“You like that,” he says, and I could deny it, but why?

“Oh yeah,” I confirm.

“I knew the moment I saw you that you were going to be trouble, Red.”

“Considering I’m the one that has been kidnapped, I think you got that all wrong, Luke.”

“I told you, you’re not a prisoner,” he mutters and clearly it upsets him that I keep referring to it like that.

“So, I’m free to go?”

His brow wrinkles and his eyes grow darker, filled with intent.

“Do you want to leave me, Red?”

I sigh, my hand comes up to run my finger across the name on his cut. I don’t know who the Demon Chasers are. I’m not sure it would matter if I did. Are they friend or foe to the Savage Brothers? Do I really want to know?

I wish I paid attention when Dad talked about the different club names, but I just never did. He wanted to keep that stuff far away from my Mom. It wasn’t because she minded, but more so because he didn’t want her involved. He always said he had caused her enough pain in her life. I never understood that completely until Dewayne felt the need to tell me. That’s just another reason to hate the bastard.

“Red?” Luke prompts me, before I can get too lost in my thoughts.

“No, but I do have things I need to do, Luke. I have a job interview coming up—”

“You don’t need a job.”

I roll my eyes. “I want to work.”

“Then, there are jobs here in Virginia too.”

“You’ve got an answer for every problem, don’t you, Luke?”

“I can try,” he says, leaning down to softly kiss my lips. I let him, because I need that connection with him.

“I’m supposed to have lunch with Gabby this week. She’s going through a hard time. She’s probably the only friend I have in the world. I don’t want to stand her up.”

I watch something pass over his face. I don’t know what it is and couldn’t name it if I tried. Something about it is unsettling though.

“Invite her up here.”

“No way would she be able to get away. Her dad would have a cow.”

“So? I get the feeling neither one of you do what your fathers order, Jasmine.”

“Maybe not,” I reluctantly agree. Still…”

“Invite her up. If she wants to come, we can go get her and take her back home when it’s all done.”

“When it’s all done?”

“Your lunch I mean,” he says, turning away.

“Hey,” I respond, grabbing hold of his cut and pulling.

He turns back to look at me and where once I saw warmth and hunger in his eyes, now they seem closed off.

“Don’t do that,” I tell him.

“Do what?”

I want to beg him not to pull away from me or shut himself off. I could be overreacting, because I can feel those old wounds left over from Dewayne. They’re raw right now and I feel exposed. I know that’s because I care about Luke. I vowed that would never happen again, and yet here I am. Still, I’m not going to beg. Luke will either care for me, or he won’t.

God I hope he will.

“Don’t shut down. I’ll ask Gabby if she wants to come visit.”

“Sounds good,” he says and maybe he’s trying to smile, but his face is tight with irritation. I don’t want to rock the boat anymore today. So, I decide to change the subject.

“I’m hungry,” I tell him. “Someone made me work up an appetite,” I add, wrapping my arms as far as I can get around him and hugging him tight.

“Is that so?”

“Definitely,” I hum.

“Then, let’s go find my girl a hamburger.”

“And a milkshake,” I add.

His eyes finally warm back up and in turn, warm me.

“And a milkshake,” he says, running his hand through my hair. “Hey, Red?”

“Yeah, baby?”

He stares at my lips and then slowly brings his eyes up to mine.

“I like when you call me baby,” he says and although I know that’s not what he started to say, I like the smile on his face. So, I go up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

“I aim to please.” I murmur against his lips.

“Oh, don’t worry, Red. You do that and more,” he says. For some reason, that feels like the biggest praise I’ve ever received in my life. He drapes an arm around my shoulder. I put one around his back, and we walk over to the main part of the park together.

I can’t remember ever experiencing anything better.

I’m not sure I ever will.17Grunt“Okay, Gabby. Yeah. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I look at Jasmine as she hangs up the phone. Her face is a mixture of concern and disappointment.

“Not coming?” I ask and maybe I shouldn’t be, but damn I’m relieved.

“Not right now. She’s having men trouble again.”


“Yeah, a long story but Gabby is pretty much always having men problems.”