. I never had a mom, and I didn’t want that life for Daisy…